Democrats Declare the First Amendment To Be a Fascist Document

America’s two best journalists, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, both come from the left, and Greenwald is homosexual.  Both have been evicted from their positions and Greenwald was even forced out of the Internet media company that he created.  The reason is that they told the truth and would not lie for the Democrats and Woke anti-Constitutional left that is determined to impose on Americans the same speech and thought control that characterizes Big Brother’s regime in George Orwell’s 1984.

1984 is now the American and the Western world. We are living a 73-year old novel. Greenwald explains that in 2006 the American left and right agreed that it was unconscionable that distinguished World War II Historian David Irving or anyone could be imprisoned for expressing his views.  In Irving’s case, he was invited to Austria to speak, and he was arrested and imprisoned for 3 years for views he had expressed 17 years previously on the evidence that existed at that time.  Austria and most of Europe had criminalized the expression of views about the holocaust that did not conform with the official Jewish narrative. 

As Greenwald points out, no one 16 years ago, except the ADL, thought legislation against free speech was permissible.

Today, less than two decades later, Greenwald reports that the American left and the Democrat Party associate free speech with fascism and far right extremists.  Three-fourths of Democrats today believe in suppressing speech that is “offensive” to them, to blacks, and to Jews and that disagrees with official narratives.  And so do approximately one-third of Republicans. See this.

In other words, the First Amendment to the US Constitution is no longer respected by a majority of the American population. Americans approve of preventing the expression of views with which they disagree and regard such views as “offensive.”  They learned this from Jews who regard any criticism of Israel or Jewish behavior as “offensive.”

Are you ready for the muzzle, the gag that is going to be inserted in your mouth and your disconnected keyboard?  Ready or not, it is already happening.

Greenwald and Taibbi are creating news services that serve truth instead of official narratives.  Support them.  They and this website and a few others, such as, are your sources for information that is not Big Brother’s official narrative.

It only took a short time to destroy freedom.  How do we restore it when it is accepted by the population that it is OK for Democrats to steal elections, and if you provide the evidence of a stolen election you are a “threat to democracy,” “an election denier,” “a white supremacist,”  etc.

The American population does not comprehend what is being done to it, and the Democrats in charge are making certain that they don’t find out.