I Should Be Arrested for Murder After That Debate

From the Tom Woods Letter:

Not long ago I got an audience at Yale — Yale! — to vote in favor of the right of state secession, by a margin of 2 to 1.

Yes, I had some supporters in the audience. But an organizer said that even correcting for that, the outcome was still very surprising.

Events at the Yale Political Union begin with a 20-30 minute statement by the speaker, and conclude by giving the speaker an opportunity to respond to the various speeches, pro and con, that students have given over the course of the night regarding the resolution at issue.

My responses were the most enjoyable part of the night.

Let’s be blunt about this: while keeping the audience laughing, I pummeled my opponents into dust.

“Man, that Woods sure has a high opinion of himself,” you say.

I’m just telling you what happened, my friend.

My favorite part involved the poor soul who was outraged that we hadn’t discussed slavery, which “everybody knows” was at the root of battles between the states and the federal government.

I then reviewed the history of that struggle, and rhetorically removed his kneecaps.

If you’d like to watch the event, click here. Unfortunately, no professional recording was done, but you can make out what’s being said reasonably well. After my opening statement, skip to 1:47:50 to hear my replies.

It’s nice to be able to walk into one of the most prestigious universities in the world and feel completely confident arguing a highly controversial position.

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