Fr. Frank Pavone, who has dedicated his life and priesthood to the cause of the defense of life, from the womb to natural death, has been “laicizedy” by Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Francis.” This holy and dedicated priest gets shanked, while the execrable James Martin get feted by Bergoglio and other fanboys at Vatican events orchestrated to advocate – under “papal” auspices – the entire LGBTQ/transgender agenda.
Look, folks, if you can’t see that Bergoglio is no more pope than a petunia is, what with his incessant examples of advocating for heresy (soul-annihilation for the reprobate as a quick example), countenancing and participating in idolatry (both the Pachamama fiasco and the shenanigans with the Native American shaman in Quebec last July), and arguable, full-blown apostasy, then perhaps this outrage will lift the lid on the lamp for you a wee bit! As noted above, Bergoglio’s warped peronnel managment is transparently hypocritical and un-Christian: Fr. Pavone gets the plank for standing for life, Cardinal Zen is ignored while in CCP custody for defending religious and personal freedoms, and the likes of a James Martin hobnobs with the movers and shakers in the Vatican! What on earth could “Francis” cite as grounds for this, even assuming he has the authority? He doesn’t, of course, since Pope Benedict invalidly resigned by trying to bifurcate the papal ministry, which is a “substantial error” that, according to canon 188, nullifies his resignation entirely. Bergoglio’s *not* having the protection of the Holy Spirit in the foregoing matters is just the most obvious derivative evidence.
We have reached Kafka-esque levels of weirdness in the Church, these days. Bergoglio gets away with all of these crazy things because no one wants to risk a cushy sinecure to oppose him. Not even Burke or Schneider will really push very hard. The large group of conservative and traditional “professional Catholics” out there in the clergy and Catholic media and punditry, known these days as Trad Inc., have too much invested in staying within the bounds of mainstream “respectability” to rock the boat. The same conservatives and traditionalists in the Church are a major component of the Recognize and Resist movement, saying that they see “Francis” as pope but resist his errors. They “recognize” Bergoglio as pope to avoid being in “schism” by still recognizing Benedict due to his non-resignation resignation, so they just say they will “resist” Bergoglio’s heresies and idolatries as much as possible. But resisting papal authority (from their point of view) is a form of schism itself! In effect, they openly are in virtual schism in order to avoid being schismatic! They think more about their paychecks and access to Vaticanistas than they do about truth.
These same people, who ten years ago would have argued to the death in favor of an assumption that the Holy Spirit provides at least negative protection to magisterial authority, *now* engage in endless disingenuousness in explaining Bergoglio’s whoppers away as non-essential blunders. Ultimately, they are happy to be in a state of disobedience and lack of submission (schism) to their off-the-rails “pope” in order to – allegedly – avoid being in schism by ignoring for nearly ten years the elephant-in-the-room that *is* Benedict’s substantial error in his defective resignation. For modest paychecks and “status”! Well, most of them bounce that way. A few, however, are so far gone that they “pull a Skojec,” a la the former head and founder of the 1Peter5 site who lost his spine over this mess and apostatized outright. Where is St. Athanasius when we need him?
The fruit of such mental gymnastics is borne out by atrocities such as this “laicization.” When in the name of Heaven will the laity and a critical mass of prelates recognize this Church-destroying apostate/idolator/heretic for what he is, and remove him from Rome by whatever means are necessary? When will Benedict admit his error and take up again the fullness of his office, which he has never relinquished, like it or not? Bergoglio is a scourge to the Church, and is palpably, actively doing everything he can to destroy it from within. If left unchecked until he dies in his bed, the Infiltration will indeed be complete.
The Chastisement we are now enduring is, indeed, a just recompense for our own sins and those of our benighted generation, and its instruments are primarily the direct consequences of our own folly, willful error and hubris. How doleful, then, are our times!