There Is No Such Thing as 'Representative' Government: There Has Never Been!

“Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.”

Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Ah yes, here we are in another major ‘election’ year, where it seems at this point, your choices (not mine of course) will likely be the same as they have been the past 8 years. A brain-dead, controlled, criminal, and evil leftist stooge called Biden, or a war-mongering, narcissistic, controlled, and arrogant lying stooge called Trump. This sounds like a set-up, and it is, but do you really think it matters one iota from one year to the next, one decade to the next, or in reality, has it ever mattered at all which piece of scum is selected? Of course it does not matter, because the scourge of mankind, particularly for the masses, other than their own stupidity, is the allowance of a government of any kind to rule over them. Masters and slaves will forever be separated, and each group will be relegated to their respective castes, which is the ultimate insult to the superiority of the individual. Without the individual as sovereign, no freedom can exist. Last Rights: The Death... Bovard, James Best Price: $7.00 Buy New $19.99 (as of 07:57 UTC - Details)

What this boils down to is another in a long line of divisive political nonsense called voting, where the lowly ‘citizen’ (State-owned stock) is ‘promised’ (by government) to have a say in his own slavery; and this idiocy is actually believed by most to be ‘fair’, or at least a majority of those voluntarily choosing their guy to be king, find this form of absurdity not only useful, but sacred. This time is also when those who call themselves the ‘people’s representatives,’ are selected as well to make and heavily enforce, what are called ‘laws,’ in order to keep the herd in line. None of this applies to the ruling class of course, as all is not equal in fake justice for Caesar and his congressional court, and the sheeplike proletariat. I have always found it asinine to even consider that I needed a ‘leader,’ much less a chosen human representative to speak and act on my behalf. What a load of crap is this insane desire to have some low-life, controlling, human piece of garbage, (politician) speaking for and lording over me?

In essence, the people have voluntarily chosen in this country, although coerced greatly by the oligarchy’s propaganda, indoctrination, promises, and bald-faced lies, to place their lives in the hands of the lowest form of common humans, who are politicians, to rule over every aspect of their lives. The result is that 335 million people are ruled over and fully controlled, fleeced, held captive, incarcerated, and in many cases murdered, at the hands of; a president, 435 congressmen, 100 senators, a completely corrupt group of nine worthless political judges called the Supreme Court, and taxpayer paid enforcers. Think about this for just a moment, and do the math. This means that 335 million of you are owned and controlled by 545 pieces of political scum. Does that make you proud, or can you fathom the insanity of such lunacy?

I have been accused of “beating a dead horse” on multiple occasions, as I attempt to define and embrace real freedom through non-aggressive peaceful anarchy, but how else is one to deal with and educate, but through the medium of the spoken word and text, providing fact, reason, truth, and logic, to those who have given up not only any hope, but any effort to free themselves from rule? In fact, most intentionally seek rule. So much of this reliance on government and rule rests on the single immoral, unethical, and apathetic majority attitude of dependency. Most all want someone else to take care of them, to be responsible for them, to provide them with whatever they want; all at the expense of others. They have not the gene of self-reliance and courage, and therefore are easy fodder for those who have chosen to wield total power and control over weak populations.

Who can represent you better than you? Who can make rules for your life better than you? Who can control your earnings and property better than you? Who can protect you from harm better than you? Who should decide to use you and your children as fodder for their wars of aggression other than you? Who should control your health other than you? Who should control your movement other than you? Only you can prevent tyranny. Only you know what is best for you. By voluntarily handing over all power over your individual self and family to some unknown politician willingly choosing to control you, who only has his own interests at heart, you have given yourself over to another, which is the epitome of slavery.

At times, you may actually need a representative to help with simple or complex matters that you do not understand, but as a sovereign individual, that would always be your individual choice, and you could eliminate that representation at any given moment in time. The heinous government on the other hand, would have you believe that this can be accomplished for all of your life and  all life decisions, all life-sustaining activities, all life’s monetary and economic choices, and control of all your property, including your body and mind, but without the choice to throw off that fake representation as an individual. According to government, your only option, which is no option at all, and is nothing more than severe bondage, is to be ‘allowed’ or not, the so-called ‘privilege’ of one vote out of hundreds of millions, and only at a selected time of its choice. That my friends is the exact definition of total enslavement, and the antithesis of freedom.

There is no such thing as ‘representative government.’ There is no such thing as ‘limited government.’ No government, regardless of a few selected proxy ‘representatives,’ can represent each individual’s interest, and therefore the interests of a nation’s people. If one was to accept this idiocy, that would mean that each and every so-called ‘representative, would have to consult with and take care of 626,000 clients, and do so in a manner where all were satisfied. Are you beginning to see the ludicrous nature of forceful, violent, mob rule by governments and its criminal accomplices? How the West Brought W... Abelow, Benjamin Best Price: $4.85 Buy New $9.30 (as of 09:32 UTC - Details)

I will “beat that dead horse” again, by saying that no freedom can ever exist in the presence of government. No freedom is possible under any rule, regardless if voluntary. If the State exists, freedom does not, as only the completely sovereign individual is free. Therefore, no government or horrific government doctrine called a ‘constitution,’ can bring or protect any freedom of any individual.

This is where all the questions begin and end, as the irresponsible, cowardly, and dependent masses, whine and cry out: Who will build the roads? Who would give me a license to work? Who will protect me from crime? Who will run all the State prisons? Who will protect me in war? Who will print, control, and issue the (fake fiat) currency? Who will pay for police? Who will send me my welfare check? Who will provide all my medical care for free? Who will pick up my garbage? Who would lock-down everyone to protect me from government-created fake pandemics? I think you should be getting the picture by now, that this society almost in total, is not ready for freedom, and by the time they are, if that is even possible, it will likely be too late!

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

Karl Marx