What does the Coming Movie “Napoleon” Signal About the 2024 Election?

“Came from Nothing…Conquered Everything” – film motif, “Napoleon”, November 2023

In a previous article this writer pointed out that going back at least to the California Energy Crisis of 2001 pivotal historical events have often been told in advance by movies to lower mental resistance thresholds to planned radical government changes that entail overriding democracy by declaring endless emergencies.

In 2001 Californians were led to believe by two movies that the California Energy Crisis was not planned nor the fault of government. The first movie explained the crisis as a “Perfect Storm” of uncontrollable events (2000 – Bo GoldmanPaula Weisman, $120 million budget, 3 years).  Conversely, a second movie “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” (2005-Alex Gibney), falsely explained that skyrocketing electricity prices were due to Enron’s hustler energy traders. Government needed the collaboration of Hollywood to pull off a phony energy emergency to circumvent laws banning taxation and utility rate setting without representation.

Fast forward to 2020, a series of emergencies were all preceded by similar self-fulfilling prophecy movies such as the bugaboo virus pandemic (“Infection”, 2019),train wreck chemical spills (“White Noise”, 2019), fire storm disasters (“Playing with Fire”, 2019),

and fake global warming catastrophes (“2040”, 2019). This is called “predictive programming”.

Predictive programming is the deployment of movies, books and the Internet to make the public less resistant to planned future events. The modern use of this persuasion technique disguised as entertainment was described in 1994 by Alan Watt:

“Hollywood is the magician’s wand (holly-holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins. These same movies which are designed to program the average person, can give the discerning viewer a better understanding of the workings and the plan of the world agenda. ‘Be-aware’. Predictive Programming – The power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.”

Draconian Napoleon

So, this raises the question, is the upcoming movie “Napoleon” more predictive programming meant to convince us about, say, accepting the rule of a dictator like Napoleon?  After the ongoing anarchy of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1794, Napoleon recognized that the only form of government that could re-establish order was a dictatorship. History shows Napoleon came into power by a coup, killed 3 million French people, jailed and guillotined his enemies, reintroduced a patronage system, put into place a new central bank and fought a lost war with Russia. Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory, now encompassing 15 U.S. states, to finance his war.

It is the opinion of conservative David Hodges of The Common-Sense Show online that the Democrats will not be able to cheat enough to win the next election without the cheating being notoriously undeniable.  Hodges has two “suppositions” about the 2024 election:

1.   We will see a third party emerge of former liberal Democrats who will portray themselves as populist such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchin. Ross Perot and his Reform Party captured 20 percent of the votes in 1992 to tip the presidential race to Bill Clinton.  Even Republican Governor of Alaska Lisa Murkowski sounds like she wants to throw her hat in the ring as a third party candidate to thwart Trump.

2.   Alternatively, oligarch-funded extreme domestic terrorism will be deployed to thwart an election if Democrats don’t believe they can win. In Ukraine, Pres. Zelensky cancelled elections because of the war and the same may happen here. Zelensky silenced anyone who opposed him and even assassinated some of them. Shades of the guillotine and the French Revolution.

Retired US Army colonel Douglas MacGregor also contends we may not see a 2024 election as the economic-financial condition is too fragile, banks may have to close for a short period of time to prevent bank runs, and levels of fomented violence will be designed to spill over into areas outside big cities to thwart voting.

Current Polls report half of voters want a third party but those polls, like movies, are likely paid for by those wanting to co-opt the election using a third party.

However, all the above speculation does not indicate who the Democrat Party candidate will be given Biden’s continuing to play the role of Mr. Magoo. If the movie Napoleon offers any portent of the future, a dictator will be appointed who “came from nothing….conquered everything”.  Put differently, Hollywood is going to try and persuade the electorate that an unidentified dictator (or black dictator-ess –Queen Ourika or Michelle Obama) will be the only acceptable option to an election.

Republicans view Libertarians as merely voters who historically tip close elections away from Republicans, just as Hillary Clinton captured the Libertarian vote in 2016 over Donald Trump. Libertarians tend to be part of the Knowledge Class and don’t identify with the Working Class and Evangelical Christian base of Trump. But Libertarians are not likely to have much sway in an election forecasted to be overwhelmingly for Trump unless a third-party candidate emerges.  RFK Jr. would have the likeliest appeal to libertarians as an independent or third-party candidate.

Under an aborted election scenario, the emergence of a mystery Napoleonic dictator would leave working class voters disenfranchised.  Fascist oligarchs and corporations would continue to fund street riots, mayhem and mutilation of children, cabinet members with foreign dual-citizenship would carry on control of the federal government and military, and a Napoleonic-like war with Russia would soldier on.

The third-party scenario offers a more definable choice that might save elections rather than ending up with a candidate who comes into office via a putsch. Again, RFK is an American not holding dual citizenship and would offer the best chance to save electoral democracy. But that is if elections are not allowed to be tilted by harvesting unsupervised mail-in ballots in a few large states and five renegade large counties. And RFK Jr. would take votes away from Democrats.  A plurality of voters in Arizona are undeclared independents.

In sum, don’t expect elections to be determinative in 2024, as long as the mainstream media is controlled by welfare-capitalist oligarchs in cahoots with central bankers and Big Pharma-funded TV news and mind-programming movie producers.  After all, it was that “libertarian” (sarcasm) president, Richard Nixon who said: “The American people don’t believe in anything unless they see it on TV” (or movies).  If we want to look into the future as to what is being planned for the upcoming elections keep an eye on the movies and the prospect of a Third Party.