We are at war, people—a one-sided war. The freedom-fighters of America have lost their way and cannot discern that enemies are deep within their midst. This is because today’s war is psychological. No adversary of freedom has ever before been able to conquer the entire world through military combat—humanity always saw what was coming and fought back. But this time around it is different. Americans and people in other free nations are clueless that they have been under an enemy attack since the inception of Covid-19, and that a diabolical military psyop has been underway.
America’s infiltrated government and military are at the forefront of this psychological operation, along with China. Under the guise of the communist Sustainable Development global agenda, which is deeply rooted in world governments, this crusade to globalize and “reset” the world is in direct opposition to the West’s values and ideals. If it is allowed to come to power, the colossally and cruelty of this new technocratic system will not compare to any previous tyrannical regimes. We are currently witnessing a tiny inkling of that cruelty through lockdowns, forced mask wearing, and the grievous orders eradicating the rights of the non-vaccinated to work, attend theaters, or visit malls. “Hell on earth” is coming because the enemies of freedom have crafted a well-organized global psyop utilizing a fake virus called Covid-19, and their weapons are mind control and DNA-altering vaccines.
What are psyops? Let’s use the US Department of Defense’s own definition on the word, since they have been exercising psychological warfare since World War I:
Psyops are the use of propaganda and psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviors.
The DOD’s 2004 and 2010 “Counterinsurgency Operations Reports” explain a psyop as the following:
The mission of psychological Operations (psyops) is to influence the behavior of foreign target audiences to support US national objectives. A psyop accomplishes this by conveying selected information and advising on actions that influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences. Behavioral change is at the root of the psyop mission.
Did you catch that last sentence? The goal of a psyop is behavioral change. Behavioral modifications occur through mind control techniques. Psychological operations use multiple layers of deception, and involve numerous players. Because the military is involved, the cover up is extensive. Psyops can be applied to research psychological effects on certain populated areas, for political persuasion, or to invade a country.
The Rwanda Genocide in 1994 is an example of how easily behavior and emotions can be transformed through a well-organized psyop. The Hutu militia exterminated 800,000 Tutsis (Rwanda citizens) in a mere 100 days, proving to the world how ordinary people can be coerced to do unthinkable acts in a short period of time. The planned propaganda included a constant barrage of suggestive messages through radio and newspapers. Schools hopped on board and implemented anti-Tutsi teachings into curriculum. Magazines used reverse psychology and published cartoons showing Tutsis killing Hutus. One publication printed the image of a machete on its front page, with the headline What to do about the Tutsis? That psychological trickery stuck in the minds, and the machete became the weapon of choice. Hutus slaughtered neighbors, friends and wives. Even Hutu priests killed their own Tutsi parishioners.
DOD’s footprints were all over the Tutsi genocide, and I do not believe it was oversight that caused the United States to turn their back on hundreds of thousands of defenseless human beings, especially when they were able to airlift Americans out of Rwanda during the slaughter. In 1996, just two years after the genocide, the US military was in Rwanda training Rwandan military on counterinsurgency training.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic originated, similar covert psychology has been executed against the masses through extensive media coverage and propaganda. Swaths of falsehoods about the number of Covid cases bombard the news daily. Images of sick people and the “heroes” who tirelessly work on the Covid patients at hospitals are splashed in magazines and websites to create a false reality. Signs and floor stickers warning us to stay six feet apart are plastered in retail stores and restaurants. Cyclical broadcasts over loudspeakers inside public areas remind us to stay distanced and wear masks. Freeway signs everywhere flash intrusive pandemic warnings and flaunt vaccine necessity. These repetitive tactics are an integral key to thought control and keeping the people in a state of obedience.
One of the first approaches used by the globalists to brainwash the populace was to isolate everyone through lockdowns and separate them from family and friends. This tactic starts the deprogramming process. The “stay-at-home” rules kept the sequestered citizens dependent on the only ideas and information they had constant access to—the media. This allowed the infiltrators in the government to mold society’s thought processes regarding the pandemic storyline.
The next strategy of brainwash was to implement the “us” versus “them” mindset, which causes division and pits one group against another in order to achieve an outcome of loyalty. Both groups are told to pick a side, and if they do not pick the correct side, they are labeled as “spreaders of disease” and outcasts. Of course, this psychological bulldozing steers the majority toward choosing the popular team. This coercive persuasion was accomplished through the mask orders and is now psychologically progressing through pitting the vaccinated citizens against the non-vaccinated. The constant accusations, intimidations and punishments against the outcasts who refuse to vaccinate or wear masks are intended in order to induce fear, humiliation and depression. This group will be continually “stoned” until they change course.
When the obedient populace closed their businesses and caged themselves inside their homes, blindly accepting abnormal medical policies and depraved life routines as the “new normal,” their emotions, objective reasoning, and behaviors quickly metamorphosed into a place of surrender and denial. Current data showing 641 million Covid tests administered so far in the US prove how effective this psyop has been in creating paranoia. When the mRNA “machete” was introduced through all media outlets as the only means with which to stop the pandemic, the conditioned majority embraced the falsehoods that herd immunity would not stop the virus.
The unpredictable and abusive psychological attacks by our government and military on American citizens is similar to the brainwashing techniques used on prisoners of war, hostages, and cult members. Mask mandates were ordered because depriving people of oxygen is sadistic. Such abuse generates a “battle-fatigued” populace, similar to the type of weariness soldiers go through in combat. They know that once the people become worn down and overwhelmed with fear, they are easily manipulated. Hitler’s reign used similar indoctrination methods. The entire medical establishment succumbed to Germany’s brutal atrocities against humanity and participated in mass murder, forced sterilization, and infanticide. We should have learned from history, and yet today we see America’s healthcare professionals join the side of the majority and tune out 100 years of established medical knowledge to participate in health fraud, experimental vaccinations, death panels and the mistreatment of the elderly.
Fauci’s fear-provoked decree that there would be no chance of a return to pre-Covid-19 societal behavior until an effective vaccine was developed worked on the “fatigued” population. Over sixty percent took the weaponized injection. But it is not enough for these madmen in power. Their goal is to vaccinate everyone. The media blitz is now accelerated to full throttle and they are going after the non-vaccinated like the Hutus went after the Tutsis. The non-vaccinated are fast becoming like Jews with yellow stars, without any right to life. In time they will not be allowed to buy food or receive medical treatment unless they vaccinate. If the populace continues to ignore the obliteration of their freedoms, confiscation of private property will be next.
Trump’s presidency was a pre-psyop to kick off the planned pandemic and woo the conservative followers into accepting mRNA vaccinations. His acting paid off. Despite proof that Trump’s past political views were liberal, and his tight friendships with collectivists, like the Clintons, were many, Trump seduced half of America to believe that he had a change of heart. His actions contradicted his numerous and repetitive speeches that promised he would make “America great again.” The conservative camp fell under his spell and refused to make him accountable.
The pandemic was birthed under Trump’s presidency. He permitted constant violations of civil rights, ignored federal law, and closed his eyes to medical know-how by allowing inhumane lockdowns, forced business closures, and unhealthy mask wearing. He quickly introduced Operation Warp Speed to facilitate and accelerate development, manufacturing, and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines. He wrongfully activated the military to participate in administering the vaccines on American soil (he did this because the military is running the psyop and funding the vaccine companies).
Trump did not make America great again. Under his administration the United States lost its freedoms, and sunk into a battlefield of division, oppression and lawlessness. His only success as a president was his cunning knack in seducing the minds of his audience.
According to federal law and “Military Psychological Operations” report, it is illegal for the US military to practice psychological operations on American citizens. To do so is a violation of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which was passed by Congress to prevent the State Department from using Soviet-style propaganda techniques on US citizens. (As you see, communists have been diligently working to infiltrate their way into the US government since 1948.) This is the reason DOD reports only refer to “foreign” target audiences when dealing with psyops.
The US military has been deeply involved in numerous illegal psyops against civilians for decades. An ACLU article written March 2nd, 2011, by Robyn Greene, titled, “Military May Be Engaged in Illegal Psychological Operations and Propaganda Against US Citizens,” states the following:
On February 23rd, it was reported by Rolling Stone, that Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops, commanded his Information Operations (IO) cell to target congressional delegations visiting his base as part of a campaign to manipulate the perceptions and opinions of U.S. senators and representatives through psychological operations (PSYOP).
The US military is no longer following their own laws regarding psyops because the heads of America’s military no longer support American values. The US military is now engaged in an act of war against the American people through their Covid-19 psychological warfare operation. These actions are prelude to restructuring America’s current government for a new global regime; and why DOD is partnered with communist China in the development and funding of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.
CIA-funded Medical Experiments?
The 1978 Jonestown “religious cult” massacre in Guyana had all the signs of a US government-ordered psyop, led by leader Reverend Jim Jones, a CIA asset who had a lot of connections to upper echelon in government. The public had been spoon-fed a tale that over 900 religious fanatics obeyed the orders of Jones and simultaneously committed suicide by drinking a poisoned punch. But that was no religious group, and most of those people did not die by suicide. The Guyanese chief medical examiner had reported that only 200 might have committed suicide, and the rest had been murdered. The entire “cult” was swaddled in fingerprints of an orchestrated CIA-operation for mind control and medical experiments on American citizens.
A lot was revealed about the Jim Jones’ compound in Michael Meiers’ book, Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? The complex had its own on-site state-of-the-art medical facilities, and sect members sported hospital-style wristbands. The members looked more like prisoners under medical care, not religious zealots. Jones’ “subjects” were mostly black and included a high percentage of poor women and former prisoners. Obviously, the members did not have the funds to help pay for high-end medical provisions—but someone did.
When Representative Leo Ryan flew to Jonestown with a group of his political affiliates to investigate the speculation of abuse by Jones’ leadership, he and his group were ambushed and gunned down by members of Jones’ cult. Ryan and the CIA had been at odds with each other due to Ryan’s push to keep the CIA transparent, and so suspicion grew after it was discovered that Laurance Layton, the sect member who had shot and killed Ryan, had family ties with the US government and CIA. Laurance’s father not only had involvement in the development of biological warfare and genetic experimentation programs for the US government, but Layton senior had also invested large amounts of money into Jonestown. Laurance’s brother-in-law, George Blakey, was also a known CIA contract agent.
Hats off to Leo Ryan. His death unmasked the fact that American government is knee-deep in dirty little secrets—dirty little “patented” secrets that are even more brutal today than they were 40 years ago because genetic experiments are now being forced on unsuspecting populations through mRNA vaccinations. Through implementation of a global military psyop the enemies of the West have successfully sneaked in through the back door, not through an active military invasion, but through an underhanded douse of brainwash.