Debate: Did Our Health Authorities Actually Take Covid Shots?

Are they TOO SMART to fall for their own BS? Or dumb enough?

I posted an article yesterday, positing that Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla has VAIDS due to his multiple boosters, which caused him to have two COVID infections, separated by only one month.

Many of my readers remarked that Bourla’s announcement must be a lie and that Albert is too smart and too well-informed to take his own shot. Those readers suggested that perhaps Bourla is NOT having COVID for the second time in two months, but is just making stuff up for bivalent booster marketing purposes or to pretend to be vaccinated or some such.

The same types of comments were made when I wrote about Fauci’s Paxlovid rebound or Biden’s Paxlovid rebound. Please read the Fauci article as it explains why these quadruple-boosted people are having endless COVID rebounds.

Could it be that these authority people are faking their Covid vaccinations?

Arguments in Support of the “Faking Theory”

Supporters of the “Faking Theory” are saying that these top-level charlatans and medical quacks like Dr. Fauci, or country leaders like Joe Biden, who promoted obviously unproven, experimental, and dangerous snake oil treatments, were smart, understood what was going on, and thus could not take Covid vaccines. So, say proponents of this theory, those leaders are now purposely faking reinfections and Covid rebounds to seem vaccinated and thus avoid scrutiny.

Many of my readers are healthy unvaccinated people, who had Covid once, or never, did not die of Covid, and who have many similarly situated friends and relatives. That colors their thinking. They instinctively understood, based on a variety of theories, the dangers of unproven and aggressively promoted solutions based on failed technologies. So, they question how others in positions of knowledge and authority, would be unwise enough to make the wrong decision and personally take the vaccine.

Since most of us are not scions of medicine or experts in decision making, and yet we figured it out, say those people, surely the sharpest minds promoting this crap know that they are lying about Covid vaccines being “safe and effective”, and thus would avoid injecting themselves with those products, which they have to lie to promote.

They point to videos of fake vaccinations by health leaders.

founder and president of a Spanish pharma company PharmaMar was caught buying a fake vaccine passport:

Pfizer’s Albert Bourla was also not allowed to visit Israel because he was not fully vaccinated. He possibly was vaccinated later.

Germany’s Karl Lauterbach was also suspiciously caught lying about his booster status.

Read the Whole Article