How Rare Are Vaccine Side Effects? Not Very Rare at All.

The CDC and Wall St. Journal both say serious side effects from the COVID vaccines are extremely rare. They are lying. But now we have unassailable proof from the Israeli government!

This article, by Wall Street Journal staff writer Jenny Strasburg (see Covid-19 Vaccines Were Deadly in Rare Cases. Governments Are Now Weighing Compensation) says:

Serious side effects so far have been very rare—estimated at roughly one to 11 per 100,000 doses for some of the more serious harmful reactions identified by regulators in the most-affected age groups, according to U.S. and European government officials and researchers. They include blood clotting, nervous-system disorders and heart problems, all of which also can be caused by Covid itself.

Similarly, a story in The Epoch Times entitled “US Agencies Quietly Studying Reports of Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues” also revealed that there are some side-effects and they are really rare, but the CDC is studying them. That article says this:

The CDC lists only one adverse event as likely having “a causal relationship” with a vaccine. That’s TTS and the Johnson & Johnson shot.

The CDC and Wall St. Journal are both lying to you. Big time.

The truth is the vaccines are an unmitigated disaster. The most dangerous vaccines in human history. They should be immediately halted.

But the mainstream media is completely silent and totally ignored this study because it goes against the narrative.

Here’s the proof… right from the Israeli Ministry of Health

The latest proof of that comes from the Israeli Ministry of Health who did something that no government agency has ever done before: did a proactive survey of people who got the booster (instead of using a passive surveillance system like everyone else does). This is the only way to get true rate data since you know the denominator.

The reason no government ever did this before is because they knew it would show the vaccines were a disaster. So if they never looked, they can plausibly say, “we had no idea.”

Obviously, something went wrong and the government of Israel did a proactive survey, something all governments in the world should have done at the very start of the vaccination program.

For passive surveillance, you are always estimating underreporting factors.

For active surveillance, no estimates are required. You see the real data. The only thing you don’t get is death data because dead people don’t answer their phone.

In this case, 2,068 people provided answers. Could it be biased? Yup. The results at worst could be over stated by a factor of two. And even with that fudge factor it doesn’t matter because the rates are off the charts.

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