The First Casualty of War Is the Truth

This latest video by Greg Reese is based on Oliver Stone’s 2016 documentary, ‘Ukraine on Fire’.


The first casualty of war is the truth. And if the people knew the truth about the people’s interference in Ukraine, they might not be so eager to start World War III.

During World War II, Western Ukraine sided with the Nazis.

After the war, the CIA helped Ukrainian Nazis evade the Nuremberg Trials and began operating with them, in Ukraine.

After several decades of CIA infiltration, the Ukrainian Peoples’ Movement emerged in 1989 and gave birth to extremist groups, Svoboda, Trident and Right Sector, Neo-Nazi groups pushing for the ethnic cleansing of Ukraine; extremist groups cultivated by the CIA, supported by the US State Department and used by the IMF to bring Ukraine to heel.

When Yanukovych beat NATO-backed Yushchenko in the 2010 elections, his government was being pressured into a signing an EU association agreement by the International Monetary Fund, in their typical conquer-by-debt offer that would financially ruin the Ukraine and place them at the mercy of the World Bank.

Yanukovych declined their offer. And in today’s corrupt world, you’re not allowed to say “No” to the IMF.

Funded by NGOs associated with George Soros and the CIA, a highly-organized Color Revolution was immediately deployed against Yanukovych.

Organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy trained activist-journalists to utilize Facebook, along with three brand new television networks created within weeks to recruit people for the protests.

This Western-run media campaign was a huge success. The turnout was massive.

The CIA has been orchestrating revolutions their entire career and the first step to their simple formula is to convince people to take to the streets in peaceful protest.

They then use agitators to goad the police into violence and state-run media to ignite the crowd with emotionally-charged reports of sacred victims.

On November 30, 2013, the Ukrainian chief-of-staff [Sergiy Lyovochkin], associated closely with the US State Department ordered the streets to be cleared of protesters for the erection of the annual Christmas tree.

When the police arrived, they were met by a highly-aggressive and well-organized faction of Ukraine’s Right Sector, who provoked the police into a violent reaction against peaceful protesters, which is all the Western intelligence media reported on.

Predictably, this resulted in more unrest and violence, which was further fueled by US Senator John McCain’s support of the protests.

Leaked phone calls reveal that the US State Department was orchestrating this coup d’état from within the US Embassy, with support from US President Joe Biden.

On February 20th, unidentified snipers, firing from government buildings occupied by the protesters began firing into the crowd, killing people on all sides.

Yanukovych’s home and offices were taken by armed mobs and a new government was put into place, with a Neo-Nazi element that went on to accept the IMF’s spurious loan offer and began murdering the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine in Donbas.

As a result of this Western-created quagmire, 96% of the people in Crimea voted in favor of joining Russia and while the nation celebrated, Western media reported that they were invaded by Russia.

Their proof? A Russian military presence there, which has existed since 1804.

Supporting a criminal war against Russia does not make you a patriot.

It makes you a useful idiot of the Globalist banking cartel, the very same entities waging war on all of humanity, with vaxxine passports and experimental jabs.

A righteous patriot would call out his government for war crimes.

And through fraud and deceit, the United States Government has been the biggest purveyor of war crimes for decades.

All in the name of spreading McDonald’s, genetically-modified foods and sexual perversions, worldwide.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.