The Risk of Nuclear Armageddon

All things related to Russia and Ukraine were made-in-the-USA.

Puppet Zelensky — a detached from reality buffoon — was a US creation, installed as an empire of lies front man for perpetual war on Russia.

Ignored by the fake Biden, US lawmakers and their MSM press agents is the growing risk of greater direct confrontation than already between the world’s leading nuclear powers.

On Christmas Day, Russia’s Deputy Security Council Chairman, Dmitry Medvedev, warned of the growing risk, stressing:

“The only thing that stops stops our enemies (so far) is the understanding that Russia will be guided by (its publicly stated doctrine of) nuclear deterrence.”

If there’s “a real threat (to the nation’s security), we will act” in self-defense as international law allows.

US-dominated Western regimes are teetering “between a burning desire to maximally humiliate, dismember and destroy Russia, on the one hand, and the desire to avoid a nuclear apocalypse, on the other.”

Unless Russia’s security is guaranteed, things will “teeter on the brink of World War III and nuclear catastrophe.”

Is the dominant criminal class in the empire of lies, its Western vassals and Ukrainian Nazis “ready…to unleash a full-fledged war against us, including a nuclear war?”

There’s “no one” in the West or Kiev for Moscow to “negotiate” with.

“Our world (ominously) changed, forever.”

“And the main question remains…what kind of future begins today?”

“New disarmament agreements are currently unrealistic and unnecessary.”

“(N)ormaliz(ation) requires guaranteed security for Russia, a notion the empire of lies rejects.

And wherever its ruling regimes go, Western vassal states follow, even at the expense of their own security and other vital interests.

Last month, Medvedev slammed the scourge of perpetual NATO aggression, saying that Russia is “capable of destroying a mighty enemy or alliances of enemies by ourselves.”

And he stressed that Russia “is forming (a) new equitable world order” with peace, stability and cooperative relations among nations its cornerstone principles.

Commenting on the degrading spectacle of “the detestable (Ukrainian) warmongering clown” at the White House and before Congress last week, David Stockman denounced his recitation of “lies and hideously false promises” on bended knee for more US handouts — “even as its soldiers…are being slaughtered in their hundreds of thousands” for a lost cause.

US-orchestrated, directed and funded cross-border war began after the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 coup in Kiev — by replacing a “duly elected Russian-friendly president” with the scourge of Nazism in central Europe.

Separately on Christmas Day, Vladimir Putin stressed the following:

“(P)olicies of our geopolitical opponents, aimed at splitting up Russia, are at the roots of Ukrainian conflict.”

“We are ready to negotiate with all participants to this process (to find) acceptable resolutions, but it is their business.”

“It is them and not us who refuse to negotiate.”

“(W)e are acting in the right direction.”

“We protect our national interests, interests of our citizens, our people.”

“And we have no choice but to protect” them.

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