Yesterday, I was invited by my friend Hrvoje Morik onto his new show on TNT Radio to discuss a short response to a new viral video that has been produced by James Corbett earlier this week.
Corbett’s video advances the thesis that Russia and China are both controlled opposition to the western unipolar Great Reset Agenda and are actually in cahoots as part of a grand game to enslave the world. The principal device used by Corbett in this video are two February 4th Joint Statements (one on US-Canadian Relations and another on Sino-Russian Relations) which use identical language. Although Corbett may have used this device as a piece of sarcasm to push the thesis of Russia-China complicity in the Great Reset, the fact is that based upon countless comments from viewers who have watched his video on many online platforms, including dozens of subscribers who wrote into me after having watched Corbett, these documents were both treated as factual.
Just to be clear, the Canadian-US Joint Declaration does not exist.
Despite this, I share interview because the willingness to believe that every nation is controlled by a sociopathic oligarchy out to kill us is tied to a deep cultural sickness of nihilism, pessimism and the belief that humanity is intrinsically corrupt and doomed. That level of cynicism is attractive partially because it alleviates each of us from having to take responsibility for righting injustices or risking our personal security in order to intervene upon an evil self-destructive system (for how could we make something Good which is evil by its very nature?)
This cynical way of thinking also appeals to our own tendency to wish to remain voyeurs watching and commenting upon reality as if each of us were not also integrated into the system which we were voyeuristically trying to watch as if it were reality TV.
My preliminary written remarks (which I feature here below) were shared by our mutual friend Joaquin Flores on his excellent Telegram Channel (, and the discussion with Hrvoje are also featured below.