Dumb does not necessarily mean “stupid”,… rather “mute.” MDs are hamstrung by medical boards where deviations from standards of practice can find an overeducated doc sued for malpractice, delicensed and “flipping burgers at the local fast food joint!”
Doctors and nurses I have known are nutrition conscious, use quality supplements and are protective of their own health and that of their families. Still, they have no freedom to speak-out or practice independently, but are forced to follow symptom-treatments mandated through the pharmaceutical healthcare monopoly.
One would think that after losing patients and confronting weeping relatives, more doctors who actually know better might blow whistle?
Flu season?
Omega 3 Fish Oil Suppl... Buy New $11.77 ($0.20 / Count) (as of 12:12 UTC - Details) What, nobody told you? A major contributor to these seasonal afflictions is cold DRY air or hot DRY indoor air….DRY being the keyword here that desiccates sinus passages and lungs!
When normally moist mucous membranes dry-out, bacteria and viruses proliferate uncontrollably. It’s the runny nose and productive cough that physically expel the overgrowth. NAC, orally and via nebulizer, causes mucus to thin and flow. Thick pusy mucus and dry cough prevent oxygenation. Dry electrically heated indoor air smells stale and “burnt” and is packed with positive ions. Humidifiers and natural radiant heat are preferred.
Low light conditions during winter also reduce Vitamin D and melatonin production.
Outdoors, thick face-scarves keep airways moist.
This on top of a public with less than vibrant immune systems, polluted air/water>>>widespread metal/industrial toxin burdens, Vitamin D & C and mineral deficiencies….not to mention vaxxxine shedding and enhanced variants.
As always; the question of whether cold/flu viruses are spread or were already present in nasal passages waiting for conditions to favor their populations to explode?
When the Snake Bites
Hypodermic injections are modelled off cobra fangs; hollow needles that deliver the poison directly into the bloodstream. Eating, breathing and absorption through skin is how foreign molecules usually enter the system, but these avenues present barriers that direct injections do not. There are relatively safe and appropriate procedures like IV fluids, vitamin/mineral cocktails and other emergency chemicals….and then there are vaxxxines (3 Xs universally stands for poison) that inject various metals and pathogen particles which incite inflammation, short-circuit natural immunity, usually enhance susceptibility to target microbe variants and can have horrible side effects, many lasting indefinitely. These can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and babies.
Shaky Germ Theory
“Germs” are blamed for many disease conditions, yet they are already everywhere on skin, in airways and the intestinal tract. We coexist in a symbiotic relationship where many are helpful and resist those that can become pathogenic…until general health and natural immunity decline.
Pathogens are opportunistic waiting for conditions of low oxygen, low pH, low body temperature and desiccated airways where immune factors are underproduced due to poor nutrition, toxicity, trauma, emotional stress, and lax self-care, etc..
Vaxxxinations thought to prevent mostly non-fatal conditions cripple adaptive immunity according to many many objective physicians who defy standard practice and fraudulent pharmaceutical data.
The faulty “Germ Theory” evolved from early experiments by Louis Pasteur and was reinforced by the advent of penicillin (microbial inhibition of other microbes), similar to the protective abilities of a healthy diverse biome. Once antibiotics wipe-out resident probiotica, horrible other infections “appear out of nowhere”, and why it is usually recommended to eat yogurt and probiotics following a course of anti-Bs.
While bacterial/viral fragments tend to train immune cells to a particular strain, and toxic adjuvants produce inflammation; a patient’s adaptive immune system is weakened, becoming more susceptible to mutant strains, infection and reinfection.
Oxidative/inflammatory damage can result in autism, allergies and autoimmunity, while devious mRNA shots can damage DNA and forever produce spike proteins, clotting and system decline.
?Should everyone be subjected to vaxxx side effects and narrowed immunity going forward… to prevent natural immunity and the discomfort of typically non-fatal childhood diseases?
?When opt-out exemptions are debated, it always seems the health of a tiny percentage of immuno-compromised children wins…so they can “safely attend public schools.” Guilted into compliance?
The 4 Pillars of Health
People have been conditioned over the past many decades to rely on vaxxxinations and drugs to prevent or cure disease. They were flummoxed by pharma-medicine and their dismissal of natural prevention and home remedies. As an official legally-protected monopoly, they tightened control of all healthcare onto mandating standards of care and universal vaxxxination. Backed by government and their network terror machine, standard healthcare weakens the public and is more a portal of depopulation than healing.
“They blinded us with science,” by confusing an already scientifically-challenged populace with mumbo-jumbo recommendations and harmful self-enriching edicts like Cholesterol/statin mythologies, sunscreen scams, glowing drug commercials and blaming diseases on genetics when genes are rarely the cause.
One must be proactive; curious, studious and sensitive to his own body. Countless books, internet entries and opinions exist concerning the 4 Pillars using a slurry of synonyms; so one must find his own path. What works… works.
*1 Nutrition
Anti-nutrients; Avoid all processed factory and junk fast foods. Heart UNHEALTHY polyunsaturated vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup and various preservatives are in em all. Pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and feedlot meats; Oh My!
Legumes and certain vegetables need to be cooked properly to eliminate negative factors.
Raw pastured milks, butters, meats and cheeses..free range eggs, organic vegetables; Yeah! Potatoes, rices, organic wheat, cornmeal & grits are healthy and necessary carbs. Honey, maple syrup and raw cane sugar in moderation.
*2 Toxins
No place on Earth is free of environmental pollutants! I recommend hair metal/mineral analysis to see where one stands as far as heavy metal (mercury, cadmium, aluminum, lead, arsenic, etc.) burdens and mineral levels (magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, iodine, trace). Positively charged metals cancel out the electron energy life depends on and lead to many “remote” chronic diseases.
Metal ions cling to organs and tissues throughout the body where they endlessly produce damaging free radicals, and also attract viruses, bacteria, molds and yeasts which exude endotoxins. To ignore metal burdens, as does most of medicine, is to mis-blame the root-source of a long list of problems and mistreat them.
Gentle detoxification is accomplished using large bowel tolerance doses of Vitamin C (2-8 Grams pure C, half as much baking soda fizzed in 4ozs water) on empty stomach 2-3-4Xs/day… along with chlorella, clay and or charcoal chelators taken with meals…week after week. Follow-up hair tests will show metal levels reduced significantly.
Silica supplements like horsetail and Fiji water are specific for aluminum toxicity, glycine opposes Roundup herbicides responsible for widespread manganese deficiencies and boron/iodine/tamarind help reduce fluorides and lighter halogens. Potent Apple Cider Vin... Buy New $9.99 ($0.17 / Count) (as of 12:12 UTC - Details)
Sauna, sweating and fasting excrete many toxins.
More vigorous detoxification can be performed orally or via IV with EDTA or DMPS.
The use of proteolytic enzymes can expose metals by dissolving fibrin films which protect areas of inflammation.
( Conventional medicine ignores metal burdens, uses worthless blood tests and avoids hair analysis, disfavors chelation therapies…to hide root causes of many chronic diseases…and so keep “business” booming with throngs of sick people purposefully kept in the dark).
*3 Lifestyle Choices
Sedentary indoor urban lifestyles, sun avoidance, screen/phone/sugar/alcohol/TV News addictions should never replace abiding with nature, purposeful physical activity, recreation or acquiring a wide variety of real foods and scratch cooking stocks, soups, stews and everything else.
*4 Emotional States
This may be the hardest nut to crack. Emotions are a psycho-spiritual area that sets the tone of one’s entire life and physical health. Stress is the enemy brought on via an immature ego with its fear and feeling out of control and unconfident. The direct effects cripple the immune system, sleep cycles, all healing and regeneration and even diminish IQ and practical judgement.
( Personal experience has seen flus/colds always follow stress, overwork, toxic exposures and depression. Whether mental symptoms stem from emotional states or underlying toxic metals or organic poisons is a chicken or egg paradox. As every verified viral event I’d had resulted in stiff achy spinal joints, it has been my long held theory that colds/flus are actually virally facilitated detoxification events where viruses and bacteria consume and remove positively charged toxins to which they are attracted. Once the aches subside, joints move freely and painlessly telling me those days of feverish misery were really a natural healing process.).
Flu FIrst Aid
Colds, flu, RSV, covid, COPD, sinus and other airway infections respond to NEBULIZING 1-3% hydrogen peroxide spiked with 2drops of Lugol’s iodine that destroy all pathogens..nebulize for a few minutes every few hours until symptoms abate. This is followed by nebulizing NAC/n-acetyl cysteine; one capsule dissolved in 20ml water, enough to fill the nebulizer cup. NAC causes initial coughing, thins mucus to physically eliminate debris/”dry cough” and powers glutathione production, GLUT being a powerful internal antioxidant.
Hydrogen peroxide is the active molecule naturally generated by innate immune response and is also released as a feature of high-dose Vitamin C.
Vitamin C in large quantities, Vitamins A&D (cod liver oil), B1/B-complex, magnesium, zinc, iodine and sulfur compounds are both preventive and treatment musts.
Ivermectin has been found helpful for covid (available at farm supplies/can be used transdermally applied to belly skin) …and proteolytic enzymes help destroy spike proteins (nattokinase, lumbrokinase, papain, bromelain).
Sauna eliminates toxins as the artificial fever involved destroys pathogens and refolds proteins.
Oregano oil is a standby antibiotic, anti parasitic.
Methylene blue is becoming popular to treat urinary tract infections and neurological problems. See here, and here.
Bovine colostrum (first breast milk) contains many immune factors that may be appropriately added to infant formulas or taken by adults.
RSV in young children may be addressed by nebulizing dilute ( 0.1-1.0 %) hydrogen peroxide or adding H2O2 to bedside humidifiers.
Don’t dismiss Grandma’s remedy; Chew some raw garlic and make chicken soup!
The coup de gras always comes in the form of pneumonia and sepsis. Extreme measures include Vitamin C IV cocktails which may add Vitamin B1 and hydrocortisone, possibly along with azithromycin (Dr. Marik’s highly effective protocol).
MMS chlorite, hyperbaric oxygen, oral hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapies are other powerful options.
Be informed of nearby physicians and clinics who offer these treatments should the need arise; treatments rarely available at hospitals. See ACAM.org physician finder.
Hospitalization with IV antibiotics is to me a last resort. Earnest application of above preventives and treatments should preclude hospitalization.
The old saw, “He who treats himself has a fool for a doctor,” may or may not apply. It is wise to know more upfront than to blindly rely on system docs and popular information.
Before being “snakebit,” read up on the studied opinions of “anti-vaxxx” physicians. Google: Drs. Malone, McCulloch, Martin, Mercola, Thomas Levy, Andrew Saul, Kory, Klinghardt, Brownstein, Suzanne Humphries, A Midwestern Doctor, and documentation by RFK Jr….
Remember life is ultimately an electrical phenomenon that exists in a balance between negatively-charged antioxidant and metabolic ATP electrons…. and positively charged oxidative enemies like acids, metals, stress, pathogens and their endotoxins.
Some of the most savvy physicians are now concentrating on “metabolic efficiency” and how well mitochondria turn fuel and oxygen into ATP electrical energy. They speak of critical nutrients, zeta-potential/system pH, structured water (H3O2) and blood viscosity/fluid flow characteristics relating to the health or decline of all biochemical function and DNA expression…..That’s “redox” medicine, the simplest condensation of all the confusing complex scientific knowledge I feel compelled to make understandable and of practical use to trained professionals as well as the average person.
Knowing is one thing, but Application is up to the individual.
“Disease X” is an old and ongoing theme of movies and books since at least the 1980s. Now it’s back! Even without a new deadly virus, the scare itself is the ultimate contagion spreading at the speed of electronic media. Fear alone accomplishes globalist’s wet-dreams of population control while reducing human immune strength, IQ and rational judgement.
Panic and hysteria are as invisible as germs. We all saw what resulted from the covid planned-demic; media-generated hypochondria and a world-wide lockdown. Clever, eh?
It has always been a good idea to stay out of the spooky future and “Be Here Now!” Yet in this chaotic time of wars, pandemics and social division; Who knows? Maybe the shit will hit the fan this year in a last-gasp plan to perpetuate the global deep state? The pathetic posers in D.C., Jerusalem, London, Ottawa,The WHO and Davos crowd are in panic mode.
There must be one hundred or more secret bio-labs around the world concocting “WHO” knows what. Then we have a growing media blood-lust to destroy Iran, a clever peoples capable of striking our homeland.
It is prudent to be individually prepared for storms and power outages. I can’t understand why “Homeland Security” never bothered to seal our borders or harden the electrical grid while blowing billions on invasive hyper-security and sheer stupidity.
The least one can do to protect his health is to be aware of the 4 Pillars of Health and have supplies and supplements on hand. “Health Insurance” only applies when one gets sick.
Isn’t it better to prevent preventable illnesses or have treatment options on hand than to suffer and pick up the pieces….it’s called Common Sense!