The blood oath is fundamental. Biden and most of his cabinet and most courts and congress have probably taken it. That’s why they are excluded from mandatory vaccines.
These people swore an oath or to represent citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism.).They are traitors and should be treated as such.
Worldwide the vaccine passports is leading to a Chinese Communist social credit system where your every word and move are monitored for political correctness.
Like our “leaders,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)are Satanists.
We now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.We’re dealing with PURE EVIL.
The Final Choice is Good or Evil. What Choice Will Those with a Blood Oath Make?
The ultimate and final choice is between Good and Evil.
The Chinese say, “you can’t stand in two boats”; as the boats move apart, you will be forced to choose one boat or fall into the water. Those who have taken a blood oath are conflicted between doing what is Good or following a path that stops at no Evil.
The way to discern good or evil is to evaluate it against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance; this is the characteristic of the cosmos. Those who adhere to these universal principles are good. The ones who deviate from Truth, Compassion and Tolerance are wicked.
Karl Marx signalling the “hidden hand”, indicating the real power of the world from behind the scenes controls him and he has taken a Blood Oath.
In the Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2), Karl Marx spells out that communism is Satanism:
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom,, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
Because communism is opposed to Truth and it abolishes all morality; therefore it is easy to see communism is evil.
Communism was created by evil and it is spread by evil people, hidden in the top layers of society with dual loyalties.
Today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is playing the leading role to establish global communism.
The CCP requires a blood oath to join; it has brutally persecuted many groups in China since coming to power in 1949, killing an estimated 60-80m people who were opposed to communism.
This genocide in China has continued until today, because the CCP is always persecuting someone. One noteworthy group is Falun Gong, a peaceful meditation practice that was brought to the public in May, 1992. It was very popular in China, with over 100m people taking up the practice. The practice has five slow moving qigong exercises and a series of lectures that help people improve themselves to their very core.
Because Falun Gong practices Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, the CCP has persecuted them since July 20, 1999. Practitioners were detained, arrested, put to forced labor, imprisoned, tortured and had live organ harvesting (
The CCP is against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Now, the CCP and those aligned with it are utilizing every means at their disposal to persecute the entire world. Good people everywhere now face persecution from this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.