PRESS FREEDOM: Everyone talks about it. Everyone points to crackdown on ‘opposition’ journalists. And here’s a doozy – The Press Freedom Index Warns Disinformation Poses Major Threat! Reporters Without Borders is tasked with the annual ranking based on its own ‘personal’ assessment of 180 countries. According to their scrupulous non-propaganda platform they rank all western nations as ‘satisfactory’ and all other nations as ‘very serious’ – difficult – and ‘problematic’. China, Russia, India, Pakistan and a slew of Middle Eastern countries come in at the lowest level. SURPRISE!
There are seven criteria for ranking each country: pluralism (measures the degree of representation of opinions in the media space), media independence, environment and self-censorship, legislative framework, transparency, infrastructure, and abuses.
Reporters Without Borders is a French NGO whose aim is to guarantee ‘freedom of information’ – after prerequisite censorship. According to their in-depth research across the globe they have determined that certain factors grossly contribute to press freedom failure: “political control of the media, subjugation of news and information to private interests, the growing influence of corporate actors, online mass disinformation and the erosion of quality journalism.”
Prize winners hail from China, Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, etc… Not one came from the USA. Funders of Reporters Without Borders include; Open Society, MacArthur Foundation, EU Commission, the Ford foundation, the Rothschild Societe Generale, National Endowment for Democracy, American Express and others. Quickly they counter – but none of our funders impair our impartiality and independence…
Freedom of speech isn’t exactly free, it comes with caveats. Those caveats are determined by a select group of people who determine what is fake, what is disinformation, what is misinformation and what is propaganda. Free is continually redefined. Other more prominent words replace free – reliable, human rights, and ‘ethics’.
But the website frames something much more fearsome:
“a collective work spirit”
Instead of high-lighting collaboration and team work – they specifically chose the word ‘collective’ which typically embodies communist ideology as in ‘the collective good’.
The ranking system is equally bizarre when denoting self-censorship – infrastructure and media independence. Given it is righteously known that nearly all MSM media outlets can be identified as a subsidiary of the five major non-independent Media Conglomerates. The ONLY Media Independence comes from ‘nonaffiliated journalists’. Government Speak. Government/CIA/MI6 sponsored BBC, DW, CNN, WAPO, NYT, NPR, the list is a dirt laden, pothole extension, of a back road leading to nowhere.
The FEED – is dependent on your ability to pay for subscriptions. The Feed is regurgitated across visuals and will soon be an intravenous feed based on your predetermined class and social credit ranking. Your position in society will determine the information feed extent. Some may only receive 5 minutes of the FEED, while others will be privy to the 2-3 hour opaque version. The purpose? Inequality. Non-inclusiveness. And inequity.
The tongue tied version of press freedom also likens itself to the role of punisher and censor when these self declared Cartel Members determine what is truth and what is a lie. Even when the lie they assault later is revealed to be true – aka. CoVid, PCR tests, inflation, supply chain, oil and gas… every aspect of our daily self analyzed critical thinking dispersion is an activated algorithm in the determination of ‘FREEDOM’.
For Example: The Soros/government owned Deutsche Welle headlines states that: Zelenskyy didn’t attack Putin. Blinken claims the US had no involvement and did not encourage assassination. Both men routinely lie. But Reporters Without Borders doesn’t mention DW, Blinken or Zelenskyy in their Pinnocchio nose rantings!
Today there are 538 journalists imprisoned~ Per Reporters Without Borders. Of those roughly 100 are Russian journalists in US prisons ~ according to Russia. But the Report claims there is only 1 detained journalist in the US… ; 111 in Turkey, 88 in Russia, 49 in Saudi Arabia, 160 in Myanmar, 121 in Egypt, 192 in China, and 227 in Belarus, among others. Who are they targeting? Obvious.
There are two rather largess problems when assigning oneself as the Monarchial Ruler over Global Journalism… 1. It’s none of your business and, 2. Reporters Without Borders is lying.
ONE lie obliterates all supposed truthisms.
Who is Fact Checking Reporters Without Borders? Soros? Personally, I am not a fan of fact checkers or polls – they are both rooted in emotional response, opinion, bias, and fake algorithms. EXAMPLE: When ranking changes in press freedom, Ukraine was given +27 points compared to Germany -5 and US -3. So while Ukraine has imprisoned the Orthodox Priests and shut down ALL Media with the exception of their Kiev Post owned and operated by the Nazi government – its freedom index ROSE 27 points!
The annual report of Reporters Without Borders pointed to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and his “arbitrary, payment based approach, to information to the extreme, showing that platforms are quicksand for journalism.” So subscription news is considered communist suppression now. What news outlets require a subscription? MOST: Bloomberg, NYTimes, WAPO, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Atlantic, The Economist, etc… ALL Left wing disinformation campaigners!
Amazing how even the annual report by Reporters Without Borders is mired in disinformation and slander while claiming to support Freedom… Most of us are weary unraveling the constant drivel of hypocrisy parlayed by western media, which is now synonymous with Soros and The Great RESET. The drivel embedded in eating worms and crickets. The drivel that trees cause climate change…
Transparency is the bulwark of Reporters Without Borders. Transparency would indicate they are proficient at lying and bias, while funded by Communists and Marxists, and inescapably DEVIANT in their attestations. Yet like every other hypocritical Gob Speak lying is the new normal of MSM.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.