Ukraine Offensive Failed: Blinken on the Mafia Watchlist

IF in fact NATO and the West knew beforehand that the Ukrainian Offensive would fail, there are two explanations:   1.   The offensive was a distraction,   or 2.   Ukrainian genocide is the operative reasoning.     Then again, maybe these are both correct.

Why would the West think that Ukraine could win?   Their military is comprised of a bunch of vagabond non-voluntary recruits with less than a week of training, and the CIA mercenaries which have been severely depleted to 1/4 of their initial strength.   The US provided cluster munitions are leaving a trail of death upon their own citizens and landmines have made the Ukraine landscape untouchable.

When your commanders are reviled by troops – the battle is already lost.   

Are the Ukrainian troops being used the as guinea pigs to blow up the land mines for incoming Polish and German troops?   Knowing the west’s penchant for ‘guinea pigs’, aka the Vax, I’m liable to think the Loss of Ukrainian troops is an effort to safeguard the ‘more valuable’ incoming foreign troops.    Because in the end, the Eu and US don’t want the Ukrainian people – they want – Ukraine, its resources, and it internal corruption.

Then again – ‘distraction’ is their Plan A in just about every situation.

There is scuttle that Poland and NATO are considering annexing the western portion of Ukraine around Lyiv.   The strategy would appear to make a portion of Ukraine a NATO ally via Poland.    Thus any attack on Polish territory would justify WWIII.

If Russia then took control of the central and eastern portions stretching to Odessa, Crimea and the Black Sea, they will have the majority of the Breadbasket being touted by the Left.   Building a wall to demarcate the new annexations would become a necessity.   Given the speed at which Russia repairs bridges – they might be able to construct a wall within months – separating east and west Ukraine – a stalemate..

This would leave Poland holding a landlocked Ukraine that has suffered superficial damage compared to the East. But what would it really achieve?   Absolutely nothing.   Although perhaps they would have informational propaganda on their side and label the conclusion a ‘victory’.   But, Putin is a man of chess and strategy.   While the military intelligensia on the right seem to have no acumen other than informational illusions.

While noting that the f-16’s are months away, that bombs and ammo are nearly 2 years away, Blinken announced in an interview that the end of the counteroffensive is months away…   It was odd when Blinken et al provided the start date of the counteroffensive, but even more odd that Blinken is now providing an ‘end date’.

One very ignoramus ‘retired’ US General has suggested US warships escort Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea in order to assure the contents of the containers safely reach their EU destinations.   His point is also a pre-emptive WWIII scenario given any attack on the US warships would create an international event…   Even this tactic is old – used on the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor.

Isn’t it odd that ‘the grain’ that doesn’t feed anyone is considered such an important shipment to the EU?

It is difficult to find what might be the distraction. The normal outlets – NED and CSIS are mum.   NED is busily hosting its Nobel Peace Prize Awards – in true Hollywood fashion. And the Peace winners are – laureates from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.   Obviously the ones from Belarus and Russia are leaders opposing the respective governments.   Promoters and analysts who will present the awards include CNN Bianna Golodryga ( a fill-in anchor for CNN), Dan Baer of Carnegie Endowment, and Aleksandr Cherkasov of the defunct NGO, Memorial that was booted from Russia.

Seriously, this is what the West is doing as they call for ‘endless war’ – award dissidents.

While Blinken hails the great success of the Ukrainian CounterOffensive in the media highlighting Zelenskyy’s assertion that Azov has taken back 50% of what Russia previously owned – they don’t release the details – ie, they have taken back ravaged land, ravaged villages, and empty cities.  There was no one there to “Fight”!

Ukraine Plan B, C, D, and E would seem to have failed.   On to Plan K = common core math.

The BRICS are now expanding at an incredibly rabid pace with nearly 40 countries asking to join.   The next Summit is in Africa where Bill Gates genocide, the British, the French and the US – have a lengthy rap-sheet.   Macron’s odd request to be invited to the South African Summit in August has been – denied.   Leaving the black man behind Biden fuming!   If Africa denies Western colonization in favor of the BRICS, the cabalists are losing their 15 minute city destination.

Tsun Tsu – Art of War = Deception.   In my father’s day, every military officer of rank was required to read The Art of War.   Now it appears they are reading Rainbow Warriors Have Safe Spaces…

In order to propel the West further toward their Nobel Laureate self adulation, Blinken has announced;   a) he has levied sanctions on China’s Military Leader which Blinken asserts will have zero impact on relations,   and b)   he has upped the ante against North Korea – with a threat, “either denuclearize or we will really really hurt you – pinky swear”!   Hurt NK with what?   The weapon stash that has been obliterated in order to relieve Ukraine from Ukraine and make it a Polish statehood?

It appears North Korea has given asylum to a US military nobody who was going to be court- marshaled in the US because he is ‘surprise’ an abject Looney Tune!.   Hence the lack of informational propaganda.

Blinken has now failed in revitalizing a China detente, he has botched the Ukraine war, and thinks that threatening North Korea will have any positive reaction to bolster his obtuse reputation.   In fact, my guess is Blinken is on the axing block and his usefulness as a stooge may be coming to near catastrophic close.   He is looking more frazzled and scared than his preferred  demeanor of Cool Hand Luke.

But then he faces The True Mafia at work – Cleaning Crew on Aisle 46!

IN the vein of envy, The Economist has now moved its focus on the relatively new President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.

Nayib Bukele came into power in June 2019.   And he came in like a Trump on steroids!   Elected via a ‘third party’, his entire term so far has been about arresting gang members which has resulted in the reduction of the murder rate by 60%!   Despite the classic HRW and Amnesty International declarations of human rights violations, Bukele arrested over 71,000 gang members.   The West thrives on gang members.  Gangs dod their most inglorious work and given a free pass.   If El Salvador is cleansed of the gangs – this will negatively impact the outflow of immigrants to the US.

Undeterred, Bukele fired the Attorney General and five Supreme Court Justices – for abject corruption.   The West went ballistic!   Then, shortly after declaring that Bitcoin was legal tender in 2021, protests erupted.   You know – the NED kind of protest/revolution attempted coup – protests.  Informational Propaganda:  Thousands took to the streets to protest Bukele arresting gang members…  Reuters, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, NBC, Al Jazeera, PBS, LA Times bombed the internet with depictions of a Dictator.

They failed.

When Bukele announced that he took hydroxycholoquine for Covid – the US went ballistic again!   Transparency International declared that El Savador’s president was rogue and had not followed ‘protocol’.    Despite all their best efforts to denounce, demonize, and ridicule Bukele, The West Lost.   LOST.   At 42 today, Bukele is a prime example of facing the Demon head-on and Winning!

And the West is furious.   Yet another country LOST.   Now, having lost China, Saudi Arabia and Africa, and possibly Israel, Ukraine’s importance dwindles.   And Blinken is looking more and more distressed.

The Cabal’s military infrastructure, ie, the CIA, the FBI, NSA, MI6, etc… is precariously close to a Great RESET.  Just not the kind the WEF envisions.   The concept of CBDC’s as a social credit score singular monetary system cannot be initiated because there are no 15 minute cities and no globalization amidst no credibility!   Advancement required unity, an alliance, a sphere of circular corporate stakeholders.   Instead they achieved even greater global discord and the collapse of secrecy.

HOWEVER…   a caged snake is much more likely to strike venomously and lethally.   Which leaves NATO and the West at risk of inciting their next Pandemic Strategy – Global Lockdown for Climate.   Pertinent Problem:   In order to have a “Global Anything” one needs global – and the Cabalist Mafia have lost at minimum of 40-50 largess countries representing a greater percentage of total GDP than the weakened G7.

That means – at this point they have not figured out Plan K and keep managing to make YUGE mistakes that further define them as – well, you know Hillaryesque!   What Difference Does It Make If Millions Die!

Art Of War – Never Underestimate The Enemy…

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.