A Criminal of Purpose

Become a criminal of purpose. Put yourself in jail, and extricate yourself by your own wisdom.

— Miyamoto Musashi
The Book of Five Rings

Note: This post was originally split into two parts, but they don’t work well separated.

Preparation Aches

For decades the preppers and survivalists were mocked and chided as paranoid obsessives or fearful impulsives. While their numbers increased after the financial crisis of 2008, and those with gold and silver holdings made out very well in the aftermath of that latest banker-created scam, the masses of deluded normies still mocked them as if everything would go back to normal. Rubik’s Cube, Th... Buy New $9.36 (as of 09:11 UTC - Details)

The preppers and survivalists have thick skin because they know things the normies don’t. Those Normie words do nothing to keep them from preparing for anything and everything. Sticks and stones not only can’t hurt them, but they use them for fire kindling and slingshots.

Then March 2020 happened and the global population was imprisoned for an invisible sniffles bug they were told was creeping everywhere and inside everyone. When the normie rush to big box retailers kicked off for toilet paper and bottled water, and whatever scraps of frozen and canned foods remained on the shelves the preppers were at home, comfortably observing the weeks of chaos with chronic cases of mild to severe schadenfreude.

While not all preppers are survivalists, and few have all the skills required to be considered well-rounded preppers, none of the preppers and survivalists are normies.

There are homestead preppers, defense preppers, financial preppers, food preppers, doomsday preppers, and nuclear armageddon preppers. Each group of specialized preppers has a little knowledge and skillset utilized by every other group.

The more one knows about each specialty, the more prepared they are for any type of coming calamity, all of which must be foreseen to be mitigated. The mentality of every well-rounded prepper is that all of the foreseen calamities are just around the corner, with a few unforeseen ones as well.

The irony of setting off on the Oregon Trail for preppers is that once the journey begins, there is no destination—it can never end because the prepper becomes certain that as soon as they relax even a little bit to set up camp and enjoy rabbit stew, they’ll be caught, unprepared, with a band of roaming Shoshone taking their scalps. And an unprepared prepper is destined for the same result as every normie—confusion and chaos, or death. HISDERN Christmas Bow ... Buy New $15.99 (as of 09:11 UTC - Details)

The homestead preppers have their piece of heaven, their plot of earth to toil and roam. These plots are isolated and secure with a fresh water supply nearby. They’ve upgraded them with perimeter fencing, warning technologies, motion sensors, night vision surveillance, and maybe even 12 gauge trip wires to warn of wild animals or intruders. Nothing will raid their garden or come within a country mile of their front door without them knowing in advance. But one day someone will try, and that day could be today.

The defense preppers have all that perimeter security with a couple of fierce working dogs, maybe Malinois or German Shepherds roaming the premises. They also have bug-out bags, hideouts, bunkers, and more arms and ammunition than a well-organized militia. If that zombie apocalypse ever strikes these people will be “the last of us.” One day it will happen. It’s just around the corner.

Food preppers are canning and preserving wizards. They have orchards and acres of vegetables, nightshades, and fruits. To extend the growing season they have root cellars and greenhouses with more vegetables and verticle stacks of herbs. They keep chickens, maybe a pen of hogs, a flock of sheep, or a cow or two for milking until the slaughter.

In their cold dry basement, they have enough food to feed five families for a few years if all the grocery stores on earth suddenly disappear, or the food supply magically finds engineered deficits. Food insecurity is the number three step of the tyrant’s guide to enslaving the masses, after speech laws, and gun grabs. One day it will happen. It’s just around the corner.

All it would take is a couple of engineered strikes of a few labor unions like United Farmers, combined with less fertilizer production, or deficits of nitrate and potash to curb crop yields, maybe a government plan to reduce farming and agricultural production to “save the planet” from an essential element needed for plants and trees to flourish.

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