WEF Discuss’s Artificial Intelligence Amidst Disinformation

At the World Economic Forum, Ukraine is adamant that they will be a leader in the conversion to “Renewable Energy”.   In a bombshell revelation, The World Trade Organization declared that ‘trade drives growth’…   But given all the wars, that might not be a feasible outcome…  Antonio Guterres and Klaus Schwab, aged 72 and 85 respectively said the current global system is an aging grandparent and a ‘networked multilateralism of the 2030 Agenda must be implemented wherein ‘all relevant players’ across all sectors should be mobilized for inclusivity…   What the fark does that mean?

Networked Multilateralism:   is gob speak for globalization via coups.

Relevant Players:  is gob speak for those western coup countries and their minion governments who can serve the West.

All while Israel obliterates Palestinians, Syrians, & Yemeni’s, and Ukraine targets civilians and children.  Without impunity.  And the Western  relevant players decry that “Trust” must be reaffirmed, in social, economic and political spectrums in an equitable transition.  While being responsible for all the bombing and wars. The Real Lincoln: A Ne... Dilorenzo, Thomas J. Best Price: $4.25 Buy New $7.48 (as of 07:05 UTC - Details)

What are they really pursuing?

Re-creation of countries into a globalized colony.   As populations age the economic security of the future becomes unstable.   Twofold measures became the solution:  1.  death of the elderly via Big Pharma,  2.  immigration of the young male populations of third world countries.   Death was used to eliminate large swathes of those considered nonproductive weights on society.   Due to Big Pharma infertility rates of the educated population, uneducated young males are needed to ‘pick crops’ work in fast food restaurants and fill the void in our militaries.

The women and children of these immigrant males are left behind to serve the masters who have taken over their countries;  Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras.   All these countries boast vast resources, unparalleled beauty, rainforests, beaches and poverty.   Making them the perfect enclave for the western elite ‘relevant players’.

Although Germany’s means and outcome for training their immigrants failed miserably, it would appear the elite have no Plan B.

Despite the millions of immigrants pouring unfettered into the US, Biden still maintains his Delaware enclave, Soros still lives in his New York compound and Obama enjoys his oceanfront walled estate.   They are not moving.   In fact, North Salem, New York, continues to attract the uber wealthy including;  Larry Fink, Bill Gates daughter, Bloomberg, Gere, Letterman, Jamie Dinan of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner, and Glenn Dubin.   All billionaires.   All living in an inequitable, non-diverse, non-inclusive town where 96% of the residents are white, and with properties valued over $35 million+.  All members of the World Economic Forum –

Which would indicate that communities that are rural and high-end suburban are insulated from the chaos that is destined to plague the cities.  Whether Trump wins or loses, inner city riots are a high likelihood.  The cities will be the cesspools of plague, diseases, and violence as in a Mad Max scenario wherein the police will simply vacate.

Many billionaires have already bought their ‘get-out-of-jail-free Bunker card’.  Some of these massive structures are large enough to house horses and pools.  Other bunkers are connected by tunnels and advertise facilities for congregation, bars, movie theatres and wine vaults.   How safe they are and who will be responsible for ‘repairs and maintenance’  are seemingly benign questions with no real answers.   Given billionaires don’t even know how to dress themselves, cook, or launder are also subjects not discussed.  Where Bezos plans to dock his 400’ ocean voyaging sailboat is also not discussed…

As such, the same billionaires devoted to DEI for the peasants are not overly concerned about paying $100 million for an unprotected house or a bunker that could rival Epstein Island.  Instead, like Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, they continue to double their wealth – which would have zero value in a world of bunkers…  ODD.

Within this maze of lies, hype, and hyperbole, the most pressing issue the WEF declares to be at stake is Truth.   As such, they want to further close the disinformation campaign through further censorship and punishment.  And that is what we can expect to unravel in 2024 via AI.  Because the first disinformation the media will parlay is that AI cannot lie and therefore anything AI says is Factual.

“According to McKinsey & Company, AI applications have the potential to contribute between USD 2.6 trillion and 4.4 trillion annually to the global economy through various business scenarios.”   But if AI is replacing jobs – that $4.4 trillion will NOT trickle down anywhere – it will remain within the grasp of the few – and only the few.  Extending vast poverty and suffering.

To placate the peasants, AI has created AI safety wherein AI will program safety protocols into itself, to promote ‘diversity & inclusivity’.    Of course at that point, diversity means that the uneducated, untrained immigrants coming into the US will be the unpaid labourors for AI.  Programmed for punishment should the worker bee’s productivity fall below an AI determined level.   ZAP!

All it takes is for a few hackers to get into the mix to reprogram AI into militaristic mode for the elites to completely lose control and be subject to the same protocols as the peasants.  An outcome their ego’s cannot embrace.

For the immediate future, we are being warned that AI has already reached the point where it can not be distinguished from reality.  In other words, videos, people, scenes, audio, events and wars  generated by AI could create a major false flag that could disrupt global reality and frame an allusion – such as a catastrophic event – war, earthquake, nuke, etc… The Creature from Jeky... G. Edward Griffin Best Price: $10.58 Buy New $19.49 (as of 05:45 UTC - Details)

Yet the WEF is more concerned with Twitter Disinformation…  Because the vast majority of WEF Leaders are still learning how to use laptops and word docs much less understand the remote complexities of AI.  In their end-stage formative years.   60 world leaders attended the 2024 Davos ~ they boast.   However, the vast majority are corporate CEO’s, aka stakeholders,  as governments secede from pretending they have any power, while the Bidens of the world stayed home and watched Daffy Duck and The Road Runner.

The grift and graft that has caused so many CEO’s and government officials to be caught in a lie, to pretend to be knowledgeable, has reached a pinnacle as social media users are able to disseminate the crystal ball theories within minutes instead of days, has left elite humans in the dumpster.   The Zuckerberg who ‘created Facebook’, the Altman who created AI Chat, the Gates who created home computers, and the Musk who is creating space travel – have no expertise in these fields.   They are Deep Fakes.

They were chosen to host the 4th Industrial Revolution as faces. 

From 500 BC to 1,000 AD = people lived the same without relative innovation across the globe.   From 1,000 to 1800 = people lived without innovation across the globe.   From 1890 to 2020, a span of 130 years, innovation exploded.   As though suddenly – a few became inductees into technology to create a false human interface.  

And The Greatest Lie Was BORN.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.

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