The Bidens' Case Will Keep on Giving

The judicial case against Hunter Biden will stay alive.

That increases the possibility that Joe Biden will have to answer questions about his own corrupt dealings related to Hunter Biden’s businesses.

On July 28 a crooked plea deal for Hunter Biden was nixed by a court.

As I explained it:

Yesterday Delaware US District Judge Maryellen Noreika nixed a plea deal negotiated between Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark and the prosecutor team from Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.

Hunter Biden is accused of two tax misdemeanors and wrongdoing in a gun case.

The deal was constructed in an unusual way that would have given Hunter Biden immunity over additional accusations of not having  registered as a foreign agent under the FARA law.

The tax and gun cases were split and the judge would have only been given judicial oversight over the tax issue plea while the immunity part was hidden in the gun case plea deal, a diversion agreement, where the judicial oversight would have stayed with the prosecutor. The wide ranging immunity part would thus have been hidden from the public.

The results of the dirty deal would have been very generous for Hunter but the judge didn’t fall for the trick.

The deal the prosecutors had agreed to was very unusual and smelled of influence from above.

The prosecutors should be fired for offering an unprecedented sweetheart deal to the son of the sitting president and for trying to trick the court into agreeing with it.

The court sent the prosecutor and Hunter’s lawyer back home to renegotiate the plea deal.

However, this week the prosecutor, one David C. Weiss, wrote back to the court that the negotiations have failed and that he intends to indict Hunter Biden.

At the same time Attorney General Merrick B. Garland has elevated Weiss to the status of special counsel. That is claimed to make him more independent. It also allows him to move the case from the local court and to indict Biden in different states:

The prosecutor, David C. Weiss, has since 2018 investigated a wide array of accusations involving Mr. Biden’s business and personal life, including his foreign dealings, drug use and finances. But as special counsel, Mr. Weiss, who is also the U.S. attorney in Delaware, can pursue charges in any jurisdiction he chooses without seeking the cooperation of local federal prosecutors.

The big question is why Garland allows the same prosecutor who tried to push an obviously crooked plea deal through a court to continue with the case.

Sure, Weiss already knows the case. But the crimes Hunter committed are not that complicate. It would not take many weeks for a different prosecutor to learn of all the issues.

Another question is why Weiss, 5 years after taking up the case, now made the request to become a special council:

The investigation appeared to be near an end in recent months when Mr. Biden agreed to plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors in a deal that would also have allowed him to avoid prosecution on a gun charge. Mr. Weiss, who has been roundly criticized by Republicans over the terms of the deal, asked Mr. Garland on Tuesday to be named special counsel.

I have found no source which gave an explanation for Weiss taking this step. A special council is usually used for protection from ‘undue political influence’ by, for example, the attorney general. But it can also be used to hide things that otherwise would have to be done in the open.

That the same prosecutor who tried to hide that he would give immunity to Hunter Biden has taken this step smells of another attempt to come to some other murky deal that will keeps Hunter out of jail and his father in office.

But there have also been whistle-blowers who had said that Weiss had previously asked for special council power but that the request had been rejected by the Justice Department. Weiss had denied that:

Attorneys for Gary Shapley, a criminal investigator-turned-whistleblower, questioned the credibility of U.S. Attorney David Weiss after his appointment as special counsel Friday in the yearslong investigation into Hunter Biden.

Jason Foster pointed to his client Shapley, a veteran IRS agent, testifying to Congress in May that Weiss had once asked for special counsel status in the case and was rejected.

Weiss in subsequent letters to Congress denied that, saying he had been “granted ultimate authority” on “where, when, and whether to file charges” in the case.

Foster said the appointment of Weiss was “odd because both Mr. Weiss and [Attorney General Merrick] Garland had been saying for a long time that he didn’t need special counsel authority.”

So what has changed that made Weiss take this step and what is its purpose?

We do not (yet) know the answers to that.

But the fact that the whole issue is kept alive makes Biden’s reelection campaign more difficult:

President Biden faces the prospect that his reelection campaign will unfold at the same time his son faces trial, possibly in a federal courthouse a few blocks from the White House. The legal proceedings could weigh on the president politically, and the fact that the case involves his surviving son — one with a history of drug and alcohol addiction, one he speaks with almost every day, one most of his advisers avoid discussing with him — is also likely to weigh on him personally.

The problem for Biden senior is much bigger than described above.

It is by now known that Joe Biden was intimately involved in the deals his son Hunter Biden did with foreign companies. He had dinner with Hunter Biden’s customers and phoned in to meetings with them. The deals were only possible because Hunter Biden’s customers expected that Joe Biden would, when necessary, intervene for them.

He surely did so in the case of the gas company Burisma in Ukraine. Burisma hired Hunter Biden for a gross amount of money. When the prosecutor general of Ukraine started to confiscate houses and cars from Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, Joe Biden intervened. He halted a $1 billion loan guarantee that Ukraine was supposed to get and pressed for the prosecutor general to get fired. That promptly happened. A few years later Zlochevsky case was quietly buried.

We also know from Hunter Biden’s laptop that he has paid his father’s bills while getting money from Burisma. Joe Biden has thereby directly and personally profited from using his political power for crooked dealings.

That the Hunter Biden case stays open guarantees that all these little ‘details’ will see more and more public light.

That increases the chance that Biden’s corruption will finally lead to his impeachment.

Reprinted with permission from Moon of Alabama.

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