It’s Time to Follow the Science

Don’t let your guard down! While it may appear that mandates are being lifted, our federal government still hasn’t ended the Emergency Powers Act. Our nation is at a critical crossroads, making it more important than ever for people to follow the science.

Never has there been a more important time for parents to be informed and actively involved in public health policy. Recently the Biden administration announced their intent to ensure children of all ages receive the COVID vaccine:

“We must get a vaccine approved for the youngest children,” President Biden stated in his recent Statement on the White House COVID-⁠19 Response Coordinator.

With risks that outweigh benefits, we must stop this aggressive push on our very youngest children and babies. Now is the time to get involved!

This campaign contains some of the latest science related to the COVID vaccines and masks. Share this content with friends, family, community members, school administrators, Board of Education members, your state Department of Health, local healthcare practitioners and others. Let’s get the real science to those in your community who impact policy and make decisions regarding public health. We have the science, we have the resources–now all we need is you!

Go directly to pages with the referenced science on COVID-19 vaccines and masks:



Pushing the COVID vaccine on healthy children—or fourth doses of ineffective shots on people of any age—are only attempts to enrich the pharmaceutical industry and others who stand to profit.

It’s time our government officials admit that none of the COVID vaccines are effective.

It’s time our government officials acknowledge the injuries and deaths that are being reported at alarming rates.

It’s time our government officials stop putting profits before people.

It’s time our government officials follow the science!

Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. CHD is implementing many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. Your support is essential to CHD’s successful mission.