The US Constitutionality of Welfare

According to Forbes, Netanyau’s net worth is estimated to be $80 million with a 400% annual growth rate on an annual salary of $179,000.   He is considered one of the wealthiest Prime Ministers in the world.   His real estate holdings include;  a beach house in Malibu, a penthouse in NYC, a vacation home, a luxurious home, and a penthouse apartment in Israel at a total value of roughly $30 million.   Yet, we are told to investigate Hamas wealth.

The political corruption is a global phenomena.  And bears witness to the fact that not one of these politicians can be said to be remotely adhering to Christian values or any other religious denomination.   As in the old adage;  Power Corrupts.

Would this Power be curtailed if certain criteria were instituted regarding;  term limits, market trade limitations, salary limits, and the elimination entirely of pensions – with the exception of The Military – and even then with exception to net worth limitations?

Pensions are becoming the number one expenditure for many government institutions, including the Department of Education whose value is near zero.   The budget for the 2023 Department of Education is pushing $275 billion – on expenditures of $308 billion.   The first accounting error in the Department is the fact that student aid is $200 billion or 60% of the entire budget.  The second error is of course – over-spending.  Student Aid is technically an asset, a receivable – not an expense.   The reason it becomes an ‘expense’ would be if it is not aid – but instead, a gift.  A gift is taxable to the recipient and should be offset by the 20% tax rate – in a strict accounting scenario. The Politically Incorr... Kevin R. C. Gutzman Best Price: $3.55 Buy New $8.80 (as of 02:20 UTC - Details)

But The US Constitution does NOT allow Congress to make GIFTS…

The next five Department of Education spending grifts are for 5 different Offices for a total expenditure of $140 billion – to operate the Department.   The remaining expenditure categories include; education disaster recovery, education sciences, English language, and upper management.

In other words, this Department has become a monopoly of AID which includes aid to families hiding wealth –

How can we eliminate the massive hidden assets that drive poverty?

It is estimated that Hidden Assets amount to $7.8-$9.8 TRILLION globally with an annual increase of roughly $40 billion.   Assets that are never taxed.   Will a data credit system make hiding wealth easier or harder?  Are the players ever punished?   How can it be tracked?

CBDC’s are being tagged as the future for Central Banking.   But is Central Banking at the helm of financial collapses, money laundering, and corruption?

Central Banking was a post WWI construct to control the money and money supply.   They operate as a monopoly and were established to prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, consumer protection and bank fraud.  However, everything they were created to deter, they made – easier.   There is little differentiation between ‘paper money’ and ‘digital money’ backed by nothing …  Conversion is simply a means for making fraud and laundering more private $$$$ for the criminals while making credit more tight for the individual.

The invoking of the Central Banking System was incorporated most widely by The House of Rothschild, Oppenheim, and Hottinguer.   The purpose was to elevate public debt.   And thus the Cartel was preserved and exponentially expanded as individuals incurred usury unsustainable debt.

The Department of Education was established with its primary purpose being to gather statistics and information.   By the Carter years, its purpose morphed into funding debt.  A welfare program paid for by Taxpayers.   But they were not alone.   The Department of Agriculture became the stop-gap for funding free school lunches – more welfare.   And The Department of Interior funds free education for all Native Americans – like Pocahontas – Elizabeth Warren.

The argument for maintaining these welfare programs and Departments was justified by liberal interpretations of the Commerce Clause of The Constitution:  Congress shall have the power to regulate Commerce among foreign nations, with states, and with Indian Tribes.  

Commerce is legally defined as:  the activity of selling, trading, exchanging, and transporting goods and people. 

Welfare is NOT Commerce.  The entire point of commerce is profit.  Welfare is NOT a Constitutional Right, it is not mentioned in any interpretation of clause with the following General Welfare/Taxation Clause:

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Does Welfare benefit the ‘General Welfare’ of the People of The United States uniformly?

No.   It is not uniform to the Common Good – and only applies to free goods and services benefiting a particular segment of society – the poor.   Thus Welfare is NOT supported by The US Constitution in any form.  Whether in the form of free education, free meals, free housing, free food, free insurance or any of the bountiful programs instituted outside of our constitution.  It is illegal.

Some pundits would argue that welfare is a ‘Civil Right’.  Yet, Civil Rights are applied only on the basis of ‘discrimination’ – not as a civil mandate.   According to HHS of the Federal Government, there is no civil right related to a person’s income level.  Civil RIghts are a protection based on identity.

Welfare was instituted during the FDR New Deal era as various Acts – Social Security Act, The Housing Act, etc…  However, every ACT must be supported by The Constitution.   In 1803, The Supreme court held that Congress cannot pass laws that are contrary to The Constitution.

And The Constitution is quite clear that ‘General Welfare’ means that it must apply uniformly to the Common Good.   There is no clause that specifies that allieving income disparity or poverty is Commerce unless said persons would become self sufficient productive members of society contributing to The Common Good and repay their debt.

The Departments of Education, Interior, Agriculture, and Housing are operating outside of The Constitution when making welfare payments via a nonrepayable gift.  Therefore, the elimination of these entities is a viable Supreme Court Lawsuit furthering the reigning in of profiting off Political Corruption – and laundering said profits via offshore, nontaxable, havens sitting on Tens or Hundreds of TRILLIONS – at the Expense of Taxpayers.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.

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