While the world’s attention is focused on Israel, the United States is cautiously working to strengthen its influence in Kazakhstan. Recently the Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu became one of the long list of high-ranking representatives of the American establishment and diplomatic corps who visited Kazakhstan during the last year. But is it just a desire to upgrade relations with a close ally in Asia or is there something more complicated behind the US diplomacy?
The thing is that some secrets of the shady business of the Biden family may be hidden in Kazakhstan. The presidential elections in the USA are just around the corner, which means that intrigues, investigations and sorting out someone else’s “dirty laundry” is in full swing on the backstage of the American political theatre. In this regard, we ought to remember the “crimes” of our dear old president and his relatives, including those committed in Kazakhstan. The first case that comes to mind is the money laundering through the Ukrainian gas production company Burisma, in which Hunter Biden and his Kazakh busines-partners Rakishev and Massimov were involved, as well as, probably, the owner of the White House himself. Massimov is currently serving a sentence for treason and an attempt to seize power. He probably had a lot of opportunities to provide the Kazakh secret services with valuable information regarding dark corruption schemes which he operated with his American friends.
It’s not surprising that now, less than a year before the new elections as well as against the backdrop of Biden’s ratings downgrade, Joe became nervous and tries to sweep the “traces” of his financial fraud committed also in Astana. It’s highly likely that he is concerned over the fact that the current president of Kazakhstan Tokayev, who hasn’t been involved in any corruption cases, could have information received from Massimov, which may become decisive in Biden’s and his Democratic party’s fate.
Apparently, this might be the reason why Washington is so desperately trying to expand contacts with the Central Asian Republic and appease Kazakh establishment, sending diplomats and high-ranking representatives one after another to Astana. There are people in the Democratic Party who, unlike Biden, are fully aware of the situation and understand that the further balance of power in the Congress would depend on the fact whether they could convince Astana and Tokayev get rid of incriminating evidence on their leader or not.