Book review: "Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain"

Harris L. Coulter connected the dots back in 1990 and his words still ring true today

by Toby Rogers

I want to draw your attention to an extraordinary but little-known book titled Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. It was published in 1990 and it’s out of print but there are still a few used copies available on Amazon and eBay. It was written by Harris L. Coulter (1932 – 2009) a visionary medical historian (with a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University) who also co-authored A Shot in the Dark with Barbara Loe Fisher in 1986.

Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality is as close as our movement gets to a Unified Field Theory. Coulter argues that everything from the social upheaval of the 1960s to the sharp rise in autism, cranial nerve palsies, depression, suicide, eating disorders, learning disabilities, seizures, allergies, family dissolution, demyelinating disorders, sexual violence, and other forms of psychopathy & sociopathy — all stem, at least in part, from pervasive subclinical encephalitis (and post-encephalitic syndrome) as a result of vaccines. Coulter provides extensive references from the scientific and medical literature at the end of each chapter to document his claims (this was before science and medicine started censoring all discussion of vaccines).

I think Coulter’s theory of the case is basically on target. Of course I would add many other disorders — ADHD, Alzheimers, childhood cancers, diabetes, Gulf War Syndrome, ME/CFS, etc. that have since been linked with vaccines. I would point out that emissions from coal fired power plants, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, nuclear weapons tests, fire retardants, EMF, and other pharmaceuticals (notably Tylenol and SSRIs) also likely play a role. And human actions are not driven solely by toxicants, there is still human agency and social factors always play a role as well. But the story of our era is a mass poisoning event wrought by vaccines (and other seeming technological miracles that have tremendous, rarely acknowledged, downsides).

What’s remarkable is that Coulter came to this conclusion so early — 1990 was just the fourth year of the genocide (if one starts counting from the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) or the 25th year of the genocide (if one starts counting from the 1965 Immunization Assistance Act). The book was written before the widespread deployment of the internet enabled people to quickly share information.

The book is also an interesting time capsule. In the book, Coulter is still contending with psychoanalytic theories (that have since become passé), he still believes that appeals to science will somehow convince the gatekeepers to do the right thing (we now know that they are psychopaths), and he has no idea how much worse things were about to become (he’s describing a small minority of the population with these disorders and now they are everywhere).

I think Coulter does a brilliant job of mapping the various pathologies associated with vaccine-induced pervasive subclinical encephalitis. But what fascinates me — and what I want to write about today — are the ways in which this mass poisoning event reshapes what is normal and what is desirable in a society. If 95% of the population is poisoned (they are), including nearly all of the elites (they are), then EVERYTHING in society will be warped by these toxicants — including hopes, dreams, norms, and ideals.

Let’s work through some examples:

I think a strong case case be made that post-modernism (‘there are no universals’) — is the result of vaccine injury. Everything from Foucault now needs to be interpreted in light of this possibility. It is strange to suggest that one could not possibly come to understand another person’s perspective — and that all we can do is celebrate difference. But if the dendrites in the brain necessary to process empathy are damaged by mercury poisoning (from vaccines and other sources) — it would make sense that lots of people might conclude that Foucault and post-modernism have it exactly right.

State Senator Richard Pan in California is clearly a criminal psychopath. Devoid of normal human feelings, he grins like a Cheshire Cat for hours as THOUSANDS of parents testify every year about the vaccine injury suffered by their children. And this criminal psychopath is ADORED by his Democratic colleagues who see him as an ideal pediatrician politician. But of course many of the other members of his party in the state legislature are similarly afflicted. Like is attracted to like.

Facebook was invented by severely vaccine-injured Harvard University student, Mark Zuckerberg, to publicly humiliate a female student who rejected his advances. This is not a normal way to respond to disappointment. Facebook is now used by 2.9 billion people worldwide. When Facebook first launched, remember how weird we all thought it was that people were expected to just blurt out what they were doing in their status update? That is not how normal people communicate. Heretofore, communication was based on dialogue. Now publicly announcing, into a digital void, what we are doing throughout the day is seen as normal (because of course it is to a planet full of people dealing with pervasive subclinical encephalitis).

Bill Gates appears badly vaccine-injured. He’s spent millions of dollars on coaching to cover it up but his pathologies have a way of slipping out in nearly every interview. Melinda too. (It’s interesting that they appear to have spent no money on detox nor healing.)

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