“So we’re dealing with cornered feral humans who are terrified. Arguably the entire thing from the lockdowns till now is their knowing what’s coming (They see polls you don’t see. 39% approval my sore ass. More likely 9%) And they know how much they cheated, and it wasn’t enough so they had to cheat at the last minute. Oh, and all of them are criminals, steeped deep in horrible crap. And they can’t afford for it to come out. In their little pin heads, they have to keep control.” -Sarah A Hoyt
Egalitarianism as a Re...
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For the past three weeks German farmers have been on the road protesting, God bless them. On Wednesday German truckers joined the protest, and town squares are filled with citizens standing against globalization and the Net Zero prison being lowered like a cage over every citizen and enterprise. The French farmers had modelled this, dumping manure on government buildings all through December. The Spanish flooded the streets throughout November and December demanding the outlawing of socialism. And the Poles hit the streets on Friday demanding an end to globalism and out of the E.U..
All this has to do with climate regulation, net zero, and emissions restrictions on agriculture. Everything the WEFers, and their corporatists lackeys want. And why wouldn’t they? Big Ag is totally on board, the people who will pay are the people growing the food. Why? Because they give our tax money to the richest corporations on earth, and starve the people who grow the actual food.
In September of 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture, without congressional approval or oversight, announced they were spending $3.1 Billion dollars to implement Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Projects. This money has since been handed over to some the country’s largest agriculture corporations, associations, and universities. Some of the notable payments are: $90 million to ADM, $95 million to Iowa Soybean Association, $60 million to the Nature Conservancy, 27 different universities with payments ranging from $4 million to $80 million. These are 123 total listed as, “lead partners” but if you read the description of the programs you will find, “other major partners” which include every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco. The most disgusting payment of all was $40 million dollars to the largest ag media corporation Farm Journal. Why would the government pay a media company $40 million to implement an environmental program? Control the messenger, control the message, aka state run media.
Man, Economy, and Stat...
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The message that the USDA does not want told is that the intended goal for the Climate Smart Project is to manipulate farmers and ranchers into calculating their greenhouse gas emissions, or what they call, “implementation and monitoring of climate smart practices” so that those emissions can then be regulated.
To say all this is unpopular … well, even the Germans are pissed. The Dutch booted their government and turned extreme right. The Irish are barring the entrance to their towns: no more EU immigrants. The Argentinians elected an actual libertarian who immediately slashed the bureaucracy and opened up his oil fields.