Fata Morgana

Wake up children!  There never was a Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny, only Mom pulling a popular trick.  She sugar-coated reality so you little ones wouldn’t be scared.  This was only the start of thousands of deceptions down the road.  Eventually as we grew, we encountered many more fictions, but could never quite rise out of the confusion of earlier beliefs.  You’d been fooled and could never be sure of anything.  Certainty became a stranger. Though well meaning, she introduced the Devil,…Doubt!   Doubt leads to indecision and skewed judgement; Chaos… (the actual translation of Satan).

Our actions became retarded as we tried to figure-out how to react to new situations.  Our confidence had been compromised.  We were constantly beaten to the punch which deflated our self-esteem.  We hesitated and were lost.  We fell-back on superstition.

We found solace on the internet where everything was a one or a zero, cut and dried, neat and tidy… unlike the real world outside. We became lost in an algorithm.  Our social skills suffered as we reverted to Pakman and The Mario Brothers.  We lived on TV food and our phones.  Our natural powers of perception, judgement, imagination and willful intent were stolen at the get-go……. Until we matured, our lives sucked!  Many never mature. Augason Farms Peanut B... Buy New $17.00 ($0.53 / Ounce) (as of 09:17 UTC - Details)

Just Open Your Eyes!

Mass death follows false flag events like rain follows thunder.  Since the start of the New Millenium, an unmistakable pattern older than the Pyramids has become as painfully obvious as a zit on yer nose.  The most recent treachery began when Neocon infiltration and wall to wall corruption captured our government and media. It didn’t bear “fruit” until 9/11.  Modeling Alexander The Great and The Roman Empire, “illustrious” warmongers like that sonofabitch Kissinger devised our foreign policy, coming into bloom when Robert Kagan and slimy Bill Kristol authored PNAC in the late ’90s.

3,000 lives were sacrificed on that September morning, leading to millions more in the MidEast.  Under a shit-storm of lies and propaganda, Americans were suckered into dumping Fort Knox on “Arab Terrorism.”  Indelible security-state measures, domestic surveillance and emergency war powers without congressional approval were enacted.  Money and media kept any candidate not on-board with the program out of office.

W, “You’re with us or agin us.”

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez ” smelled sulfur,” as Bush ducked flying shoes in Baghdad!

“Dick” Cheney’s reply to testy questions, “Go F’ yourselves.”…So we did… and have been F’ing ourselves ever since in the shame of being fooled yet again!

Just A Mirage

“Objects in rearview mirror are larger than they appear.”   Propaganda and censorship causes people to distrust their own eyes in order to make the obvious insignificant.

An optical illusion termed “fata morgana” (named after sorceress Morgan le Fay of Arthurian legend) occurs when warm air over cold ocean water strangely bends light.  Boats in the distance seem to “float” high above the water or appear upside down in this strange disorienting phenomenon.  Psy-ops also “bend light” and warp our perspectives.

Edited video clips and predictable spin are “state sorcery” that causes us to doubt our own eyes as it destroys perceptions and the magnitude of real events at a distance.

Only Recently;

In the 20-teens, Russia was being set-up as the next target. U.S. instigated rebellion and regime-change preceded Ukraine’s Neo-nazis killing Russians in the Donbas.


Then a decades-old well-planned bioweapon attack killed millions… followed by a fake vaxxxine that claimed millions more.  Our lap-toad media was in full-court press to scare people to death and make them comply with a global shutdown and the laundering of trillions of dollars. Trump was either blindsided or complicit in Fauci’s crimes against humanity and fast-tracking mRNA shots.  The CIA, FBI and Pentagon were duly outed in staging and covering up their roles in all these events.

Putin invaded while Americans were mired in covid hysteria and a fake insurrection.. Cold War era relic NATO sounded the alarm so the US poured-on guns and money to abort “Putin’s evil plans of European domination.”  Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian “patriots” spilled their blood over vast farmlands.  Yellow and white flags waved in a PR solidarity campaign for a ridiculous proxy scheme that goes on today.   What?…Joe blew-up the  Nordstream II pipeline?

10/7>>> 9/11; deja vu all over again!  On 10/7 Bibi got his casus belli to destroy Gaza.  Only a neurotic psychopathic monster would bomb tens of thousands of innocents and evict millions for a final solution to the Palestinian problem.  We neither see-through Israel’s deceptions or are allowed to observe the actual destruction or smell the reeking stench of death or freely protest or cite morality. The US supplied every bomb and bullet with MY tax money…which really pisses me off.

Under that “illogical logic,” those needing homes and lands are justified in claiming “self defense” by simply killing native inhabitants and just “moving in?”

It Happens Everyday!

Just to keep everyone on their toes and maintain herd anxiety; geoengineered climate disasters like flood, drought and hurricane are created to usher in a profitable Green New Deal.  Satellites beamed microwaves that created vicious wildfires in California and Maui to prove their point and grab land. Augason Farms Cheesy B... Buy New $27.28 (as of 07:30 UTC - Details)

Meanwhile, media sorcery could not create enough fake-racism and Trump-hate or take advantage of mass shootings or try to legitimise sexual deviancy and the destruction of historic statues or minimize the impact of at least 8 million unwelcome guests crossing our southern border.  Politicians, as professing Christians, hypocrite themselves by violating every tenet of their faith.  They perform all manner of dirty deed to please their deep-state masters.  Held in check by money or blackmail and penalty of death, these soulless reptilian swamp creatures rule our every breath, through fear and the absurd narratives they create.  The Boeings, Pfizers, Microsofts, Blackrocks and Monsantos are the players in our security state with neocons and Manchurian Candidates in Washington calling the plays.

We must be confused, stupid or completely beaten-down to allow this feckless plunge to the bottom!  But just watch em vote for the same-old do-nothing suits in elections fixxxed 6-ways to Sunday.

Everyone feels the pain and deep shame of being repeatedly gaslighted and pissed upon, so I feel it’s only a matter of time.  The masses may be waking up!

I reached a point in my 40s, or was it my 60s or maybe only yesterday that I had to clear my head.  Again I returned to the forest to escape the fallacious reality inflicted upon us all.  I found peace in crisp oak-scented air mixed with a hint of pine.  Traffic sounds and sirens were replaced by cawing crows and the taptaptap of woodpeckers removing grubs from tree bark.  I sat under a gnarled centuries-old live oak and channeled its spirit.  It had seen fierce storms, floods, Indian hunters and likely Spanish soldiers. It just didn’t care.  

After several hours I left “the real world” and walked out to the black-top where rushing cars and trucks offended my ears.  An uplifting spiritual reverie was smashed to smithereens.  The roadside was littered with cans and plastic trash, some white leather that had once been a cottontail rabbit and farther on a half dozen vultures fighting over the carcass of a small deer.   

Was I crazy in my disgust of civilization?  Had civilization inflicted its insanity on the innocence of nature?  Would man behave differently if our lifespans were deemed less temporary? 

In any case, I felt healed of the delusions that debase the planet and once again decided to be like the old oak tree and ignore the world of illusions,…unfazed by what was never real or honest or kind.