I noticed your pumpkin spice horse dewormer meme on Facebook. I didn’t react because none of the emojis captured the mixture of sadness, disappointment, and surprise I felt upon seeing it.
I am dismayed to see that you, as scientifically literate as you are, fell for the pharmaceutical corporations’ smear campaign against a Nobel-Prize–winning medication. If someone as intelligent, savvy, and rational as you could be deceived by such a brazenly undisguised disinformation campaign, what hope is there for the stupefied masses?
That said, I believe you are intellectually honest enough to consider the possibility that exceedingly lucrative lies are being peddled by the media, self-appointed mouthpieces, celebrities, politicians, and agencies lavishly paid for and wielded by BigPharma. And I would hope you would want to investigate to determine the truth for yourself rather than religiously Trusting The Science™ and attendant sound bytes being shoveled down our gullets every conscious moment.
Recall the escalating levels of duplicity, corruption, and malevolence depicted over the course of Breaking Bad—and multiply that cumulative nefariousness a thousandfold. Then add a few trillion dollars of captive, globally mandated profits, and you’ll begin to grasp why the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel has harnessed every available mechanism of mass formation to induce hypnosis, coerce compliance, and mute the voices of scientists and medical professionals who persist in speaking the truth at grave risk to their livelihoods, reputations, and lives.
Understand that it was necessary for the pharmaceutical corporations to discredit any proven, cheap, effective alternatives to the vaccines to secure the Emergency Use Authorization that granted the manufacturers 100 percent immunity from liability—an appealing arrangement considering Pfizer was surely eager to avoid another landmark penalty like the $2.3 billion the U.S. Justice Department described as the largest health care fraud settlement in its history.
The fox is guarding the henhouse, the wolf is howling incessantly about his trustworthiness, the snake is strangling any roosters who sound the alarm, and the coyote is stringing barbed wire around the farm. Meanwhile, the Stockholm Syndrome–afflicted hens are gobbling up their feed, clucking proudly about their beloved guards, echoing every talking point, and furiously defending the predators against those who remain skeptical about their motives.
Getting back to ivermectin. As The Dude would say, “New shit has come to light.”
You probably heard the viral hit piece about the Oklahoma hospital turning away gunshot victims due to an influx of people overdosing on horse dewormer paste. You may not have heard the hospital issued a statement refuting that lie, which included the following:
“NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.
“All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.”
Rolling Stone was forced to issue a retraction, albeit still laden with biased language reinforcing the original unsubstantiated claims about ivermectin.