Free Speech at Last!

I find it deliciously ironic and very satisfying. We suddenly have free speech at American universities, at least while Jewish billionaires are threatening to stop the moola. The presidents of top universities have cried uncle and have pledged that free speech will be for them what money was to Shylock. The only problem is that unlike Shylock, they are owed nothing and in fact are the ones who caused the problem in the first place. They are the ones who rooted out what they called hate speech, white supremacy, and other trigger terms. The ones who did away with women who argued that biological sex is real, and trumpeted that speech is violence, and silence is also violence. The ones who allowed woke freaks to rule the roost and poison young minds while they lived high on the hog in their off-campus mansions.

And now, all of a sudden, the very same heads of American institutions that have squelched free speech in favor of woke bullshit are bending over backwards, declaring their hands were tied by their duty to allow unfettered dialogue. Which is also a big lie. There was never a hint of dialogue, nor discussion, just rules set by woke zealots, to be obeyed by everyone, starting with the heads of institutions such as Harvard, Penn, and MIT. (The Penn one is gone; now for all the rest.) Anti Vax Booster Sheep... Buy New $16.99 (as of 07:47 UTC - Details)

How did this turnaround come about? Easy. Jewish billionaires are not known for acting like blushing brides, and some of the biggest donors decided to call a halt to the giving once the woke freaks turned anti-Semitic. The irony is that free speech was acknowledged only when Jewish students felt intimidated. Until then free expression was allowed only for woke and lefty freaks, with Harvard leading the way for canceling any conservative voices.

Apollo CEO Marc Rowan started it, and other Jewish heads of Wall Street followed. They quickly got results: Israel will not be criticized or else. The heads of famed universities got the message. These were the same heads who didn’t invoke free-speech defenses for conservative speakers when student mobs threatened to burn the place down. Money, you see, dear Takimag readers, speaks louder than words.

So there you have it. A few Jewish billionaires managed in one swoop to do what hundreds of millions of the rest of us failed to accomplish: establish freedom of speech at American universities. The hard left’s takeover of campuses was no secret but was commented upon only by a few conservative reporters and columnists. The sick trend of American higher education included the phasing out of courses on the classics and of kangaroo courts and mob-rule assaults. All this was ignored by so-called administrators until the Gaza riots. College administrations in America are terrified of the campus left, with faculty the most terrified of all. Grievance-mongering student groups rule the roost, and in my not-so-humble opinion, they will return with a vengeance once things quiet down a bit.

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