So What Do 'Libertarians' and the 'Right-Wing' Think of Milei Now?

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

Robert A. Heinlein, Revolt in 2100/Methuselah’s Children

I warned just after the recent Argentina election, that Javier Milei was not as advertised, and in fact, that he was no different than other politicians. Many condemned my criticism of their new political ‘hero,’ as latching on to any chance for ‘change’ by ignorant and duped voters, is always the imbecilic response by those voluntarily seeking a master to rule them. As I write this just two weeks later, and before he has even taken office, much has already changed, exposing corruption, and political reality that is eternally present. But given the circumstances surrounding all the hype of this self-described new ‘libertarian’ and ‘anarcho-capitalist,’ it seems prudent to expose all the contradiction that surrounds Milei, his Cabinet appointments, his immediate back-tracking, and his connections and supporting cast worldwide, even before he is inaugurated. I think this very important because of so much interest and support coming from the U.S., especially the ‘libertarian’ crowd, and much of the alternative media, whose feigned passion for the people, while at the same time promoting the advancement of freedom through the ballot box, creates a false dichotomy of epoch proportion. Augason Farms Dried Wh... Buy New $60.00 (as of 04:30 UTC - Details)

I am not writing this specifically as a hit piece against Javier Milei, but against all ruling class types who claim to be the saviors of the people, by seeking and accepting State power to wield over them. I am only pointing out the gross double-speak, contradiction, and hypocrisy that is so common with all in the political class, government, and any who desire to rule over others, as they can never be trusted. So to be fooled into their trap of propaganda, only requires giving trust without scrutiny, and expecting (hoping for) a desired outcome before it is proven, based only on extreme rhetoric, false promises, political pledges, and bombastic and pompous displays of theatre. All these things are useless, and an assault on the intellect of any able to think for themselves, but given that the ability to think critically is now a very minority position, one can see why those choosing to rule have such an easy time fooling the crowd. Milei’s campaign was little more than a circus-like psychological takeover of the empty minds of those looking for a savior in a crowd of fraudulent criminals.

Melei’s most adamant position taken, was his promise to “blow up” the central bank system. Since he was elected in November, things have already changed. This can be looked at in several ways, but his Cabinet appointees are a good place to start.

His choice for head of the economy, the Economic Minister, is Luis ‘Toto’ Caputo, who previously was Chief of Trading for Latin America with JP Morgan, as well as holding the same position for Deutsche Bank, all from 1994 to 2003. He was past head of Argentina’s Central Bank, (BCRA) where he increased the interest rate dramatically, causing the Argentinian Peso to devalue 40% in just three months. He resigned shortly thereafter. In 2017 he was accused by a branch of the Fiscal Ministry of embezzlement, while managing two offshore ‘wealth’ funds of over $100 million, as he withheld reporting these on his disclosure statement. There is much more, but this is Milei’s new head of the economy, and that should open the eyes of anyone as to the corruption involved in this entire political organized crime that Milei seems to want to continue.

Milei also chose Santiago Bausili as the new central bank head. (I thought there was to be no central bank?) Bausili also worked for JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank in debt, capital markets, and of course, derivatives, in markets covering Argentina, Chile, and Peru. This looks like old home week for Argentina, as the same guys responsible for the past destruction of the economy will be back in the saddle along with Milei, who has already, it seems, backed away from any immediate closure (blowing up) of the central bank. It looks like JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, and possibly the U.S. Federal Reserve, (redundant) could be controlling the Argentine monetary system. If I were a cynic, (or realist) I think this could be called the old “bait and switch” technique.

Milei’s next bombshell announcement during his campaign trail performance, was to scrap entirely the Argentine peso in favor of the U.S. dollar. He did not give details of course, but I think the plan had something to do with a chainsaw event, as he actually wielded a chainsaw on air while campaigning, so as to make sure the people knew he was serious about eliminating government. Statists never abolish the power structure they seek, contrary to such rhetorical grandstanding theatrical performances.

How in the world is Milei going to scrap the peso for the dollar, when the Argentina central bank has no dollars? There have been rumors, that Argentinians holding dollars around the world, would be so impressed with Milei’s promises, and would gain so much confidence, that they would repatriate their dollars. I would not hold my breath. The only other option is the borrow those dollars, and that would likely be from banks and investment companies in the U.S. on Wall Street, those like JP Morgan, Blackrock, and Citi-Bank. So who would control Argentina’s monetary system should this be the plan? Sounds like Argentina’s economy could be colonized by U.S. interests. The IMF could also get involved, (they already have) but then how much of Argentine property would be collateralized to gain these loans, and what could happen if a default occurred again? I do not think this will end well for the Argentinian people, but then, politics has never accomplished what it promises.

In addition, if Argentina completely dumps its sovereign currency, the peso, and replaces its entire monetary system with dollars, who will actually be controlling Argentina? What will happen when the U.S. Federal Reserve continues to devalue the currency by printing trillions of dollars out of thin air? What will happen if the U.S. and the Argentine government fall out of favor? What will happen when U.S. sanctions get in the way of Argentinian trade? What will happen if rates are continually raised? What will happen to Argentina, if the dollar loses its world reserve status due to economic bankruptcy? If Argentina no longer controls its own money, they will be under the thumb of the biggest empire in the world, and one that is rapidly deteriorating toward its own chaotic economic collapse, and eventual demise. I wonder if Argentinians are excited about becoming a colony of the U.S? Augason Farms Freeze D... Buy New $34.23 (as of 05:37 UTC - Details)

There are other problems of course, with Milei’s connections and close ties, ties that are in direct conflict with the interest of his own country. He is completely faithful to the U.S., and to Zionist Israel, at a time when the Middle-East could explode with war; all by design of course. If Milei is so attached and committed to the fascist U.S. and to Zionist Israel, who are one and the same, and both are working together to commit the genocide of all Palestinians, how might that affect the moral standing of the people of Argentina, and how might any regional or world war affect them and their economy going forward? And do the Zionists have any plans for Argentina as well, and if so, how will Milei’s very close relationship with the Zionists and the evil Netanyahu, (Milei is converting to Judaism) affect Argentina and its land and people? What will be lost due to this colonialism pursued by Milei? These questions must be asked.

The point of my message is that all politics are corrupt and evil, full of lies, manipulation, psychological brainwashing, and based only on power and control. It is no different this time around. Milei is certainly no anarcho-capitalist, and he does not even understand the term. The only positive as I see it, in regard to this election, is the fact that the Argentinian masses have shown that they are fed up with their lives being destroyed by ruthless and criminal politicians, but by just picking a new master, and one surrounding himself with the same criminal element that has been devastating that country for decades, he will likely prove to be just another tyrant. He is a front man for the State, as are all political rulers, meant only to delay the people’s wrath just long enough, to satisfy his global controllers lust for more power.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of men who can fabricate it.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Reference links:

Milei’s Cabinet begins to take shape

Luis “Toto” Caputo chosen by Melei

Milei chooses Bausili as central bank head

Luis Caputo

Ex-BCRA governor Caputo now Argentina Economic Minister

Full explanation of Milei situation (beginning at 1:05)