The RNC’s Toilet Paper Ballot Resolution

The RNC’s Toilet Paper Ballot Resolution

(Please note I stole the title from Robert Valenta. He’ll get over it, what are friends for?)

In the 2020 presidential election we saw a massive psyop conducted on the American people as the election was halted in six states on election night. Then over the next week or two we saw a deliberate and obvious display of creating false mail in ballots, and stuffing the ballot box, so to speak, by the Democrats. This was a psyop because the obvious mail ballot fraud distracted away from the systemic computer voting fraud. Hence, many misguided Republicans got duped into supporting computerized elections.

It is very likely that both parties cheat using computerized voting during primaries. This may explain the blank ballot issue revealed in Florida. There is a reason people call it a uniparty, especially as you get closer to the top.

The Republican National Committee came out with a paper ballot resolution not that long ago. On the surface it looks alright. Dig a little deeper into the details, and not so good.  Let’s take a look at a couple paragraphs.

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee supports the rights of counties and states that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable;

The above statement supports the right of counties and states to not use machines. Sounds nice, right? Problematic to say the least. Am I too suspicious? Let’s look at the next paragraph.

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on state legislatures, county, and municipal governments to pass laws and municipal codes and rules that allow for full transparent hand-counting procedures that are planned, timely and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for geographically defined audits and recounts;

The above paragraph calls for laws that ‘allow’ for the use of hand counting procedures. I am thinking that the language put into this resolution was deliberate and that every word was parsed. Maybe words like ‘allow’ in the paragraph above, or ‘the rights’ in the paragraph above that, should be considered with specificity in mind.

The Republican National Committee supports the ‘rights’ of states and counties to not use machines and supports laws that ‘allow’ for hand counting of paper ballots. This undermines the election integrity effort.

There is a trickle down effect. In Florida, phony MAGA would be politicians are pushing resolutions that call for paper ballot hand counted elections where ‘allowed’ by the Supervisors of Elections.

What heroic and bold declarations! Slightly sarcastic, I know…

Imagine the scenario playing out in your state where the red counties have paper ballot hand counted elections and the blue counties have fake computerized elections. Something sound familiar? Like a microcosm of the 2020 election. Some counties would have authentic election results, other counties, well, who knows?

Is this a limited hangout being conducted by the RNC and willing  accomplices?

If not, it seems a very misguided effort, The effect will be to thwart efforts calling for hand counted paper ballot elections. People will be duped into believing something is getting done, when, well really, nothing is getting done. Except, that this is a way to derail pressure for same day paper ballot elections.

There will always be cheating in elections. Every effort should be done to prevent this to occur. Still, it will occur. This needs to be held at bay and kept marginal so that it is extremely likely to affect the outcome of an election. The only way this can be done is with same day paper ballot elections. Exceptions would be made for the infirmed and those overseas, in the military, and so on.

Hand counted paper ballots can be verified and audited. Technology can add an additional layer of security. Real time video streaming of the counting can be conducted and recording the process can also be utilized.

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