Bill Gates: This new scamdemic—I mean pandemic—is going to be a humdinger.
Klaus Schwab: A real doozy.
Yuval Harari: What’s a humdinger?
Tedros Ghebreyesus: A killer, you might say. We’ve got the vaccines, the killshots lined up. And we’ll suppress, smear, and outlaw any cheap alternative therapies that work—Just like we did with the Covid operation.
Gates: That’s right, Tedros, the vaccines are ready to go! This time around, we should see maybe 2-3 billion vaccine-induced deaths and injuries. The Covid scam, I mean the pandemic, was a warm-up exercise. All we need to do now is announce the next world-destroying virus. It can be a theoretical computer model—exactly like we did with Covid-19 which exists only as a computer simulation supplied by our partners in China. This next “catastrophic big bug” will come from…well, you’ll find out soon enough.
Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO): Absolutely fantastic!
Anthony Fauci: I’m coming out of retirement for this.
Harari: I will write a new book about the ineluctable march of history. It will be another New York Times bestseller.
Gates: Best of all, we’ve added the sacred, holy, always-harmful, unapproved mRNA technology to the world’s drinking water.
Bourla: Wunderbar! A boost to the boosters.
Fauci: That was my idea, Bill. You stole my idea, I deserve a lot of credit and respect. I am a humble man of science.
Schwab: This will be a necessary and humane culling of the useless eaters.
Josef Mengele: I am jealous of what you guys are doing. You guys are devilishly clever and brilliant.
Gates: How the hell did he get in here?
Henry Kissinger: Reincarnation or resurrection or something.
Harari: Who knew? Go figure.
Mengele: With your mRNA killshots and your adenoviral-vector killshots, you guys have been killing and maiming millions of suckers. Lots of children too. I never murdered so many children. I really envy you. You’re nailing them with the myocarditis, the stillbirths and miscarriages, the infertility, the strokes and clots and sudden deaths. And your feminists are silent. Your feminists don’t give a shit, they’re all brainwashed with the wokeism and the propaganda from your mainstream media. It’s fabulous. Goebbels [Nazi information minister Josef Goebbels] would be drooling.
Ghebreyesus: Wait till you see what’s coming. With our new WHO Global Pandemic Treaty and our new WHO International Health Regulations, myself and Gates and Big Pharma will be dictating health policy to every nation on this earth. We will decide where is there a pandemic, and who must get the genetic vaccines. Who must get locked down and masked up.
Christopher Wray (FBI Director): President Joe Biden, America’s illegitimate, unelected leader, is a great Unifier. He said so in his State Of The Union speech. He is unifying our great country behind the endless war against Russia via proxy Ukraine. That will bring more skyrocketing inflation, but that’s OK—people will get a Universal Basic Income and food stamps, sorry, I mean Supplemental Nutrition Assistance. Plus, we’re allowing several million more illegal immigrants to pour in from our border with Mexico, and they will do the low-paying jobs for even less pay. We’re transforming this country. No more middle class.
Gates: Whether it’s Biden or Trump or schlump, it doesn’t make much difference because I and Big Pharma, we basically own them all. All the Congressmen and Congresswomen. Did you ever hear one of those cheap suits call for the immediate withdrawal of all the Covid vaccines and compensation for the vaccine victims? Of course not. We own them all, even the politicians who make dramatic speeches and hold inquiries and press conferences. It’s all show-and-tell. Get set for more fake apocalyptic viruses, more bogus diagnostic tests, more lockdowns, more censorship, and especially, more genetic “vaccines”.
Olaf Scholz (German Chancellor): I’m glad you mentioned the censorship, that is extremely important. Because if the newspapers, the TV stations, and the social-media giants allowed free and open discussion about the so-called Covid pandemic—with dissenting top scientists fully represented and giving their data—the whole scam would collapse in a week. And the people who were deceived into getting the jabs would be very, very angry. There would be lawsuits. And riots. And worse.
(Gates, Mengele, Schwab, and Scholz warmly embrace.)