History Made Today in Rayburn House Building

Drs. McCullough, Milhoan, and Cole tell the terrible truth

In 1950, the renowned British epidemiologists, Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill, published a landmark study titled Smoking and carcinoma of the lung; preliminary report, in the British Medical Journal. Their study of smoking related morbidity in the UK resembled studies conducted by the German internist, Dr. Fritz Lickint, in the 1920s and early thirties, linking cigarette smoking with cancer. Man, Economy, and Stat... Murray N. Rothbard Best Price: $23.43 Buy New $29.95 (as of 08:10 UTC - Details)

In 1954, a group of major American tobacco companies ran a major advertising campaign titled A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers. The objective of their “frank statement” was to dispute the recent scientific studies linking smoking to lung cancer and other severe, adverse health effects.

For another fifty years, the American tobacco industry knowingly and vehemently lied to the American people about the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. A shocking number of ranking academic doctors played along with this gigantic lie.

A remarkably cynical advertisement that exploited the public’s trust in medical professionals was run by Reynolds Tobacco for their Camel brand.

Note in the lower right corner the notorious “T Zone” concept that apparently sprung from a depraved Madman’s mind: “T for Taste, T for Throat. Camels will suit you to a ‘T.’” I can’t look at such ads without thinking about my beautiful grandmother who was horribly impaired and disfigured by oral cancer caused by cigarette smoking. Instant Pot RIO Wide P... Best Price: $237.49 Buy New $179.95 (as of 06:06 UTC - Details)

This preposterous and criminal nonsense prevailed in the American public forum for decades after Sir Austin Bradford Hill published his study in 1950. I mention it because I believe that, for the last four years, we have witnessed a similar (though even greater) campaign to promote a dangerous product and to obscure its harmful effects—namely, the globally orchestrated and even mandated push to inject all of mankind with COVID-19 gene transfer shots.

Today, on the invitation of Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican-Georgia), Drs. Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, and Kirk Milhoan testified at a Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines in the Rayburn House Office Building. Representative Greene’s live stream was recorded and can be watched here.

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