Identifying the Vaccinology-Illiterate Among Us

Original version posted at Transcend Media Service.

25 Jun 2019


Vaccinology is the science of developing vaccines to prevent diseases and how the immune system responds to vaccines. The science also includes evaluation of immunization programs, vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Vaccine Literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand the information that underlies the enormously complex data involved in vaccine science. The Pfizer Papers: Pfi... The WarRoom/DailyClout... Best Price: $29.95 Buy New $19.99 (as of 06:27 UTC - Details)

Vaccinology illiteracy means that an individual is incapable of, hasn’t had the opportunity to learn vaccine science or is not interested in achieving literacy in the science.

Internet Troll – According to WikiPedia, an internet troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussions whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

Corporate Shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a corporation without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the corporation. Shills are often used for propaganda purposes and in professional marketing campaigns.


“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.” – Bob Dylan

In his iconic anthem “The Times They Are A-Changin’” (1962), Minnesota’s Bob Dylan immortalized the totally logical imperative (“don’t criticize”) that admonishes those who want to express their thoughts about an issue to keep their mouths shut until they have done the thorough research into the available unbiased science or history that might make clear what their stance should be before they spout off or blog about it or vote for some politician who has spouted off on issues he doesn’t understand. (By unbiased I mean that the science and history has not been influenced or re-written by some profiteering corporation or by those that are under the influence of those corporations.)

This essay is only partially about the highly-profitable over-vaccination campaigns conducted by Big Pharma and Big Medicine that are highly promoted by the “vaccinology-illiterate”. Sadly most of those illiterates don’t realize that they aren’t even close to understanding the totality of the real science that they are criticizing.

In fact there are very few scientists on the planet that truly understand the entirety of what could be known about vaccinology – and I admit that I am not one of them. But I have spent hundreds of hours reading and studying many books on vaccinology (many of which are in my personal library). I have also studied a lot of the journal articles and testimony of many vaccinology experts, and I also know that the so-called investigative journalists and trolls that are writing about the subject are actually illiterate about real vaccine science. In the process of criticizing what they don’t understand (and accusing those serious researchers who understand a lot more than they do) they are embarrassingly exposing their ignorance.

The subject of how to recognize a vaccinology illiterate individual would take a book-length treatise, but here are a small handful of tip-offs:

  • “Vaccinology illiterates” never mention the fact that vaccine manufacturers, in their clinical trials that they are obligated to do before applying for FDA approval, never do any testing on the safety or efficacy of their new vaccines when they are intramuscularly injected simultaneously with other vaccines(!);
  • When corporate “vaccinology illiterates” want to stir up the demand for more over-vaccination efforts, they repeatedly and endlessly have their equally vaccinology-illiterate journalist colleagues write about the latest viral infection outbreak (the one in New York only amounted to 900+ people out of a population of 302,000,000 over a period of 6 months!), and never mention that many of the victims had already been fully vaccinated;
  • Vaccine illiterate journalists and trolls never listen to or interview the parents of the thousands of children that have been vaccine-injured, vaccine-killed or have been afflicted with vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders;
  • Vaccine illiterate journalists, editors and publishers never interview the real unbiased vaccinology experts for their radio or television shows (check the latest hit piece from the BBC’s Claudia Hammond (with anthropologist(!) Heidi Larson who has been hired by Wellcome Trust [which was acquired by vaccine maker GSK years ago) to start the Vaccine Confidence Project in England. Can you guess what the subject matter will be?

The hit piece can be found here.

Note that every person in that piece that was invited to be interviewed was a vaccine illiterate individual (except for the discredited multimillionaire pediatrician Paul Offit who has terminal conflicts of interest only partly because he made his millions by patenting and licensing (to a major vaccine corporation) his own rotavirus vaccine. (Wellcome Trust, by the way, is currently collaborating with vaccine-maker Merck on a joint venture deal in an Indian vaccine manufacturing project.)

  •  To back up their opinions and bloggings on the safety or efficacy of vaccines, vaccine illiterates naively (or intentionally) use discredited sources of information that are supplied by profiteering corporate entities, paid-off government agencies or medical lobbying groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics that have serious conflicts of interest that they try hard to hide.
  • Vaccine illiterates never point out the following over-vaccination schedule for American children for 2019 that some vaccinology literate scientists project will cause a 50% incidence of autism spectrum disorders in American boys in just a few decades, that is, unless the once sacred Hippocratic Oath, the Precautionary Principle and the principle of Fully Informed Consent is somehow resurrected and then applied by the pediatric and medical communities;
  • etc, etc, etc. More on the vaccinology-illiterate later in this essay.

Study this chart and understand that there are toxins in each of them, some of which have synergistic adverse effects.

Below is a short list of untrustworthy corporate influences that have gradually acquired almost total control over the public conversations concerning the endlessly increasing number of neurotoxin-containing and auto-immunity-inducing vaccines. Sadly, the many internet trolls make gleeful use of the skewed disinformation from these sources (the many internet trolls are not listed, they can usually be found at the very top of Google’s lists):

  • profiteering corporations (like the hundreds of Big Pharma and Big Vaccine companies such as Merck, Lilly, Pfizer, AbbVie, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, Sanofi, to name just a few);
  • co-opted, non-elected, governmental oversight agencies that happily take enormous amounts of money from profiteering corporations that the agencies naively deny affects their decision-making (Ex: CDC, FDA, NIH, NIMH, NIST, etc, etc);
  • profit-minded and professional career-protecting medical lobbying groups that try to deflect any and all evidence of the current iatrogenic disease epidemic (even beyond the over-vaccination epidemic) that is going on all around us (Ex: AMA, AAFP, AAP, APA, etc, etc);
  • the Big Pharma-/Big Vaccine-influenced mainstream media that takes 70% of its revenues from Big Pharma’s profiteers (thus self-silencing themselves when their investigative journalists should be doing deep explorations and revealing important, unwelcome truths about our often corruptible nation’s corporate and governmental leaders [like Watergate and the Pentagon Papers, for example]);
  • the many “charitable” foundations formed by billionaire investors or their families who kind of like the tax exemptions (Ex: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, the Sackler Family Foundation [of Purdue Pharma/OxyContin infamy], etc, These non-profit foundations surely own shares in pharmaceutical and vaccine corporations; and
  • assorted hedge fund managers and Wall Street investment firms that don’t really care about the corrupted, unethical, short-term, clinical trials that Big Pharma uses to so fool the (Big Pharma-infiltrated) FDA into approving its potential block-buster products without any concern for the long-term adverse consequences of their investment decisions.

In the case of the exceedingly complex science (and history) of vaccinology, very few laypeople (and very few physicians, nurse practitioners or nurses) have done the work, partly because they have not been able to find the hundreds of hours that it would take to even scratch the surface of the real science. Physicians are hopelessly over-booked and also heavily influenced by the propaganda groups listed above. Besides, unbiased vaccinology is NEVER taught in medical school.

<<<Corporations Now Rule the World>>>

Hearing all sides of an issue is especially difficult in the new world order where powerful multinational corporations rule the economy, foreign and domestic politics and commerce.

In this corrupted finance-controlled world that is ruled by Wall Street and War Street, pharmaceutical industry stocks are highly prized by investors, hedge fund managers, so-called “charitable” foundations and medical/hospital corporations that use their excess cash for cross-investing in other profitable industries. The Madness of Crowds:... Murray, Douglas Best Price: $15.44 Buy New $13.99 (as of 03:02 UTC - Details)

Multinational corporations even regard as important what is written about or read by the citizenry. Therefore, they have the money to hire full-time talking heads, full-time public relations people, influence media personalities by heavily advertising on ALL major media outlets, thus ensuring – both directly and indirectly – that no negative information gets out about the downsides of their investment endeavors. Big Pharma has even stooped so low as to subsidize the blogging of abusive and libelous full-time internet trolls.

Looking back in history, there are many examples of “paid trolls” from the past. Included are the trolling attempts to deflect the truths and demonize the multitudes of American patriots that knew that the Deep State (CIA/FBI/Pentagon/”Economic Hit Men”/Spy/Spooks, etc)  invented – and then promoted – the concept of “conspiracy theorists”. After the JFK assassination. Such whistle-blowing patriots had uncovered the censored-out facts that could have proved in a unbiased court of law that there was no evidence for the CIA’s provably false “single shooter” theory (aka “non-conspiracy theory”).

<<< “Scientists” Who Work in the Tobacco Industry, Oil Industry, Mining Industry and Vaccine Industry NOT Unbiased Scientists and Therefore Cannot Be Trusted >>>

An additional obvious trolling operation that should be mentioned was how the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry (with its many corrupted PhD “scientists” providing  “evidence” that delayed important action by public health authorities as they tried to expose smoking as the obvious cause and effect connection between cigarettes and lung diseases – including six kinds of cancer. Well-hidden, paid tobacco industry trolls did their nefarious part in adversely influencing legislators and the major media as well.

So, in a multitude of ways, corporations influence and control what is heard on the radio, what is seen on the television, what journalists are allowed to report, who is allowed to be interviewed and therefore, indirectly, what issues get discussed by the usually easily propagandized consumers of that information.

Corporations and their well-trained lobbyists even have serious influence over legislators, their political campaigns and therefore what laws get written and what laws get enforced (and, one supposes, what countries get profitably invaded by the US military).

But the topic of this essay is about how vaccine corporations (and the wealthy investor classes that the corporations serve) have become major disinformation agents in all issues (especially medicine) that may determine how profitable their investments will turn out to be in the future.

In the case of addictive, suicidality-inducing and homicidality-inducing prescription psychiatric and opioid drugs, the outlook for future dramatic growth looks dismal. So Big Pharma has devoted its efforts to keep stock prices and profitability high by focusing on high-priced, enforced vaccines that their vaccinology-illiterate lobbyists can easily promote to naïve, equally vaccinology-illiterate legislators and parents.

Ever since 1986 it has been against the law in America to sue either vaccine manufacturers or their vaccine-prescribing physicians or clinics when deaths or acute or chronic illnesses occur because of the potentially-deadly vaccines.  It was in that year that the corporate-friendly Reagan administration, its drug industry-friendly FDA administrator and the drug industry-friendly US Senate and House passed the tragic National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA).

By the early 1990s the incidence of many different vaccine-related illnesses and deaths sky-rocketed, most prominently revealed by the tragic testimony from parents about their vaccine-induced, neurological damage to their children, a high proportion of which qualified for the previously exceedingly rare autism spectrum disorder.

(Read about the NCVIA Big Pharma Gold Mine here)

Wall Street knows that if even a fraction of the 270 new vaccines that are in the vaccine pipeline obtain FDA approval in America, Big Pharma investors will be rewarded with increasing shareholder value and steady dividends. But each of these new vaccines will contain more than one potentially toxic synthetic ingredient that will never have been tested in combination with any other vaccine. Therefore, every potentially-brain-damaging, autoimmunity-inducing adverse effect will not be recognized until it is too late to take it off the market (which all the public relations folks and their corporate-influenced trolls will surely delay).

So, unless the targeted population wakes up and objects soon, “vaccine-illiterate” Wall Street/Big Pharma CEOs, through their “vaccine-illiterate” sales staff and their “vaccine-illiterate” lobbyists at every capital in America, with the naïve help of the thousands of “vaccine-illiterate” journalists, all of whom help to influence “vaccine-illiterate” physicians, “vaccine-illiterate patients” and “vaccine-illiterate” legislators in Congress to push ahead with the industry’s highly-profitable over-vaccination agendas. Look again at the chart above.

The decisions about which of the 270+ new vaccines will be forcibly injected into infants and children (and adults) at the many “vaccine-illiterate” clinics and “vaccine-illiterate” hospitals will be made, not at the ballot boxes but behind highly-secretive corporate boardroom walls by profit-minded CEOs and his/her governing boards that act like sociopathic entities when it comes to profits.

The decisions about which “vaccine hesitancy offenses” and “over-vaccination refusers” will be punished will be made by “vaccinology-illiterate” legislators like Richard Pan, Adam Schiff, and Mitch McConnell and mayors like Bill DeBlasio and governors like Andrew Cuomo and Jerry Brown.

Everybody, not just our vulnerable infants, is in danger of being over-vaccinated by wealthy power-mongers who use propaganda and disinformation to push their agendas – at the expense of innocent infants and children and their obedient, “vaccinology-illiterate” parents who have been indoctrinated to trust their alleged leaders in government, commerce, medicine and the media.

Some consciousness-raising is in order, but it will only happen if good people stop trusting the untrustworthy ones who are in the game for the love of money or in defense of their careers.

There is a surge of anti-intellectualism and anti-science belief systems in the United States.

People like the president of the United States, who is ignorant about climate science are ridiculing altruistic climate scientists who know what they are talking about.

Respected, unbiased scientists (those who are not in the back pockets of the fossil fuel and coal industries) are being ridiculed for fulfilling their moral duty to warn the rest of us about the taboo subject of climate change.

Respected, unbiased scientists are also being ridiculed when they try to explain the dynamics of the epidemic of acute and chronic neurological and chronic autoimmune disorders in our over-vaccinated, disabled infants and children.

There are far too many unholy alliances between medical professionals and profiteering corporate elites that have been doing a lot of damage to America’s children, to whom physicians once pledged to “first do no harm.”

One of the common denominators in the current totally preventable crisis is the large number of “vaccinology-illiterate” entities that are “criticizing what they don’t understand”.

Dylan’s powerful poetic truism mentioned at the top of this essay should be adopted by all good people. To remind readers of its power, here is the fourth verse of that song:

“Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand.
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command;
Your old road is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changing.

Dylan also had some important words for the profiteering elites discussed above in his 1985 song “When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky”:

He wrote:

“I saw thousands who could have overcome the darkness, but for the love of a lousy buck I watched them die”.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.