Three years ago in 2019, a means for replacing colleges was introduced by a company, EvoLLLution, based out of Canada and California. The concept is directed toward tossing typical testing methods to determine College admissions and instead rely on other means to make entrance more ‘progressive’ and equitable. As though they anticipated the removal of Affirmative Action, better known as ‘race discrimination’.
The pro argument for affirmative action was ‘cultural assimilation’. Forcing universities and employers to have a subset equal to the US demographics of race. Cons were ‘merit’. Pro’s won and universities began the process of accepting students as quota margins.
EvoLLLution, The Modern Campus, saw the coming backlash and defined a new means for schools to recruit students without affirmative action – yet instead with affirmative action disguised. The means? Eliminate such aggravants as grades, test scores, ACT requirements, etc… and replace them with essays and videos and pictures. Eliminating knowledge and replacing it with ‘feelings & emotion’.
According to EvoLLLution, professors, teachers, and academics are replaced with ‘corporate partners’, and education is now specific to what a particular corporation wants from an employee. There are no actual degrees, the learning is continuous. It is a parallel to Smart City ideologies. Or company towns that flourished from 1880 to 1935.
The focus is on AI online Learning and Technology. WHY? To Eliminate Free Will.
Yesterday when the Supreme Court reversed a previous decision on affirmative action, public divisions were once again quite angry calling for the abolition of the Supreme Court and The Constitution. In response, Harvard said they would find a way and means to avoid the SCOTUS ruling via ‘essays’. In other words, Harvard had already planned for this decision – THREE YEARS AGO. Their hissy-fit today is just for show and tell.
The purpose of EvoLLLution, an online news portal for corporations and colleges, is to modernize campuses to meet employer demands. Employer’s no longer care about GPA’s and Communication Degrees, they want specialized trained employees. They want employees whose life will be dedicated 100% to being an employee. What they don’t want is the hassle of free thinkers.
Also in preparation for the education shift, the push for AI pre-programmed means of educating children K-12 is making rampant headway. In this scenario, the role of a ‘teacher’ will be to guide students through any difficulties they have with their AI assigned trainer. Students can still go to school if they want or simply login. Students that show up at school will sit down with their computer learning kit. No other interaction is necessary unless there is a glitch.
At the university level, online AI training is preferred. At this level research centers will be provided, however, typical classrooms, lecture halls, and all the costs associated therein will be eliminated. Grades will be eliminated – AI will determine your career choice for you based on its knowledge of you – the subject student. Proficiency will be measured by Corporate America.
Agenda 2030 outlined the transformation of education years ago. CoVid was a test project for K-12 online learning. It failed miserably. Colleges were vacant, students became depressed, and dropout rates went through the roof. AI is different. EvoLLLution declares that the AI Trainer assigned to you will evolve as it gets to know your responses and reframe your tutoring to account for individual assessment. It is NOT simply an online class with pantless professors. It will be more like matching your skill level at grade five, which is what schools, do in Germany, to your next generation of learning. Dividing and sub-dividing children into various groups based on abilities.
The Biggest detriment is ‘interpersonal contact’. Today, inciting teachers in the K-12 industry to become non-teachers with porn issues, assault issues, screaming fit issues, and fire breathing plague issues is a manufactured event and outcome. The purpose of which was to hypnotize parents into the horrors of teachers so that AI friendly computers can easily make the shift with parental approval.
The interpersonal shifting is more difficult. With AI classrooms, the teacher’s usefulness is akin to that of a warden – or room attendant. Their purpose and training will revolve around showing a student another AI means of answering their questions – because the warden doesn’t have answers – only AI. Teachers of today will become obsolete – a necessary evolution.
Ultimately, one of the projects agendas is to eliminate physical schools and raze their property. Colleges and universities will be obsolete per se – and research institutions will absorb the excess tax dollars.
The largest ramification is of course bias. Rewriting history. Training the next generation to become 1984 robots. It is a memory of what was once acceptable in many ancient civilizations. A pattern of workers ‘the worker-bee’ whose sole function is to support the Queen. And who were these Kings and Queens down the line from the times of ancient pyramids?
They were the Giants. They were the ancient Greeks and Egyptians whose existence as the elite was based on birth rites – Like King Charles whose throne on the Cartel pyramid is considered quite high. He has a penchant preference for who is allowed to run for President of the US – as those with a noble genealogy. Their shared class.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.