From the Tom Woods Letter:
What happened in Afghanistan is important, of course, and episode #1952 of the Tom Woods Show discusses it.
But I guess I’m incorrigibly America First, though, because what’s happening right here in our own country is to me of far greater urgency and significance to every single American than anything happening on the other side of the world.
You are losing your own country, right now.
This week New York City’s vaccine passport went into effect. And although, strictly speaking, enforcement won’t begin until September 13, lots of places are already demanding your papers. Virtually everything you can think of that you might want to do in the city will be closed to unvaccinated people.
Months ago I planned a trip to NYC in part to see a few old friends. I was supposed to head there yesterday.
But to hell with it. I’m not giving the vaccine fascists one cent.
I spoke to the head of catering today at a major New York institution (I’m sure he wants to remain anonymous). He seemed doubtful that this system would remain in place for even a year, though he conceded that it’s impossible to know.
Regardless, it is unbelievable that this is happening at all — and when the FDA approves the vaccines, things will only get worse.
Some people are claiming that these kinds of policies will help business, but it seems clear to me that it will crush them.
Recently I spoke to the guys behind Right Said Fred (you’ll surely remember “I’m Too Sexy,” one of their numerous hits), who turn out to be extremely sound on the virus, the evil passport system, and all the rest.
They are refusing to perform before what they call a “segregated audience,” so that means they’re not doing any shows or festivals at all for the time being.
This is what principled people sound like (not to mention they’re a lot of fun):