General Patton Warnings of Communist Bolshevism

I decided to research some quotes by General Patton during and after WWII and delightedly found some doozies!   Patton was hard core to be sure.  He came from a generation where The Art of War was ingrained throughout West Point.   He believed in America with his heart, soul, and life.   But he also came to realize that he had been duped by the Military War Machine and the people he most trusted;  Eisenhower and Bradley.   What this realization did was to open his eyes to the realities that had been befuddled in illusion and lies.  

He fought on the wrong side.

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from the Soviet Union.” ~Patton 7/21/1945 

Call of Duty: The Ster... Wilkins, J. Steven Best Price: $11.46 Buy New $10.99 (as of 03:38 UTC - Details) He came to understand that when fighting Nazi’s, Germans became the innocent victims.   While still acknowledging that Nazism needed to be eradicated, he understood that Bolshevik Communism was an even bigger threat that could ultimately destroy Europe and America.  He referred to the Bolsheviks as “Asiatic Mongols”.   Barbarians.  Animals.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany.” ~ Patton

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from Russia.”  ~ Patton

Patton died December 1945 after a freak car accident wherein he broke his neck, suffered paralysis and supposedly died of a blood clot.   Patton was sitting in the back of his limousine when his driver, PFC Horace Woodring, sped too fast over a railroad crossing in Mannheim, Germany, and plowed into the passenger-side of a left-turning Army truck headed into a depot.

Before his death General Patton made public his views regarding Bolshevik Communism claiming Germany would fall to Communism which would write the epitaph for democracy in the United States.


It took us 75 years to wake up to Patton’s warnings.

Where did the Bolsheviks go after WWII?

Ukraine was overcome by Bolsheviks after their invasion of the Soviet Union 1917.  During WWII Nazi’s moved into Ukraine and together the two factions massacred Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Belarusian peoples.  Post WWII the Bolsheviks controlled Ukraine, and East Berlin.   America initially refused to allow the Bolshevik Jews entry and instead attempted repatriation of POW’s.   Angered, the Bolsheviks wanted no part of their 1917 homeland and demanded immigration status to the US.

Many people across Europe and America believed that Germany had created a Fifth Column of spies and allowing any immigrants into the US would put America at risk.   The Fifth Column was believed to be comprised of communists sympathetic with Nazis who would bring down America from within.  By 1941 over 300,000 Bolsheviks were requesting immigration visas to the US.

To help effectuate this mass immigration, the Jews created private relief agencies:  Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Emergency Rescue Committee, International Rescue Committee (IRC), JDC, etc… all of which were funded thru Jewish philanthropy.

The IRC was formed as a collaboration of the Communist Party members purged by Stalin and the Social Workers Party at the request of Albert Einstein  in 1931.

Communist sympathizers were persona non grati after WWII, thus the UK and US agreed to provide them with a statehood of their own – Palestine.  This resulted in the 1948 Balfour Agreement to establish Palestine as a place for communist Bolshevik settlements under the tutelage of The House of Rothschild – only seculars need to apply.

With the help of Eleanor Roosevelt, the International Refugee Organization which became the International Rescue Committee (IRC), was established to help coordinate the immigration of Bolshevik Jews into America.   Founded by Varian Fry, the IRC was funded by the US National War Fund working in collaboration with British intelligence.   After the war, in the 1950’s the communist Bolshevik IRC formed the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) whose members have included Angela Merkel – a communist.   And Germany was thus absorbed into Communism just as General Patton had predicted.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was created in 1881 to assist Russian jews coming to America.  The organization set up a booth at Ellis Island and proceeded to allow entry to over 100,000 by 1904.  By the end of WWI – the Hebrew Aid Society had registered over 482,700 Bolsheviks.   HIAS went on to create a worldwide network of organizations across Canada, South America, China, and Australia.  The purpose was to import communism. Union Terror: Debunkin... Addicott, Dr. Jeffrey F Best Price: $17.22 Buy New $21.95 (as of 03:38 UTC - Details)

By 1925, the US east coast agency of HIAS had established Jewish only schools, universities, grocery stores, banks, and settlements.

This is how communism spread across America taking it down – from within.   Just as General Patton predicted shortly before his assassination.   The same ideology employed by George Soros – when he declared the only two countries standing in the way of his FULL Global takeover were Russia and the US.

The Fifth Column:    “a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within national borders.”  Such as the CIA and MI6.   In this context, the enemy is Bolshevik Communists.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany. There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.  All Europe will be Communist.”    ~ General Patton

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.