The Royal Society Colonized the US in 1660


  • Slaves were required to toil 60-70 hours every week.
  • Their children were home school educated
  • Punishment for revolts was cruel and inhumane
  • Their Masters lived a plush lifestyle
  • Freedom was restricted – available to only the select few
  • The quality of food was bare minimum
  • Housing units were small and cramped
  • Enslaved men and women created their own cultural means of living to provide unity
  • Slaves were divided into levels of hierarchy in labor
  • Sometimes the Masters took the children away from the slaves
  • Slaves were not allowed to defend themselves against violence
  • Leaving the Master’s property without permission was prohibited
  • Militias were created to enforce slave laws
  • Sometimes slaves feigned illness to get out of working
  • They were taught specific tasks like cooking, cleaning, carpentry, ranching, branding, etc…
  • They were required to perform all their own personal maintenance
  • As slaves, they had no rights within the confines of their plantation

LIFE was Brutal!

Except what I am describing above is the ‘evolution’ of slavery. Today, a slave is called an employee.

The terminology of slave and slavery have simply been rebranded with the assistance of propaganda, illusion, and heady marketing campaigns.   Workers today are effectively subjected to much the same conditions as slaves of the 1800’s, albeit in an advanced industrialized society.   The quality of life has somewhat adapted and elevated, but the suppression of labour is no different.   And the disparity of wealth is purposeful.

We don’t realize this shift because of the mass hypnosis employed by various ‘intelligensia agencies’ have told us slavery ended.


In the 1600’s, letters were sent to friends and relatives in England and abroad encouraging them to come to America where ‘labourers’ could earn much more, sometimes 3 times more. Of course, the reasoning was the fact that in order to sustain and grow the wealth among the Aristocrats, the colonies needed more people to create an evolutionary revolution of labor.

Initially, Laborers in the 1600’s were given the same constraints as slaves including lack of property ownership.   Governing colonies were reticent, they didn’t want to share wealth, they wanted to create more for themselves in a repressed society. The concept of allocating property to the commoners became a bitter battle.

It was called “Prosperity Legislation’.

In addition, if a man had a particular trade as a craftsman, the colonies would not allow him to change his trade or become a farmer. Because Farmers were the lifeblood.   They were also the Masters. The Masters who came from England and built a New America.

At the end of the Civil War, the Sharecropping solution was developed.   Former slaves were allowed tracts of land to farm as tenants – for the Master Plantation owner.   Much like the Okies during the Dustbowl of the 1930’s.   Slave Labor – just redefined.

Today a Master is a Boss, a plantation is a corporation or manufacturing facility, and a minimum wage is supposed to afford you the means to buy what was given to slaves for free – poor housing, poor nutritional food – and bills.

Of course there are some advances today vs historical slavery. Today we fill out an application for the privilege of being a peasant laborer.   “Yes, sir.”    A Salary means no overtime for the 60-80 hour work-week.   We have to navigate multiple bus routes, traffic jams and train delays – and if we are late we are docked pay!   Like a slave. “Sorry sir, it won’t happen again”.

People line up at the grocery store to buy Wonder bread, corn flakes, potato chips and sodas – poor quality – but affordable nutrition.   The Plantation Corporate Bosses are dining on caviar, lobster, and Angus beef, because ‘value’ was predetermined centuries ago by the Royal families.

Nothing has changed it has just been rebranded.

It is an interesting chronicle that our Founding Fathers were all Democrat plantation owners of great wealth and British Aristocracy. They established the plenary system of wealth and poverty while carefully rebranding kings as presidents – and slaves as labourers.

The New America was a way to appease the Crown in establishing yet another colony.   A colony created under an illusion of freedom. A colony beholden to the Crown for eternity.   A colony that answers to The Royal Society. A Society coincidentally founded in 1660 and today overlorded by King Charles.

The Royal Society was Founded by Robert Boyle – a Rosicrucian. The pre-cursor to the Free Masons and The Knights Templar. In Western culture – the Rosicrucian movement adopted the philosophy of esotericism. By the nineteenth century, esoteric thought evolved into the mystic occult of wicca and satanism. A secular culture of magic, gnosis, the principle that all religions must merge, formal initiations and enchantment was adopted.

It would seem to closely align with the ideologies of the World Economic Forum, Epstein, Gates, and Soros as they consider themselves ‘enlightened’ and of a ‘higher knowledge’ than the commoners. They have attributed to themselves ‘second sight’ and the ability to foretell the future.

According to a recent Royal Society Report, their priorities in the short term will include data, climate change, net zero and energy, genome editing (altering DNA with Cripsr technology), and biodiversity. Overall, the Royal Society’s aim is to assure that global governments recognize that Science is The Master.   In 2018, Elon Musk became a Fellow.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.