AIDS – HIV – Big Pharma Under NIH & Fauci

The definition of pseudo = false.   The definition of science = the study, observation and experimentation of testing theories against evidence obtained.   The Rockefeller Institute in 1917 began a heady campaign to describe doctors of the time as quacks – snake-oil salesmen.   Today, anyone who cultivates an idea north of Mainstream is considered a pseudoscientist.   Anyone so labeled by the Media/Scientific community is thus defaced.

WHY?   Because pseudoscience focuses on cure – while real scientists focus on the elaborate marketing strategy of a pill that causes massive side effects – including ‘death’.  

This deviant medical community is front and center once again in the declaration that HIV is a precursor of Aides, and AIDES medications need to be hyped because everyone has HIV.   According to Kary Mullis a biochemist who won the Nobel prize and who discovered the PCR methodology, there has never been any scientific proof to make the assumption, as posited by Tony Fauci, that HIV is the causal link.

Instead, Mullis asserts that Fauci created a fake polymer chain that was common in humans, replicated it and announced it was HIV.   A new disease necessitating a vaccine.

Four decades later, the medical community powered by NIH declares HIV is = to AIDS.   The diseases are interchangeable in terms.   And no vaccine is possible because HIV is a shape-shifter.  After 40 years of shifting the HIV chain likely no longer resembles ANY string isolated by Luc Montagnier in 1982.   Not to be deterred, Fauci wanted to create a Legacy!   And he saw possibilities in creating one thru HIV in the hopes of a mandatory immunization for children.

Early studies with Macaques revealed that they inherently had antibodies against HIV – so they were injected with more antibodies to see what would happen…   The study involved 5 animals.   Five.   It disappeared into the anals of Science Mainstreamism as having proved nothing evidentiary.

If we already have the antibodies – we don’t need their re-manipulated antibodies injected into us!   It is when these anibody proteins are depleted that they need a boost – as per Dr. Bradford.   In 2015, Dr. Bradford was suicided for his extensive research and trials that found depleted human proteins could cause cancer.   Infusing that common protein back into a patient enabled them to fight off cancer.   Unpatentable, Big Pharma, GSK, were adamant that this discovery could be harmful to the Pharma Ideology.   Bradford needed to be muffed – and all his papers and research confiscated.

Mush like the government did with Nicola Tesla!   Odd.

Johns Hopkins, the source of CoVid Misinformation Deluxe, would like to incorporate mRNA technology to deliver an HIV immunization requirement for all adolescents.   For something they can’t cure, can’t source, can’t trial, and haven’t in 40 years been able to completely isolate.

The similarity between the HIV human experimentation and CoVid is particularly interesting in how logic and rationale were eliminated entirely.   The purpose?   Multiple layers that all form a common core – MONEY.

In one specific interview with Kary Mullis, he frequently espoused Hegalism.

A philosopher, Hegal concluded that, “The otherness that consciousness experiences as a barrier to its goal is the external reality of the natural and social world, which prevents individual consciousness from becoming free and independent.”

In other words, as Kary noted in numerous videos, a scientist is required to submit ‘papers’ to solidify his expertise in the scientific community.   The papers bear a remarkable ‘emotional’ rather than evidence based conclusion.   The reasoning is the motive – grants, recognition, and sustainability of a career.   And thus Science, the theoretical, is the true pseudoscience –

Mullis declares this Hegalism is the defining nature of Fauci’s NIH.

Although the degree to which Anthony Fauci decimated NIH over the course of 40 years is only now mainstream, there were countless scientists and bioscientists who reviled the man, his antagonism, greed, and lacking knowledge.   The general populace was only made aware via social media.  As a result, we were denied the privilege of acknowledging the true brilliance of some of our most revered and demonized.   Egocentricity was instead the mainstay for Fauci.

Despite the rigorous attempt to create a vaccine for HIV, all efforts have failed miserably.   Could it be because HIV is not a virus at all? Or perhaps HIV is a normal evolution in our bodies holding some one trillion viruses?   Or perhaps our natural antibodies have already subdued HIV from existence and the PCR detection test is a fraud?

In any reality, as Mullis pointed out, the symptoms of HIV replicate multiple other diseases including: Malaria, common flu, mono, strep, herpes, shingles, Crohns, Lyme disease, intestinal parasites, etc.. etc… etc… The means for health officials to determine HIV is via a blood test which looks for antigens that resemble HIV.   Often, when analyzing antibodies they are not an ‘exact match’ and therefore science determines, ‘eh, close enough”.   Or possibly you have a mild version – and the antibodies will kill the virus on their own accord.   Or it means the antigens cannot be replicated because the virus replicates daily or weekly.   Or it means the science is grossly flawed.

This same flawed methodology our esteemed NIH determined would identify CoVid – even when you are asymptomatic. Even when you had antibodies already working to defeat the virus. Even when the test concluded your antigens were a  ‘close’ match but not 100%.   Because if you have the antibodies – which everyone does – then the doctor can assert you are HIV positive – which you are NOT.

Big Pharma is running out of diseases to not cure.   Therefore, Big Pharma has determined that the only way they can make money is to ‘create diseases’ because Pharma’s very existence is based on mass disease and the mitigation of all subsequent side effects for correction via new pharmaceuticals with more side effects.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.