Scuzzball Newsom Digs a Much Deeper Hole for California: Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens

Governor exceeds his past attacks against legit citizens of his state; Does Newsom’s new program include “gender-affirming care” for illegals?

ABC News:

California will welcome the new year by becoming the first state to offer health insurance for all undocumented immigrants. Egalitarianism as a Re... Murray N. Rothbard Best Price: $3.44 Buy New $8.95 (as of 07:55 UTC - Details)

Starting Jan. 1, all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age, will qualify for Medi-Cal, California’s version of the federal Medicaid program for people with low incomes.

The final expansion going into effect Jan. 1 will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.

The California Health and Human Services Agency has committed $835.6 million in 2023-24 and $2.6 billion annually thereafter to expand full-scope Medi-Cal eligibility to all income-eligible adults, regardless of immigration status.

Does this bonanza for illegals include hormone treatments and gender surgery?

The Daily Caller:

Gender affirming care is a covered Medi-Cal benefit when medically necessary…Requests for gender affirming care should be from specialists experienced in providing culturally competent care to transgender and gender diverse individuals and should use nationally recognized guidelines. Human Action, The Scho... Ludwig von Mises Best Price: $10.37 Buy New $40.95 (as of 07:55 UTC - Details)

So it looks like these treatments will be part of the new California package.

Overall, Newsom is spearheading major medical care gifts—as INDUCEMENTS—to ATTRACT every person on Earth who wants them and is willing to journey to California to get them.

That’s what this program (taxpayer funded) amounts to.

“Hear one, hear all. If you want free medical, come to our border and find a way to get in. No matter what your disease or affliction, we will treat you. Don’t worry about restrictions on pre-existing conditions. There are none. Medical drugs, vaccines, surgery—we’ve got it all. And look, if you’ve always longed for a sex-change, we’ll provide that, too. You want your balls cut off and a new vagina installed, or a double mastectomy and a penis, we have the pros who can deliver. We’re now Medical Central for the whole planet. You can go direct from the southern border to one of our top-flight hospitals. Even if you’re feeling all right, our list of diseases and disorders is the most extensive to be found in any nation. Don’t worry. We can diagnose you with something. Just remember who is dispensing these gifts and which political party I, Gavin Newsom, belong to. We run things here, and we are your friends.”

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