Germany’s foremost science journalist and canonical plague chronicle villain Christina Berndt warns against ending mask mandates in Germany, lest people get the flu or something:
The virus is at its weakest ebb: In the past few weeks, case numbers are lower than they’ve been in a year. So the desire to abolish mask mandates on buses and trains –one of the last remnants of this pandemic, which is seemingly over – is fully understandable. …. But … this is the worst possible moment…
I’m working on a longer piece which I hope to post soon, so I don’t have a lot else to say, except that the existence of stupid people like Berndt is in itself a reason to resist all pandemic measures, now and forever, whatever the threat may be. Three years of virus propaganda have consolidated these crazy people into small but durable political constituencies, and they pose a grave danger to human health, our economies and our society. They’ll support lockdowns to stop rhinovirus if given the chance, and should public health restrictions ever return, we’ll be fighting an uphill battle with them all over again to get our lives back. |