The Great Awakening Continues – Ve Vil Not Eet Ze Bugz, Klaus

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”


When the Canadian truckers descended in peace on Ottawa protesting the vaccine mandate of Justin TrueDOH! it was obvious to many that something fundamental had changed. This wasn’t some Davos Crowd psy-op like burning down Minneapolis or a Million Vagina March.

This was a real awakening of the opposition to the Great Reset. Destroying the livelihoods of the people who bring the goods to our stores was a step too far. Even the most normalcy-biased shitlib had to do a double take at what was happening with the COVID vaccines.

How did we get here so fast?

Davos’ agenda has accelerated in recent months as major events force their hand. From Jerome Powell’s war on the offshore dollar markets to Putin choosing the whether he hangs or we drown, the pillars of their powerbase are crumbling under the weight of their ambitions.

Most people can’t conceive of what these big shifts actually mean. Sadly, they still rely on what small amount of information they get from their overlords to form their opinions. But that information has become so ludicrous, so low quality, it’s got enough people open to questions they would have never contemplated previously.

It’s a start. And once the last vestiges of trust in our media melts away, we’ll see a whole lot more than the protests we’ve seen to date.

Yes, things can get worse.

That said, the catalyst for Europe’s farmers rising up was the crazy miscalculation of Davos‘ minions TrueDOH! and his Ukrainian diaspora bagwoman Chrystia Freeland. Freezing the accounts of truckers and trampling peaceful protestors with horses woke way too many people up.

When you anger the banks, radicalize normies, and create a nationwide bank run you set a countdown timer on your rule.

First they came for the truckers to engineer a supply crisis. People supported them in droves and were trampled.

Now they came for the Dutch farmland to further engineer a food crisis and the farmers took up the Truckers’ flag.

For weeks I’ve wondered whether the spate of fires at food processing facilities all across North America were sabotage or just the natural downstream effect of overworked people and under-maintained equipment.

It’s a fair point to consider rather then just go off half-cocked about evils of Davos. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter what the truth is (likely a mixture of both), these breakdowns are all their fault anyway.

Thank that idiotic COVID policy.

But how about fertilizer train derailments?

Or a thousand dead cows from heat prostration?

When the Farmers Revolution began in the Netherlands I realized this was something deeper. And I was glad for it. The Great Awakening that began in Ottawa and spread worldwide then has metastasized into a real political nightmare for Klaus Schwab and his merry gang of nihilist midwits.

You know they are on auto-pilot seizing the land of efficient Dutch farmers. The Netherlands is routinely praised by Davos as a kind of sustainable agriculture Mecca. So why go after them? Why not further demonize American farmers. I mean everyone just knows Americans are wasteful and dirty pigs, right?

And then I came across the plans for Tristate City and, for me, it all clicked into place.

Bankrupt the farmers through legislative fiat and seize their land to build the Davos Smart City of the Future. The perfect “Capitol of the Corporatocracy.”

Try googling anything about this connection and you’ll find very little. Look at a Twitter search of “Tristate City” and come to your own conclusions.

Think Minority Report but with Germans.

Periodic Revolution

Davos’ War Against the Periodic Table continues unabated. But notice how they aren’t going after truly poisonous elements like Mercury (Hg) or Thallium (Tl) or even Arsenic (As). FYI, due to their extreme chemistry they are actually easy and cheap to deal with.

No they are going after the building blocks of life itself — Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Sulfur (S), or CHNOPS.

We have the stated goal of ‘decarbonization’ worldwide.

Phosphorus and Nitrogen have been attacked relentlessly as outgrowths of the war on ‘chemical fertilizers,’ smokestack emissions, etc. for decades now.

Our entire transport industry has been made less efficient, raising the costs through unnecessary low-sulfur diesel and bunker fuel rules.

Now we’re supposed to cheer LNG-powered small dry weight tonnage ships as PROGRESS! Yeah, a $350 million boat for moving goods from Jacksonville to Puerto Rico. Brilliant!

Let’s use the most expensive fuel imaginable (liquefied methane) for shipping, an industry where fuel costs are literally everything.

But I thought fracking BAD!

All under the rubric of clean air and buzzwords like ‘sustainability.’

Now I’m all for a clean environment and dealing with real pollution which hampers human life and even the greater ecosystem/food web, but cows producing nitrogen are a part of the natural cycle of this essential element.

What’s next? Legislating away volcanoes?


It’s all downstream of convincing so many people to view themselves as a pollutant and to separate human activity out as ‘not-natural.’ Think of the argument framing here and it’s very simple. Humanity is not a part of the ‘natural world.’ Our activities are not an outgrowth of ‘nature’s pure design.’

This is literally the argument about man-made Climate Change. Too bad they had to define man’s energy inputs to the environment in the most idiotic (and inaccurate) way imaginable, by ignoring more than 90% of the energy the sun and the Universe imparts to our planet.

Now add in the basic understanding that everyone has a religion, even atheists. They just turn to worshipping something else. They go from gathering in churches to courthouses, cathedrals to classrooms, and temples to tract housing.

The bottom line folks is this, “Everyone believes in somethingeven nihilists.”

But this anti-humanism is far worse than any ‘Original Sin’ doctrine of Christianity. There the message is that we are flawed but redeemable because we carry the spark of the divine within us. The path to enlightenment is self-discovery and self-improvement.

There the existential threat is your own legacy, nothing more. It’s an inward journey.

Now the Climate religion has merged cynically with the hubris and colonialism of Davos to create something horrific and deadly. And since they have control over the sacred texts now, they are now crusaders who will not be stopped by people refusing to comply.

You will be assimilated through the hammer and sickle masking the sword and shield.

It’s for the greater good, after all.

The memes are real, folks. We are the carbon they want to reduce. We are the livestock the think they can farm. The full force of their program to reduce us back to when we used to eat bugs to survive is here.

Is that the legacy you want to leave this world with?

If we don’t stop this here, there isn’t much room left to retreat. And if you doubt me, go talk to a farmer.

Think Global, Act Local just took on a raft of deeper meanings. It’s past time we put them into action.

Reprinted with permission from Gold Goats ‘n Guns.

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