Biden has declared he will begin negotiations with respective Pharma companies over the cost of 10 drugs obtained thru Medicare. One such drug is Stelara which costs $25,497.12 every 8 weeks or $152,982.72 per year. Currently, if you are insured, your cost is $5 per dose out of pocket. However, Stelara does not give this discount to those on Medicare, Medicaid, or VA benefits.
Stelara comes with a warning of serious side effects because it attacks your ‘immune system’. It causes TB, Cancer, lung deterioration – and death. The drug is for psoriasis, crohns and colitis. None of these diseases cause death. And doctors have no idea what causes these diseases other than a compromised immune system. The number of patients taking this drug between 2009 and 2019 was 300,000.
In 2023, Stelara’s patent expires and generic substitutes can enter the fray.
An alternative treatment for psoriasis is hydrocortisone cream which you can buy at your pharmacy for about $5. Another helpful cure that has NO side effects is Aloe. Aloe, Probiotics and acupuncture care also recommended to help relieve Crohns and Colitis.
Another drug slated for negotiations is Imbruvica. This drug is used to treat, not cure, lymphatic leukemia. Its side effects include; cancer, hemorrhaging, heart failure, tumors and death. Medicare patient cost is $8511 – $3395 per month.
This drug treats nearly 200,000 patients “WorldWide”. There is no specific data on US use.
June 2023, the FDA gave final approval for the generic version of Imbruvica to an Indian Pharmaceutical Zydus!
Biden Regime is likely going to twist the Medicare negotiation into a success when in actuality the generic versions will be the replacement.
According to The Economist, the Pharma Industry has currently reached a whopping $1.5 trillion annual revenue base of which 42% is US sales and 65% is US cost – $975 billion. According to the rap sheet, the ten drugs selected by the WH Regime account for $50.5 billion of the total Part D Medicare cost – 5% of all drug expenditures.
According to Kaiser, the total cost of Medicare drugs per year is $216 billion – 22% of total. The average number of medications Americans take is 4. The number of people cured? Zero. The top drugs taken by Americans are for High Blood Pressure, Statins, diabetes, and High Cholesterol. All of these diseases could be mediated by change of lifestyle habits; weight loss, healthy eating habits, and exercise.
If you want to impact the PHARMA Industry – take better care of yourself!
But the rap sheet has some odd common core math issues. According to HHS, the US spends $603 on Pharma per year, as opposed to $975. A 40% difference! Maybe, instead of tackling the 5% Medicare drug costs, the US Regime should audit US expenditures on Pharma.
Given US sanctions, Cuba’s largest export is has been – doctors. Estimated to be 50,000 to 60,000, they travel globally on missions. These doctors are trained in prevention and alternative cures including; acupuncture, herbal medicines, and other alternative practices. Pharma is a last resort and is strictly from within, Big Pharma is not allowed.
Training as a doctor is paid for by the government. Many of their 60,000 mission doctors go to Africa during crisis events – for free.
Despite the poverty in Cuba exasperated by western sanctions, the Cuban people live longer than their counterparts in western wealthy nations. Malaria, HIV, AIDS, TB and parasites are a rarity.
There are 28 medical schools across a country with a population of 11 million. Doctors make house calls routinely.
It is an envious model wherein medicine is not a Profit Industry that determines who will live or die – while infecting millions of people with diseases. The American model is a disaster and CoVid provided an insight into our medical community’s greed and corruption.
Today millions of American’s are suffering because of doctors. Doctors who demanded vaccines, demanded boosters, demanded intubation while refusing medications that could ‘cure’. The number disabled is in the millions in the US alone. Millions more now refuse to go to the doctor knowing it is simply a Big Pharma trip down aisle 46.
Lowering Medicare’s drug costs on drugs that the vast majority of Americans do NOT take won’t impact Medicare. It is a Ponzi scheme. We already have hundreds of drugs that are duplicated. We have Generics on the assembly line! Medicare typically will recommend generic drugs instead of the pricier patented ones. The negotiations will take years and not become enforceable until 2026.
It is all simply another distraction.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.