Game-changing news has emerged out of Iceland.
As of this week, Iceland is the first country in the world to completely drop ALL Covid measures. There will be no lockdowns or social restrictions. There will be no mandatory Covid testing and if you happen to catch Covid you do not have to isolate. There will be no vaccine passports and no vaccine mandates. Anyone regardless of their vaccination status can travel to the country with no test required. The unvaccinated will not face any form of discrimination or exclusion from society.
Iceland is returning to going back to life as it was before Covid.
This by itself would be astounding enough given that Iceland is in the midst of a massive Covid surge and posting record cases even as we speak.
If you did not know, the vaccination rate in Iceland is some 80% of the total population which means that around 90% of the adult population is fully vaccinated.
Obviously, the vaccines have done absolutely nothing to stop or even slow down the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Quite on the contrary, they seem to have led to its increase.
Not only has the government of Iceland decided to drop all Covid restrictions and vaccine requirements, but the Ministry of Health issued remarkable new guidelines on how to deal with the virus. The country’s health authorities have advised the Icelanders that “as many people as possible need to be infected with the virus as the vaccines are not enough.”
Do you hear this?
Iceland’s government now tells its people that it is good to contract Covid. In other words, Iceland’s government has decided to handle Covid through herd immunity derived from natural infection.
This marks the complete negation of the official Covid narrative which was accepted as the conventional wisdom by nearly every government for the last two years.
The narrative ran something this: People should try to avoid getting infected at all costs and instead wait until they can get injected with the hastily concocted experimental vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and such.
Now, however, governments are increasingly encouraging their citizens to forget about the vaccines and instead go out and take on the virus with their own immune system.
What in the world?