Since the conventional approach to treating all mental and physical disease with pharmaceutical drugs is obviously and statistically failing and counterproductive; try applying some basic settled science. Life undeniably operates on creative energy in the form of metabolically produced ATP electrons and electron-rich antioxidants, the electrons that bind complex bio-molecules together….acidic oxidative stress being the countervailing destructive force resulting from inadequate nutrition, environmental toxins, a dysfunctional gut-heart-brain axis, chronic infection and emotional stress that oxidize and burn-down living structures. Correcting these 5 conditions along with the withering effect of time is The Key to health and healing, a major break from the pharmaceutical paradigm that constitutes redox medicine. A mind can’t be healthy in a low voltage body,…and a body cannot remain healthy ruled by acidic emotions. Cells must operate on 45 millivolts, the brain and heart over 100 millivolts equating to a slightly alkaline pH of 7.45; lower voltages and pH indicate dysfunction.
Improving nutrition, probiotic populations and detoxification protocols are straightforward, yet emotional stress as a function of an invisible ego can be countered by maturity, logic and the application of “spiritual” principles. Prevention is best.
We come into this world wide-eyed and innocent…we are given a name and begin obedience training…and so we become the ego; our self-conscious self-image. Since we know nothing at a young age we respond to praise and comply with “rules” to avoid punishment and learn to lie. We are confounded when we learn of the inevitability of death. Parents, teachers and other kids react to our appearance and behaviors and judge our personalities. Self esteem is shaped by this social environment and we take on the personas we construct based on the arbitrary opinions of others. Some learn to transcend attacks on their ego and ignore cultural narratives, while most remain in an ego-locked hell all their lives. Purple hair, tatoos, graffiti, joining odd groups, plastic surgery, etc. are cries for identity and even more separation from the faceless throng. Pssst…The media and peer police are “people whisperers” demanding “calm-submissive behavior,”….training the masses like Caesar Millan trains disobedient dogs.
***Recent studies on the use of psychedelics like psilocybin to eliminate depression agree on at least one point; they allow the patient to transcend and dominate the EGO! Beyond the imperative of improving physical chemistry and body charge terrain, coming to grips with our egos is essential to physical health and personal evolution into states of higher consciousness, vibrant health and ultimately…bliss and enlightenment. This has been the underlying message of prophets and gurus throughout human history; Jesus, Buddha, Kabbalists, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden and yes,.. George Carlin. You can learn from them, but must complete your journey alone.
Governments allied with religions have always maintained their power by crippling individual will and intent, keeping the public scared-to-death and ego-bound to retain the illusion of power. They promise to protect you or provide life after death if only you (idol) worship their politicians and priests who meanwhile… take your lunch. So men have petitioned governments and begged “Jesus-Claus” for favors when Jesus himself emphasized a more DIY approach; “Greater things shall ye do!” Prayer serves to focus intent, but miracles are performed by strong-willed minds and hands. To paraphrase Albert Einstein; High energy intent generates far-reaching electromagnetic fields which can influence the external environment. Electromagnetic fields can display either coherent or discordant frequencies. Coherent synchronous frequencies between “high-voltage” heart and brain yield transcendent and astounding results, according to research by Gregg Braden. Quantum entanglement along with elevated states of consciousness demonstrate that every molecule and life-form in the universe is connected/not separated by time, space or isolated ego identities.
The ego is the center of identity and self esteem, but also the source of stress; fear/anger, worry/anxiety, pride, vanity, envy/jealousy, selfishness, ignorance, impatience, idolatry, loneliness/separateness, laziness, greed, perversions, death-consciousness and defensive dishonesty (since the ego must protect itself). When you notice these thoughts and behaviors, you have identified ego in others, societies and your own invisible “I/me.” It is through the fearful ego that we can be dominated by cultural correctness, social acceptance and group paranoia as happened with covid mass formation psychosis. The problem is; you can be controlled by sociopaths, psychopaths and soulless tyrants. The tribal/national “ego” has been the bane of humanity and civilizations throughout history…and can be seen in any war as men march willingly to their death. Bodies feel the cell-damaging life-shortening stress and depression veiled by the ego, so easily ignored by frenetic minds bound to a cultural matrix and flooded with endless “monkey chatter.” Be still, find liberation in reality and live independently. It’s OK to be happy!
The “higher consciousness” is integrated with all life and the universe, is “god” and is reality. It is a detached awareness of the bigger picture, unconditional love and sanity where intelligence, compassion, gratitude, self-confidence, wisdom, creativity, intuition, telepathy, precognition and correct judgement abide. Animals without egos display these higher qualities. Many of us catch glimpses of a sublime state when heart and mind and gut agree, but forever fight our egos as those around us insist we succumb to the narratives they “believe in.” We are dazzled by appeals to conform, to take sides, to follow role models, to take bad drugs and buy into other dumb shit. We are shamed, blamed and cajoled to stay in line and blindly follow nose to tail. To think and speak independently against the mob gets you censored or disappeared or crucified! “They know not what they do!”
The way out:
* First correct physical health, nutrition and toxic burdens…This effort in itself will quickly begin to lift depression. Avoid dangerous unsaturated vegetable oils/use butter and animal fats…Avoid high glycemic carbs and excessive sugar. Focus on B vitamins, high dose Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, selenium and use chlorella along with NAC and other sulfur compounds to raise antioxidant glutathione production and reduce toxins and low grade infections. Use ferments and probiotics to improve the gut-brain connection. Sunbathe. Avoid prescription drugs.
* Recognize your ego! Monitor your thoughts and actions. “Shock the monkey,” cage the “demon.”
* Many things can take you up and out of the ego. Some use alcohol and recreational or prescription drugs which lead to addictions and the pleasure of feeling “normal” for a bit. Others rely on religious ceremonies, meditations, mindfulness, practice of gratitude and compassion, hobbies, music, physical exercise, social interaction or communing with nature. Psilocybin, mescaline and LSD are shown to lift depression through some complicated brain chemistry or simply offering an alternative reality forcing transcendence beyond ego. Cannabis is proven to be an effective therapeutic in healing low-energy nerve cells via our internal endocannabinoid system.
* Fasting, pain, suffering, crises, exposure to extreme heat/cold (like sauna or ice baths), strenuous exercise and grief can bring recognition of the true higher self. Suffering has been shown by neuroscientists to recircuit the brain into “god consciousness.”
* Healing/disease are regulated by the autonomic nervous system which swings between stressed fight/flight sympathetic mode where healing is postponed…and..the relaxed happy copacetic parasympathetic mode where healing and even miracle placebo healings occur. Sympathetic dominance is marked by cortisol/obesity, heart attacks, cancers and disease. This all relates to the ego which lingers in fear, anxiety …the same media induced conditions created by our covid-crazy networks exacerbating the deadly effects of a weaponized virus and mandating vaxxxines on a frightened/neurotic/hypochondriac/misinformed public.
* You decide what makes you happy! What brings parasympathetic dominance like childish fun, easy relaxation, news fasting, fishing, crafting, puppies or even writing which clarifies and distills thinking…or simply stop thinking and breathe..stay out of the past and the future and experience the now. Be a Human Being by simply BEING! NOW!
Having observed both sides of the covid 19 fiasco, I noted ZERO mention of the psychological impact of the non-stop media fear campaign. The mind-body connection with disease is well documented throughout scientific literature. >>>>Early germ warfare experiments performed in the 1940s prove this out. Populations of two neighboring towns were targeted for release of bio-weapons. One town was forewarned by leaflet air drops, the other was not. Days later when germs were released, infection was massive in the leafletted town, BUT scarce where there was no advance warning.<<<< I was amazed that no doctor of either camp objected to relentless media fear mongering…The American public was thoroughly scared to death! Depression and suicides have skyrocketed over the last 20 years. Widespread antidepressant use is obviously the wrong answer.
It’s easy to observe our “national ego”..simply watch some network television…how it heightens fear of artificial enemies to promote wars, racism, political divisions…how it elevates our corporate monopolies and denounces criticism of status-quo racketeers…how it enforces taboos against “incorrect” speech and “out-of-system” innovation…how our war/drug/energy/financial industries get legal protection as the empire continues its international thefts and extortion….how our national self-image is a mountain of twisted history, marketing whaleshit and propaganda with patriot-ism the crowning -ism to enforce compliance under the delusion of democracy. Depression is largely a surrender to the narrative when subconsciously we know something is terribly wrong. Yes the United States is a great country, just that most of us do not enjoy greatness today.
“Belief” implies uncertainty. Belief usually pertains to invisible or hypercomplex situations, is not easily provable and many times belief is the playground of deception….You decide. Comprehending the nuances of language and extraneous synonyms is critical to squaring thought with a true reality.