The World Economic Forum: A Farcical Illusion for Fossil Fuel Profits

The International Council For Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is affectionately nicknamed, Local Governments For Sustainability.   They are an initiative of the World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 with a goal of building 15 minute resilient cities. Based out of Bonn, Germany, they have 2500 city mayors across the globe that have become members, pay membership dues, and vow to uphold the goals.   They state that their member cities are stakeholders. Their current President is the mayor of Des Moines Iowa, Frank Cownie.

Conceived by Jeb Brugmann, from Freiberg, Germany, Brugmann received his masters from Harvard in an amazing – one year.  ICLEI’s earliest slogan was, ‘For The Common Good’.   Partners include Google, Woodwell Climate Research Center, Undisclosed, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.   In collaboration with Anthony Blinken, 24 cities across the Americas were chosen to participate in the Cities Forward Program within the ICLEI,  including; Denver, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Coral Springs, Hawaii County, Dallas, Dubuque, Austin, Evanston, Hoboken, Chattanooga, and Stockton.

The Cities Forward Program board consists of a number of mayors, but one in particular is worth mentioning; Kelly Takaya King, Former Council Member, Maui County, HI.    As in the now destitute Maui central.

Partnering with Secretary of State Blinken in this initiative is The Institute of Americas.   One particular advisory member to The Institute – is a Director at Pfizer, Dr. Samuel Dychter.    AN ODD COUPLE TO BE SURE.  Their partners include: Chevron, Exxon, Shell, Sempra Energy, Pan American Energy, Orel Energy, Interenergy, Pluspetrol, and others.   In other words, the fossil fuel industry is partnering to end all fossil fuels? And the Institute is led by Pfizer and hedge funds.

Orel Energy is a holding company with holdings in just about everything with one very small notation of solar amidst fertility, healthcare, quantums, AI, gaming, crypto, food tech, etc….   Not unlike Blackrock, which owns considerable shares in nastypants – fossil fuels.   Pluspetrol is the leading private oil and gas company in Latin America – operating in 7 countries…

You get the gist.   The ICLEI is a bait & switch operation that has absolutely nothing to do with sustainability – and everything to do with fossil fuels. 

Funding is public, private and government in the form of USAID.

The concept of the 15 minute city is a communist/socialist construct wherein you essentially become a prisoner.   Leaving the city will require permission and a mode of transportation. Your work will be determined/dictated by Stakeholder Council members, and your life will become a hodge podge of pre-selected spouses, pre-defined food and caloric intake, and 3 changes of clothing – rented, of course.

The Cities Forward  CHOSEN mayors will convene to decide their vision which will take 9 months, and then 2-3 years of collaboration efforts, ie, evasive distractions wherein nothing will be implemented.   Before presenting their paperwork to Stakeholders for review.   Implementation is not discussed.

Why? Because implementation is not the end game.   The end game is to create an allusion within a sphere of fear. All while building greater profits in fossil fuels –

Before Agenda 2030, there was Agenda 2021.   Before Agenda 2021, there was Agenda 2015.   Agenda 2015 was established in 2000.   NONE of the goals established in these UN programmes were achieved.   NONE.  As we get closer to Agenda 2030, it is likely the UN will adopt – Agenda 2050.   It is all a distraction, an illusion, to benefit the few at the expense of the many.   This is why they fly around in polluting jets, degrading our oceans with windmills that kill whales and dolphins in the thousands, and rape the land making lithium batteries while simultaneously mining for all the precious earth minerals and leaving ravaged land behind.   There is no conservation sustainable goal!   There is only oil and gas, and hedge funds. The movement of money from The People to war in Ukraine, to NGO’s, to trafficking.   These are their GOALS.

In the end it is about Eugenics and genocide while hoarding assets.

Saudi Arabia’s Prince Salman fell for the illusion when he launched Project NEOM in 2017 with a scheduled completion by 2025.   A 10,200 sq mile vision, it was to be the ultimate 15 minute city.   Now declaring a possible endpoint of 2039, the concept is dry and Bin Salman knows he was conned.   In 2017, Bill Gates bought 25,000 acres in Arizona with the DECLARED MEDIA vision to build the first smart city.   Six years later, he has not even broken ground.   Bezos chugs around on his multiple jets, yachts and litany of gas guzzling cars while taking every available concoction to reverse aging.   Via implants and Hitleresque drugs.  He could give a fark about sustainability – anything!

The World Economic Forum is more likely to be a club of money coming together at the expense of taxpayers to party, to solicit prostitutes, and drugs, and children for pedophilia entertainment.   All while laundering their NGO profits, their oil & gas investments, and having a grand ole time of deception.

The only thing the WEF has accomplished is the abject demolition of countries which disagree, the annihilation of law, and the destruction of major cities across the globe.   They are The Pariah!

And civil war IS their game – it is called a Color Revolution.   The only means to dissolve this Wonderland of Chaos is to dissolve NGO and Foundation charitable status.   Layer a global add-on tax to every Hedge Fund.   And eliminate the CIA, NSA, FBI and their allies abroad.  

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.