The World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, which “provide an overarching legal framework that defines countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders.” This legally binding international agreement would give the WHO unprecedented power over national-level governments – and override national sovereignty.
The proposed amendments will also transfer the management of every state’s public health response during anything the WHO deems a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). If adopted, the amendment(s) would surrender future U.S. and global public health emergency authority to the WHO Director-General (D-G).
We all need to encourage our local, state and federal leaders to speak up now to halt this massive power grab and reject the IHR amendments, which would turn the WHO into an unelected global government — The World Health Assembly (WHA), which is “the decision making body of the WHO,” convenes May 21-30 to discuss and possibly vote on these amendments.
Despite catastrophic public health failures during the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government under the current administration has indicated a strong willingness to hand over what can only be perceived as dictatorial-level power to the WHO via new International Health Regulations (IHR), currently being drafted behind closed doors – showing a complete lack of transparency.
The proposed amendments to the IHR (agreement) stand to:
- Remove the existing IHR language granting “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” They are actively attempting to eliminate “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” from the IHR amendments.
- Change IHR recommendations from “non-binding” to legally binding such that all member countries must obey and implement them.
- Create requirements for digital vaccine passports that will be used to restrict access and travel as the WHO sees fit.
- Require surveillance of online information and suppression of information deemed misinformation and disinformation.
- Coerce extreme lockdown measures, including the creation of “quarantine of suspect travelers, preferably in facilities away from the point of entry,” aka “quarantine camps” seen during the COVID-19 pandemic in China and elsewhere.
- Allow the WHO D-G to declare an emergency at will.
- Require nations to use certain medications while prohibiting the use of others during emergencies.
- Allow the WHO to commandeer medical supplies in any country, transfer them to other countries, and evade laws on intellectual property.
Leaders on a local, state and federal level must speak up and voice their opposition to this massive power grab in order to avoid losing their own powers to manage public health emergencies. Global one-size-fits-all medicine does not allow for personalized medical care. We are calling on our federal representatives to support H.R. 79 – The WHO Withdrawal Act, to protect against this imminent massive power grab at the hands of WHO. We are calling on our state and local representatives to protect their constituents in the following ways:
- Preserve your state’s authority to manage public health.
- Prevent unelected, appointed bureaucrats from controlling public health measures and medical care during perceived public health emergencies.
- Ensure that no medical mandates can override the rights provided in State and Federal Constitutions.
- Prevent discrimination based on medical or healthcare decisions.
- Protect patients’ rights to informed consent for medical procedures and for individualized care.
- Prohibit bio-surveillance and the collection of medical data and DNA without the full consent of the individual.
- Enable healthcare providers to practice individualized medicine that does not harm patients without coercion by regulatory agencies and other outside influences.
Our elected officials must hold on to the powers granted to them by the U.S. Constitution, and they must support their constituents who elected them to hold office. Our federal representatives must educate themselves on HR 79 – The WHO Withdrawal Act – so that they can better understand the risk to National Sovereignty that comes with remaining a WHO member state with the pending changes to the IHR regulations.
Urge the President to STOP the negotiations for the proposed amendments to the IHR in order to protect national sovereignty and not to hand over our nation’s public health authority to the WHO. Tell him to REJECT the amendment to Article 59, “Entry into force; period for rejection or reservations,” adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022.
The American people deserve a say in these important public health decisions that will greatly affect our future – especially in light of the abysmal public health failures during COVID-19.
What You Can Do:
- Fill out the form below to:
- Tell your state legislators to voice their opposition to and protect your state from potential new proposed International Health Regulations that would put all public health power into the hands of the WHO’s D-G.
- Tell Congress to support HR 79, The WHO Withdrawal Act, in order to preserve national sovereignty.
- Tell President Biden to STOP the negotiations for the proposed amendments to the IHR and roll back the IHR amendments that were hastily changed in 2022.
- Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights for a future free from tyranny. Once you sign, share the Bill of Rights on social media, share any actions you are taking to choose freedom and preserve your rights and tag your post with #TheGreatFreeset.
- Share this page with your family, friends and on social media to spread awareness and encourage people to take action!
Please help by spreading the word to as many people as possible.
Originally published on Children’s Health Defense.