The recent conflagration in Maui’s Lahaina Town shocked the nation. Some have called it an act of war—if so, one might argue that it has a predecessor.
Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its advance on Germany from the east, many have questioned whether the firebombing of Dresden, the “Florence on the Elbe,” was justified. It was certainly horrific. Historian Donald Miller paints a vivid picture of the cataclysmic scene:
that many were reduced to atoms before they had time to remove their shoes. The fire melted iron and steel, turned stone into powder, and caused trees to explode from the heat of their own resin.”
History may not exactly repeat, but it often rhymes. The above description sounds eerily similar to the effects of the inferno in Lahaina. Of course, Dresden was a major European cultural center in the midst of a world war, while Lahaina is a small town in Hawaii, so there the comparison ends.
And, in the case of Dresden, the apocalyptic ruination of that beautiful city resulted from incessant Allied bombing including incendiaries that created a firestorm, killing tens of thousands of civilians and leaving only charred remains of the exquisite architecture that had graced the city.
Whereas in Lahaina, there were no visible bombs, no readily discernible enemy, and for the most part, not even any rubble. Only ash.
But how can one say this fire was an act of war? Wasn’t it an accident? Can’t we call it a natural disaster?
We’ve long used the terms “acts of nature,” “acts of God,” and “natural disasters” to describe earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and wildfires. Yet ever since our own military fulfilled its goal of “owning the weather,” all bets are off.
Some people still think geoengineering, aka chemtrails, is a “conspiracy theory” rather than believing their own eyes when they see planes spewing long white plumes that expand till they cover a clear blue sky with a pale, sickly haze. And perhaps, if you’re old enough, you remember what the night sky filled with stars looked like—truly dazzling. Because in many places, we don’t see that anymore.
And beyond chemtrails, technologies exists today that can cause earthquakes and tsunamis, and even amplify and steer hurricanes. An hour or two of diligent research online can yield plenty of examples. But let’s focus on fires.
Here in California, we’re all too familiar with forest fires. Summer is also known as “fire season.” In the past, such fires were often caused by careless campers leaving a camp fire untended, or tossing a lit cigarette on the ground. There’s also the issue of neglect of our forests, which need controlled burns to thin them out. Overgrown, mismanaged forests are certainly part of the reason we’ve had worse fires than in past decades.
But in the past seven years or so, something new has been added to this picture: fires intentionally started using a form of high tech energy warfare. This technology, known as Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), is similar to that of your microwave oven. If you’ve ever had a piece of tinfoil in that oven, you know how metal reacts to microwaves. And if you do an experiment, as YouTuber Max Mogren did, and put leaves and fronds in your microwave, you’ll also learn that plant matter doesn’t burn. This explains why these modern day weaponized fires melt metal but leave trees standing with all their foliage. The trees die, but they don’t burn. They’re cooked from the inside, like your potatoes.