Silent War Front: Geoengineering

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

— Arthur Schopenhauer

Globopsycho’s favorite term is “conspiracy theory” and there’s a good reason it was created as a blanket term to cover psyops and events where they want the “official narrative” of those events to stay prevailing.

Think of the events of September 11, 2001. Twenty-one years later, the “official narrative”, though in decline with more red-pilled younger generations, is still dominant despite endless evidence that pokes holes in its validity.

The same is true for almost every major war over the past century, or event where the government was directly involved, and more recently in global operations like “climate change” and “pandemics”.

If censorship is the glue to shut people up directly, its precursor tool, the term “conspiracy theory” is their hammer to smash minds, and shame people into thinking twice about even speaking.

It serves core functional purposes:

  • Introduces fear, apprehension, and doubt
  • Elicits shame as an accusation, which chills speech and prevents conversations from even starting
  • Over time and in mobs, this prevents people from having the courage to speak openly about subjects where the “official narrative” is strongly reinforced by the group
  • The media and information gatekeepers use this term as an all-encompassing bludgeon of narrative enforcement
  • Paid “scientists” and “experts” use the term in academic circles to stifle free thought (I’ve personally been on the end of this with my own research on coordinated online censorship)

If you’ve been reading this Substack long enough you know there are no more conspiracy theories, only verifiable conspiracies.

The science community is betraying humanity and the entire web of life because they aren’t admitting these operations have already been deployed and are destroying the biosphere.

— Dane Wigington

One of the lesser discussed among the many is weather modification or geoengineering.

The U.S. military began funding research into geoengineering just after World War II. As with most secret intelligence and military operations, once they start, they only grow larger and expand in budget and scope.

After decades of perception reinforcement through altered science and outright propaganda via the now-enhanced psyop known as “Climate Change”, Geoengineering has been rebranded as “climate intervention”. They are simply preparing minds for what they’ve already been doing for decades without humanity’s consent — destroying the biosphere to create the problems for which their solutions are already in-waiting.

We have one earth. One complex interconnected natural self-correcting system that humans are a part of and rely on. The main crux of this psyop is to get us to believe we are the cancer of this planet and our existence is harming it. This has caused tremendous anxiety in younger generations whose parents also buy into this madness.

The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.

— Steve Biko

Through their religion of scientism playing God for globopsycho means meddling with everything that supports and sustains life on this planet, including weather and climate. Catastrophizing both and blaming humanity allows them to get the masses to believe the phrase “I am the virus”, which is the final stage in their shift toward population control and global technocracy.

It would be wise to heed the words of George Carlin and “Leave nature alone” but there is no wisdom nor empathy among those who seek to control humanity and the planet.

To find out how these geoengineering operations are destroying the air, the soil, forests, the food supply, and our bodies with toxic metals like aluminum nanoparticles…

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