Booster Huckster: Did Pfizer’s Bourla Lie About His Positive Covid Test to Move Product?

With compliance plummeting, Pfizer CEO wages earned media campaign.

This weekend, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla made a splash when he announced Saturday that he tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time in 40 days.

Now, suddenly, Bourla has become a maniacal testing hypochondriac, despite having no symptoms?

Many on Team Reality justifiably took to mocking the horse doctor (he is trained as a veterinarian), due to his claim that he had taken four injections and multiple rounds of Pfizer pills, and still continued to get the “disease” that his pharmaceuticals were supposed to prevent.

But it’s worth understanding that mRNA true believers are the true target audience of Bourla’s post, not those who are already aware that Pfizer is selling a junk product with harmful side effects and negative efficacy. To the mRNA loyalists, Bourla’s announcement attempts to show that natural immunity is insufficient to protect against COVID-19, leaving his pharmaceuticals as their only acceptable tool in a perpetual battle against a virus.

Readers of The Dossier are not the target audience for Pfizer’s snake oil sales drive.

The target audience is people like this guy:

Given his track record, it is more likely that Bourla did not test at all, let alone test positive. Remember, this is a man who was infamously hesitant to take his own company’s product.

Bourla and his employer (Pfizer paid the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history) have always been happy to entertain speculation and outright deceit. Recall his infamous announcement labeling his product as “100% effective.”

Just last month, Bourla “tested positive,” and made sure to take the opportunity to go on a long rant hawking Pfizer’s Paxlovid.

A pattern is clearly emerging. So what exactly is the point of the stunt?

Notably, Pfizer’s bivalent booster (the one that was only tested on mice) campaign has thus far been a catastrophic failure, with very few Americans (only 1.5% of eligible population thus far) deciding to inject themselves with the latest round of mRNA. As you can see from the CDC chart below. The temporary bump in doses administered is far lower than during early mRNA sales drives.

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