The Art Of Coup: Russia has declared that a ‘fifth column’ is being trained by the US to create havoc, unrest, riots, and division forthwith. Why? Russia’s election is set to be held March 15-17 2024 and according to all thing Cabal, Putin must go. The two Powerhouses that give rise to the BRICS are Chin and Russia, and their vacuum must be destroyed so that the Cabal may rise to its place of global kingship.
The Fifth Column was a name the British government gave to an MI5 operation during WWII. The purpose was for MI5 to flush out those people supportive of Germany. The head of the operation was Victor Rothschild, an avowed atheist/Marxist who was advisor to Margaret Thatcher. The architect of the operation was Eric Roberts. Roberts was a double agent who posed as a Gestapo.
Together, Roberts and Rothschild created the antisemitism ideology of war. They were instrumental in defining anyone who was not anti-Germany as antisemitic which ultimately became the narrative from which history was created. Instead of communism, WWII was now a fight for The Zion Movement. And all other cultures were – edited.
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Posers. People who pretend to be your ally and friend when in fact they are working to destroy you. The blood of “coups”. Inherent in this game, sometimes Posers lose all sense of loyalty and simply play both sides. Much like Rhino’s and neoconservatives in America who defect. Not because of alliance – but for fear over their own death. Sacrificing America and millions of people to save their singular ‘hide’.
The fifth column in Russia is comprised of foreign exchange students indoctrinated in various study programs including the Fulbright Global Scholarship which was created at the end of WWII. The Fulbright Program is sponsored and funded by The US Department of State, aka Taxpayers. Top schools participating include Harvard, Yale, UC Berkeley, Columbia, etc…
Ultimately, the Chair of the Institute of International Education (IIE) within the State Department determines who gets a Fulbright scholarship to come to the US. The current Chair is Mark Angelson, CEO of RR Donnelly, a media conglomerate bought out by Chatham Asset Management Fund in 2021, and member of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. Angelson also happens to be Chair of the Biden Foundation.
The CEO of IIE is Allen Goodman who previously worked at the CIA. In 1992, Goodman wrote, The US in a Changing World Order.
Another exchange program within the Department of State paid for by US Taxpayers is Global UNRAD. UNRAD is administered by World learning, an offshoot program for the Peace Corps, that employs activists to bring global peace to places like Israel/Palestine, Rwanda, and Ireland.
It is through these taxpayer funded award programs that the US effectively creates its ‘double agents’ for infiltration into the upper echelons of global politics.
World Learning partners with “”. Their mission is to provide safe travel for ‘newcomers’, aka refugees, coming into the US, including Afghani’s, Africans, and Ukrainians. They are funded by USAID. Honorary co-Chairs of “Welcome to US” include: Barack & Michelle Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, George & Laura Bush and the Carters. Council Members for Welcome come from diverse backgrounds including Walmart, Starbucks, Atlantic Council, Partnership for New Americans, Business Roundtable, The Episcopal Church, various actors and activists, Evangelical Pastors, etc… ALL aligned with bringing newcomers into the US.
In other words, the coordinated effort to invade the US with millions of illegal immigrants can be traced directly to the four former Presidents: Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama. And they work in conjunction with a multitude of US agencies paid for by government/Taxpayer funds to invade America.
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Front and Center within this refugee collapse of America is the Ed & Barbara Shapiro Foundation which works exclusively with child refugees, currently focusing on Israel and Greece. Working with the Trip Advisor Foundation, these charities provide the funding for refugee travelling expenses. In Israel UNITAF works with asylum children from Eritrea and Sudan. The Shapiro Foundation helps children cross the US/Mexico Border with donated air travel miles.
From Coups to Refugees, US Taxpayers continue to be the primary funding mechanism for these charitable organizations and foundations. That is the irony of the Masters – we are paying for The Fall of America. We fund the government charities that provide passage, including the passage of unaccompanied children brought in for sexual exploitation, child labor, and organ trafficking. The American people pay to educate activists to initiate riots and chaos. And we pay the salaries of these NGO’s and Foundations. We keep them operational.
The delusion of The People has been ongoing for centuries.
It is almost as though America was specifically created as a country of prosperity for that sole purpose – to fund the global transition to a New World Order. And the Last Phase of that Order has been usurped by Social Media and Information. The Last Phase being the depopulation of those who cannot be indoctrinated to a peasant class of worker-bees whose entire existence would be to die for The Queen.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.