The FBI annual crime statistics for 2021 are now out, again making their appearance in the new format called the Crime Data Explorer; the figures are under-reported because some agencies haven’t yet switched over to the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Also, the very useful single victim / single offender table (who’s killing whom) that I broke down in my 2019 and 2020 reports appears not to have been included in the 2021 data. As usual, I’ll be going over the murder stats in the expanded homicide data; the new format gives a more detailed breakdown of the racial groups and also allows the user to toggle back and forth between numbers and percentages. (The percentages are to the whole percentage point, so there will be some amount of rounding error.) The violent crimes data are laid out the same way, and I’m going to begin analyzing violent crimes along with murder in my annual breakdowns. Relevant population percentage estimates for 2021 according to Statista are white (including white Hispanics) at 75.8 percent and black at 13.5 percent.
Murder victim data are as follows: Total, 14,677; Black or African American, 8,534 (58%); White, 5,486 (37%); Unknown, 315 (2%); American Indian or Alaska Native, 176 (1%); Asian, 148 (1%); and Native Hawaiian, 18 (0%). So a group that makes up only 13.5 percent of the population accounts for a whopping 58 percent of murder victims; it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of murders in any group are committed by offenders who belong to the same group.
Murder offender data are as follows: Total, 14,963; Black or African American, 7,868 (53%); White, 4,893 (33%); Unknown, 1,935 (13%); American Indian or Alaska Native, 156 (1%); Asian, 95 (1%); and Native Hawaiian, 16 (0%). As usual, there are more offenders than there are victims and also a large number of unknowns due to unsolved cases with no description of the perpetrator. Black offenders make up a whopping 53 percent of known offenders, and probably make up a similar percentage of the unknowns as well. The takeaway here is that if a group making up 13.5 percent of the population is committing at least 53 percent of known murders, then 39.5 percent of murders are happening because one little group is committing way more murders than they should be committing.
Violent crime victim data are as follows: Total, 829,806; White, 459,457 (55%); Black or African American, 312,822 (38%); Unknown, 31,301 (4%); American Indian or Alaska Native, 13,205 (2%); and Asian, 13,021 (2%).
Violent crime offender data are as follows: Total, 756,634; Black or African American, 335,507 (44%); White, 328,817 (43%); Unknown, 74,048 (10%); American Indian or Alaska Native, 11,984 (2%); and Asian, 6,278 (1%). So black offenders make up 44 percent of known offenders, and they probably make up a similar percentage of unknowns as well. And if a group making up 13.5 percent of the population is committing at least 44 percent of known violent crimes, then 30.5 percent of violent crimes are happening because one little group is committing way more violent crimes than they should be committing.
The next category to be considered is Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, offender information. Total, 66; White, 20 (30.3%); Black or African American, 11 (16.7%); Unknown, 35 (53%); and no offenders for the other groups. Known offenders total 31, with 64.5 percent being white and 35.5 percent being black, the unknowns more than likely falling into a similar ratio. Although the percentage of white offenders is significantly higher than the percentage of black offenders, white offenders are underrepresented at 64.5 percent relative to the 75.8 percent they make up of the population, and black offenders are overrepresented at 35.5 percent relative to the 13.5 percent they make up of the population.
In addition to being victims of murder offenders, black people are also allegedly being mowed down in droves by the police. The Washington Post maintains a database of fatal police shootings called Fatal Force that can be filtered for categories such as race and whether the person was armed. The figures for 2021 totaled 1,053 shootings; of those, 182 victims were black; and of those, a grand total of 8 were unarmed, that category being the one where we would most likely expect to find unjustified shootings. However, even unarmed people can be dangerous enough to be justifiably shot. Out of these 8 instances, only 2 appeared to be unjustified, one resulting in the officer involved being charged, the other up in the air with charges still pending.
According to the media, you would think that white supremacy is the country’s biggest problem. But that pales in comparison to the problem black criminality, and I’m not race bashing here, just stating empirically verifiable fact. How many people were murdered by white supremacists in 2021? If we take the total of 14,667 murder victims and multiply that by the excess 39.5 percent of black murder offenders, we get around 5,797 murders that shouldn’t have happened. How about violent crimes? Let’s hypothetically assume that each of the charged 928 Capitol insurrectionists is a white supremacist who committed a violent crime. Now let’s take the total of 829,806 victims of violent crime and multiply that by the excess 30.5 percent of black violent crime offenders; we get around 253,090 violent crimes that shouldn’t have happened. Black criminality vs. white supremacy? Not even close.