In the world I dream of, the United States is either severed into parts or the United States exists under a national government that believes in freedom.
And that means honoring political prisoners who fight for freedom.
In the 1760s and 1770s, the definition of the word “patriot” changed in the English language, according to Murray Rothbard, in his history of the American Revolution, Conceived in Liberty.
It stopped meaning, “He who is loyal to the English crown” or “He who is loyal to his fatherland.”
In the word you can see the base “patr-“ which says “father” or “fatherland.”
It came to mean, “He who is loyal to the cause of liberty.”
In time, it approximately returned to its crusty old anti-freedom meaning, “He who is loyal to the cause of the government.”
But that definition has again begun to shift.
There is a fight for the definition of the word happening, which is okay, and natural.
A question is central to this fight for the word: “How obedient are you willing to be to the government?”
Anyone who answers with any level of obedience for any role of government authority is increasingly being deemed “not a patriot” and crusty.
Anyone who answers with disdain for all government, unless it is an activity specifically focussed on protecting an individual’s life, liberty, and property, is increasingly seen as a patriot.
Things look bleak for 2024. Biden has a smaller than normal campaign team. They are trying to run the Covid/mail-in-ballot playbook again. Trump has been indicted even more times than he has been impeached (which is a lot of times). And the Republican line-up of Keebler elves cannot wait for the giant to trip over one of these indictments, so the Lilliputians can finally have their way with the giant walking among us.
Things looks grim for the United States.
But you know what, I see a few unorthodox steps that will get us to a very different period than we are now living though.
And, again, I suspect one of two things will happen: The United States is either severed into parts or the United States exists under a national government that believes in freedom.
It is more likely to be the latter. And in that version of America, not a single J6 prisoner (not a single one) remains in jail. All are pardoned. Each one is awarded presidential medals. Each political prisoner in the country — whether from January 6, 2021 or another form of political prosecution — is pardoned, at the federal level, but also at the state level, through a movement that sweeps the judicial system seeking to purge the United States of political prosecution, both past and present. And that includes Julian Assange, who will one day, before long, stand in the White House and receive the highest peacetime civilian honor of the land — the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The foundation of that exists in the world I live in.
And that is the world I aspire to.
Pollyannish? You may say so.
But you do not live in the deepest darkest ugliest corner of the county. You do not live in downtown San Francisco. You have not seen what I have seen. You have not seen the most lost men get saved. You have not seen how this land is tuning around. You do not know the cultural and spiritual revival that is quietly, slowly taking place in California. You do not know what joy is going to hit America once California sees its rebirth.
Do I know exactly what that looks like?
I have never lived through such a time as I am now living through.
But I know this.
It is happening.
I don’t know how it goes. I don’t know how long it takes. But I know that I am getting to be a part of it.
And every person who fled California is missing out. Sitting pretty, making it that much easier for the movement to fail, making it that much easier for men of ill will to prosper.
But we didn’t need you anyway. Shakespeare observed, “The fewer men, the greater share of honour,” and in that same monologue continued, “And gentlemen…now a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us [ in California.]”
Yes, some of you lay in your proverbial and literal beds, while some of us fight.
Though you would be welcomed back to California, and you new transplants would be welcome as well — welcomed to the front line — to the only state in the Union where a freedom fighter who wants to make the most impactful difference in the world belongs. Though you would be welcomed back, the truth is we do not need you.
I estimate that the average freedom fighter in California is at least 1 million times more impactful on the trajectory of world events than the average freedom fighter in the Third World, and at least 100 times more impactful than the average freedom fighter in any other state. No offense to the other places, but a warrior just matters more when he chooses to fight on the front line. And this is the front line.
I see that every single day of my life.
And I see this too — To you who would call me Pollyannish for writing that I aspire for the day that Julian Assange will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, I know this my friend, I am not the Pollyannish one wading through hypodermic needles and crap and seeing men get saved. That is the reality of what is now happening.
To use the word Pollyannish would he to pervert the word, for to be Pollyannish is the opposite of living in reality, to find good in things even where there is no redeemable good. No, I am most certainly not being Pollyannish for reporting what is happening in my midst.
The Pollyannish one is you that says California is lost, who says your state capital is lost, who says Washington, D.C. is lost, or who even says that America is lost. You are the Pollyannish one my friend, only it is somehow the Pollyannish fantasy of the deluded Klaus Schwab that you have professed. The deluded Pollyannish fantasy of George Soros, of Bill Gates, or the worst of the worst.
Wherever did you get the idea that was your job in life to amplify the Pollyannish dreams of such vile men and to call them “reality.”
No Sir, no such chance.
I live in reality each day.
It is men being saved from the gutter of the Tenderloin of San Francisco. It is men being saved from the needle hanging from their arm. It is men being saved from the dependency on methadone and the government that gives it to them.
Men are being saved. This land is being saved. And it is beyond anything I could ever have done on my own or that anyone could ever have done on his own. But you know what — those who are here, get to play a role.
I will never leave you or forsake you says the Lord, and that goes for the people of California too.
The J6 prisoners will be released.
They will each be given medals by the President of the United States, as well as those civilians who perished on January 6, Ashli Babbitt among them.
And when that is all done, Julian Assange will receive the highest civilian honor of the United States.
And that is just the beginning of where we are headed.
That is just the beginning.
Allan Stevo writes daily for the subscribers of his email newsletter at … learn more about his Living Heroes project and receive a free gift when you signup at — That gift includes the fantastic guide “3 Simple Ways to Start Corresponding with a J6-er.”